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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 228


Covid-19 has changed our educational landscape. It has created distances, yet at the same time it has also created borderless classrooms. Any student can now jump from one classroom to another classroom – not only from their own department but also to faculties and even to universities from all over the worlds in seconds. An Indonesian student can take courses not only from his/her university but also take courses from Pilipino, Malaysian or U.S.A. University during the course of their studies. This is possible due to the Indonesian’s Kampus Merdeka program, which has promoted that education is now free to take, anyway we like, insofar as the requirements of taking the desired class are met. Students want to learn how to become creative and innovative beings. How can the School of Arts and Language Studies, such as the English study program can become competitive individuals? This book contains insights and results of research done by students, lecturers, teachers, and practitioners, who writes on the theme: “Arts and Entrepreneurship in Language Studies”.

Incorporating Sustainable Practice in Mechanics and Structures of Materials
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 955

Incorporating Sustainable Practice in Mechanics and Structures of Materials

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-11-18
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Incorporating Sustainable Practice in Mechanics of Structures and Materials is a collection of peer-reviewed papers presented at the 21st Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM21, Victoria, University, Melbourne, Australia, 7th 10th of December 2010). The contributions from academics, researchers and practisin

Buku Ajar Kegawatdaruratan Maternal dan Neonatal untuk Mahasiswa Kebidanan: Disertai dengan Evidence Based Pelayanan Kebidanan
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 308

Buku Ajar Kegawatdaruratan Maternal dan Neonatal untuk Mahasiswa Kebidanan: Disertai dengan Evidence Based Pelayanan Kebidanan

Buku yang bertemakan “Kegawatdaruratan Maternal dan Neonatal untuk Mahasiswa Kebidanan” diperuntukkan bagi pembaca sebagai sumber informasi juga memberi ilmu yang berkaitan dengan “kegawatdaruratan maternal dan neonatal”. Buku ini setidaknya dapat menjadi pedoman dalam kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan kegawatdaruratan maternal dan neonatal untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini mencakup: Bab 1 Prinsip Deteksi Dini Kelainan, Komplikasi, dan Penyakit pada Masa Kehamilan, Persalinan, serta Nifas Bab 2 Penyakit yang Menyertai Kehamilan dan Persalinan Bab 3 Infeksi yang Menyertai Kehamilan dan Persalinan Bab 4 Komplikasi dan Penyulit Kehamilan Trisemester I Bab 5 Komplikasi dan Penyulit Kehamilan Trisemester III Bab 6 Pendarahan Antepartum dan Postpartum Bab 7 Kelainan dalam Lamanya Kehamilan Bab 8 Kehamilan Ganda Bab 9 Kelainan Air Ketuban Bab 10 Kelainan Letak Janin dalam Rahim Bab 11 Distosia Bahu Bab 12 Kehamilan dengan Gangguan Jiwa Bab 13 Asfiksia Bab 14 Hiperbilirubinemia (Ikterus) Bab 15 Kegawatdaruratan pada Neonatus

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 553


The complex problems of education and technological development and information demands, then takes its main innovations in learning. The purpose of this Education is Innovation in order to improve the quality, effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and productivity, making the learning process more meaningful and fun for children. Innovation can be performed in all subjects, learning methods, media and evaluation. Innovation-based learning local culture values will yield the superior character that will benefit children in the face of a globalized world. So is innovation technology-based learning, make learning be fun so that children become active and creative ideas, thoughts, research related to the innovation of education can be presented in International Conference Education, Culture and technology is preferred. The theme of this Conference: Innovation of Education to Improve Character Value for Childern.

Regional Minorities and Development in Asia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 219

Regional Minorities and Development in Asia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-09-10
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Asia has undergone strong economic growth since the Second World War. However, it also experiences growing economic and regional disparities brought about by this unprecedented development. This economic growth cannot be considered sustainable without taking into consideration the social development of minority populations, as well as the fundamentals of minority rights. The chapters in this book work from the premise that an environment that favours the emergence of various conditions necessary for the development of minority populations will contribute towards further economic development and prosperity, as well as the social cohesion of the entire country. Bringing together perspectives f...

