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  • Language: id
  • Pages: 237


Bayi baru lahir (Neonatus) adalah bayiyang baru lahir mengalami proses kelahiran, berusia 0 - 28 hari, BBL memerlukan penyesuaian fisiologis berupa maturase, adaptasi (menyesuaikan diri dari kehidupan intra uterin ke kehidupan (ekstrauterain) dan toleransi bagi BBL utuk dapat hidup dengan baik.

Perkembangan Metode Kontrasepsi Masa Kini
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 245

Perkembangan Metode Kontrasepsi Masa Kini

Keluarga berencana atau Family Planning adalah upaya mewujudkan keluarga berkualitas melalui promosi, perlindungan dan bantuan dalam hak-hak reproduksi untuk membentuk keluarga dengan usia kawin yang ideal, mengatur jumlah, jarak kehamilan, membina ketahanan serta kesejahteraan anak (BKKBN, 2015).

Kelainan bawaan dan penyakit yang sering dialami bayi dan balita
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 281

Kelainan bawaan dan penyakit yang sering dialami bayi dan balita

Kelainan kongenital merupakan kelainan dalam pertumbuhan struktur bayi yang timbul sejak kehidupan hasiI konsepsi sel telur. Kelainan kongenital dapat merupakan sebab penting terjadinya abortus, lahir mati atau kematian segera setelah lahir. Kejadian bayi baru lahir dengan kelainan kongenital kurang lebih 15 per 1000 kelahiran. Kelainan kongenital pada bayi baru lahir merupakan penyebab kematian nomor tiga dari kematian bayi dibawah umur satu tahun (Ellyati et al., 2019). Kelainan bawaan/kongenital merupakan penyebab kematian tersering ketiga setelah prematuritas dan gizi buruk. Di negara maju, 30% dari seluruh penderita yang dirawat di rumah sakit anak terdiri dari penderita kelainan kongenital seperti: hidrosefalus, anencephalus, bibir/palatum sumbing, hipospadia, malformasi anorektal, hirschsprung, fimosis, dan akibat yang ditimbulkannya (Amani et al., 2021).

Kupas Tuntas Ginekologi dan Infertilitas
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 317

Kupas Tuntas Ginekologi dan Infertilitas

Obstetri adalah cabang kedokteran yang berhubungan dengan kehamilan dan persalinan, termasuk proses sebelum, selama, dan setelah seorang wanita melahirkan. Ginekologi adalah cabang kedokteran yang fokus pada kesehatan tubuh dan organ reproduksi wanita. Cabang ini mencakup diagnosis, penanganan, hingga perawatan penyakit yang terkait dengan organ reproduksi wanita. Wanita hamil biasanya berkunjung ke ahli obstetri dan ginekologi untuk pemeriksaan dan perawatan rutin antenatal (antenatal care), yakni pemeriksaan kondisi kehamilan dan persiapan persalinan. Rentang waktunya beragam sesuai anjuran dokter selama masa kehamilan, tetapi mereka akan menemui dokter secara rutin tiap trimester.

Understanding Nutrition
  • Language: en

Understanding Nutrition

With more than 1 million readers, bestselling UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION emphasizes strong science and nutrition basics, hands-on learning, and the most current coverage available. Packaged with the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, the 14th Edition includes new and updated topics in every chapter, quick-reference tables, expansive weight loss information, thorough coverage of fitness and energy systems, and much more. Readers quickly connect with the text's approachable writing style and carefully developed art program, and its emphasis on active learning includes a rich variety of ways to help you put what you learn into action. You will also be challenged to evaluate your own dietary choices and set healthy goals through activities in the Diet & Wellness Plus digital app. In addition, through the MindTap for Nutrition companion online program, you can create a customizable learning path to walk you step by step through the course.

Informal Labor, Formal Politics, and Dignified Discontent in India
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

Informal Labor, Formal Politics, and Dignified Discontent in India

Since the 1980s, the world's governments have decreased state welfare and thus increased the number of unprotected 'informal' or 'precarious' workers. As a result, more and more workers do not receive secure wages or benefits from either employers or the state. This book offers a fresh and provocative look into the alternative social movements informal workers in India are launching. It also offers a unique analysis of the conditions under which these movements succeed or fail. Drawing from 300 interviews with informal workers, government officials and union leaders, Rina Agarwala argues that Indian informal workers are using their power as voters to demand welfare benefits from the state, rather than demanding traditional work benefits from employers. In addition, they are organizing at the neighborhood level, rather than the shop floor, and appealing to 'citizenship', rather than labor rights.

Challenges in Change
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 368

Challenges in Change

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1996
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Politics of Labor Reform in Latin America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 249

Politics of Labor Reform in Latin America


Theory and Practice of Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 180

Theory and Practice of Education

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Indonesia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 524

Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Indonesia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-01-03
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Few countries as culturally rich, politically pivotal, and naturally beautiful as Indonesia are as often misrepresented in global media and conversation. Stretching 3,400 miles east to west along the equator, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and home to more than four hundred ethnic groups and several major world religions. This sprawling Southeast Asian nation is also the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country and the third largest democracy. Although in recent years the country has experienced serious challenges with regard to religious harmony, its trillion-dollar economy is booming and its press and public sphere are among the most vibrant in Asia. A la...