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Though the refugee crisis was discussed in many countries e.g. in Greece, Hungary, Italy and Spain long before 2015, it began to receive cross- European press coverage only after Angela Merkel’s statement ‘Wir schaffen das!’ on the August 30th 2015 This data-based study focuses on, how journalists report on and leading politicians make statements about refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in media and frame these humans after Angela Merkels’ sentence in 2015 until the end of 2017. This volume uses mainly Corpus Linguistics but also Communicative Science for the analysis of labelling strategies and the usage of words, collocations and grammar systems used by journalists and politicians in different European countries in comparison. This empirical volume pictures language specific variation and change of labels. To enable a contrastive study between the press discourses of many European countries, every chapter analyses the data consisting of newspaper articles describing the discourse of a particular country, including discourses of some transit countries around the borders of the Schengen Area of the European Union, which barely have been covered in other studies.
Europe is the name for a scintillating variety of historically emerged concepts, constantly developed and discussed over time. Its complexity and fuzziness is reflected in a multitude of myths, topoi, symbols and boundaries, which all constitute shared knowledge of the concept of EUROPE and which continue to influence attempts to (de- and re-)construct European identity. The case studies collected in this volume investigate the competing concepts of Europe in political and public discourses from a wide range of perspectives (e.g. frame semantics, discourse linguistics, multimodal analysis), focusing on the following aspects: How is EUROPE conceptualised, (re-)negotiated and legitimised by different political actors, political bodies and institutions? How does “the European idea” change throughout history and how is the re-emerging idea of nationality evaluated?
This Research Handbook offers a comprehensive study of jurilinguistics that not only presents the latest international research findings among academics and practitioners, but also provides a new approach to the phenomena and nature of communicative flexibility, legal genres, vulnerability of interlingual legal communication, and the cultural landscape of legal translation.
The verbs of the 'to be'-group, also called verba substantiva, belong to the most enigmatic phenomena of the human language. Combining a distinct suppletivity of their conjugational forms in most languages with a striking semantic and functional ambiguity, as well as unique syntactic capabilities, they form a very specific class of linguistic entities. They can be referred to, without exaggeration, as one of the conceptually gravest and most "symptomatic" language formations. Typologically, the be-verbs demonstrate, on the one hand, a set of similar features in almost every language, which is excellent evidence of their universal validity. On the other hand, the differences between these ver...
This volume brings together important theoretical and methodological issues currently being debated in the field of history of education. The contributions shed insightful and critical light on the historiography of education, on issues of de-/colonization, on the historical development of the educational sciences and on the potentiality attached to the use of new and challenging source material.
Anglo-American Stage and Screen Drama analyses and discusses the contemporary role of stage and screen drama as a critical forum for progressive thinking in an increasingly polarised geopolitical world. The book addresses the cultural politics of socially engaged 21st century stage plays and films, and makes the case for drama as a sociopolitical forum, in which the complex and contentious issues that confront society can be explored and debated. It conceives of Anglophone political drama as a significant intervention in today’s culture wars, representing the latter as a convenient distraction from the ongoing depredations of neoliberalism. In the main part of the book selected case-study plays and films from each of the first two decades illustrate drama’s capacity to influence critical debate on social justice issues. All of the case-study texts under discussion express a powerful aesthetics of resistance to right-wing ideology, and promote inclusive and enlightened values. This broader orientation underlines drama’s role as a channel for critical agency in today’s putative post-socialist, post-democratic climate.
Als „Prozesse sprachlicher Verstärkung“ werden Reanalyse-Vorgänge behandelt, bei denen sprachliche Einheiten auf der Skala der Konstruktionsebenen ‒ Phonologie, Morphologie, Lexik ‒ aufsteigen („Degrammatikalisierung“) und sich von synthetisch-intransparenten zu analytisch-transparanten Gebilden entwickeln („Delexikalisierung“) ‒ Prozesse also, die der „Grammatikalisierung“ und „Lexikalisierung“ entgegengerichtet sind. Ein erster Themenblock versammelt unter dem Motto „Form sucht Bedeutung“ Beiträge zur semantischen Verstärkung formaler Substanz: zu Volksetymologie, Affix- und Index-Reanalyse, Mondegreens, De-Idiomatisierung und semantischer Aufladung sprach...
Die Dialektforschung hat in ihrer Methodik starken Wandel durchlaufen. Digitale Ressourcen ermöglichen neue Herangehensweisen und die Zusammenführung von Erkenntnissen, perzeptive Ansätze ergänzen die frühere Fokussierung auf die Sprachproduktion. Solch unterschiedliche Perspektiven werden anhand von Untersuchungen zu bairischen, ostfränkischen und alemannischen Dialekten in diesem Band zusammengeführt. Die Artikel widmen sich der methodischen Entwicklung und der Erschließung von Datenquellen, sei es in neuen Korpora oder in alten, bislang noch unausgewerteten Datensammlungen. Die Struktur des kontinuierlichen Spektrums zwischen Dialekt und Standardsprache aus Produktions- und Perzep...
Der Krieg in der Ukraine fordert weitgehende politische Entscheidungen und Weichenstellungen. In Deutschland steht hierfür sinnbildlich das Kanzler-Wort von der Zeitenwende, das keineswegs leere Phrase ist. Immerhin steht in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang mit ihm nicht zuletzt der massive Ausbau der Bundeswehr, und es bildet die Grundlage für umfangreiche Waffenlieferungen in ein Kriegsgebiet in einem Maße, das wenige Wochen vor dem Ausbruch dieses Krieges wohl kaum ohne einen vehementen öffentlichen Aufschrei möglich gewesen wäre. Gleich wie man politisch zu diesen schwierigen Entscheidungen steht – die Aufgabe dieser Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur ist es, in solchen Momenten einen aufmerksamen und kritischen Blick auf den Diskurs zu werfen, der sie begleitet und umgibt. Die in diesem Themenheft versammelten essayistischen Notizen von Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und Sprachwissenschaftlern zu unserer unmittelbarsten Gegenwart vermitteln eindrücklich, wie groß die Bedeutung von Sprache ist und stets war im Kontext von Krieg und der Sehnsucht nach seinem Ende, nach "Frieden".
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