Asuhan Kebidanan pada Masa Nifas dan Menyusui Berdasarkan Evidence Based
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 156

Asuhan Kebidanan pada Masa Nifas dan Menyusui Berdasarkan Evidence Based

Masa nifas dianggap sebagai masa-masa kritis bagi ibu setelah melahirkan. Berbagai masalah dapat timbul selama masa nifas, baik yang berupa komplikasi fisik maupun komplikasi psikologis. Oleh karena itu sangatlah penting perhatian khusus dari tenaga kesehatan, terutama oleh profesi bidan, dengan memberikan asuhan kebidanan yang sesuai dengan bukti ilmiah. Buku ini diperuntukan bagi pembaca sebagai sumber informasi juga memberi ilmu yang berkaitan dengan asuhan kebidanan pada masa nifas dan menyusui, khususnya untuk mahasiswa kebidanan. Buku ini membahas dan disajikan dengan kompetensi mata kuliah Asuhan Kebidanan pada Masa Nifas dan Menyusui pada Kurikulum Program Diploma Kebidanan dan Sarjana Kebidanan. Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini mencakup: Bab 1 Konsep Dasar Asuhan Masa Nifas Bab 2 Perubahan Fisioogi Masa Nifas Bab 3 Proses Adaptasi Fisiologi padaIbu Masa Nifas Bab 4 Respons Orang Tua Terhadap Bayu Baru Lahir Bab 5 Proses Laktasi dan Menyusui Bab 6 ASI Ekslusif dan Kebijakan Pemerintah Terkait ASI Bab 7 Kebutuhan Dasar Ibu Masa Nifas Bab 8 Manajemen Kebidanan pada Masa Nifas Bab 9 Tindak Lanjut Masa Nifas Bab 10 Deteksi Dini Komplikasi Masa Nifas dan Penanganannya

Threads of the Unfolding Web
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 335

Threads of the Unfolding Web

Threads of the Unfolding Web is essential reading for scholars, students and the general reader interested in Javanese history of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Little is known about the history of Java in this period, which witnessed the beginnings of major global economic, political, cultural and religious change. It was a time when Java saw the decline of the once powerful eastern Javanese kingdom of Majapahit, the rise of Muslim kingdoms on Java’s northern coast and the arrival of the first Europeans in the person of the Portuguese Tomé Pires in Java’s cosmopolitan ports. "Stuart Robson’s expert English translation of the Tantu Panggĕlaran gives his readers ready access t...

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 685

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)

This is an open access book. The rapid advancement of technology has created new civilization in this digital era which affects almost all aspects of life including language, literature, culture, and education. The digital era brings opportunities as well as challenges that people have to deal with. Thus, some adjustments need to be done in order to keep up with those changes. Studies on language, literature, culture, and education need to be continuously conducted and developed to revitalize those aspects in facing the dynamic changes of the digital era. In relation to this, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPBS UPI) hosts this year’s Interna...

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 300


Kalimat ini saya gaungkan di hadapan puluhan ribu orang. Dan, ribuan orang menyambut. Kini mereka pun menggenggam keajaiban itu, atas izin Allah. Di aplikasi Telegram, Magnet Rezeki alhamdulillah menjadi channel pertama di Indonesia yang menembus angka 100.000 member. Mereka adalah orang-orang biasa yang berharap dapatkan keajaiban. Dan, Allah Maha Memenuhi janji-Nya. Satu per satu testimonial keajaiban menghiasi perjalanan Ilmu Magnet Rezeki, hingga kisah ajaib itu berlipat ganda menjadi air bah yang mengisi sejarah komunitas kami. Saya yakin, keajaiban adalah milik setiap orang. Keajaiban bukan dongeng. Keajaiban bukan hanya milik kisah-kisah zaman dulu kala. Keajaiban itu nyata adanya, da...