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Innovative and creative teaching methods tailored to meet the demands of the current era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 are becoming increasingly prevalent in higher education institutions. Educators must cultivate and implement these strategies in their classrooms to incorporate the essential skills of Education 4.0 and digitalization in education. This book aims to explore and showcase various aspects of innovative pedagogies for Higher Education 4.0, drawing from best practices worldwide to provide a comprehensive understanding of this evolving field. Innovative Pedagogical Practices for Higher Education 4.0 highlights the cutting‐edge technologies essential for Education 4.0 and equips e...
Perkembangan dunia komputasi dan komunikasi menghasilkan masyarakat yang bergantung kepada informasi. Namun, sebagian besar informasi masih dalam bentuk mentahnya yaitu berupa data. Jika data didefinisikan sebagai fakta yang direkam, maka informasi adalah seperangkat pola atau harapan yang berdasarkan dari data tersebut. Ada banyak sekali informasi yang masih tersembunyi dari suatu kumpulan data yang cukup besar. Informasi ini menyimpan nilai yang berharga tetapi belum diartikulasikan. Data Science adalah bidang ilmu yang berkembang dan bergerak cepat. Buku ini menjelaskan konsep fundamental dari data science sehingga para pembaca dapat memahami inti dari bidang ilmu tersebut. Buku ini diran...
Buku ini disusun dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami dan dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh program yang dapat langsung dijalankan oleh pembaca. Setiap konsep dan teknik dalam pembuatan algoritma dipaparkan dengan jelas dan diikuti oleh contoh program yang relevan. Selain itu, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan latihan-latihan yang akan membantu pembaca untuk memperdalam pemahaman tentang algoritma pemrograman Python. Latihan-latihan tersebut juga disertai dengan jawaban dan penjelasan terperinci. Penulis berharap buku ini dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk mempelajari algoritma pemrograman Python dengan lebih mudah dan menyenangkan. Dengan membaca dan mempelajari buku ini, diharapkan pembaca dapat memperoleh pengetahuan yang cukup untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dalam pemrograman Python, dan dapat mengaplikasikannya pada berbagai bidang pekerjaan di masa depan.
Penerbit: Airlangga University Press ISBN: 9786024737481 Buku saku ini membahas detail mengenai social media marketing serta tips dan trik penggunaan media sosial untuk pengembangan bisnis yang bermanfaat bagi para pekerja migran Indonesia untuk memulai usaha bisnis online mereka dengan cepat dan mudah. Selain itu, untuk membantu meningkatkan ketertarikan calon pembeli, buku ini juga memberikan panduan pembuatan desain untuk konten bisnis. Terakhir, bagi para pekerja migran Indonesia yang masih belum familiar dengan penggunaan aplikasi Microsoft Pengolah Kata, Data, dan Presentasi maka buku saku ini juga dapat dijadikan pedoman bagaimana mengoperasikan Microsoft Word, Excel dan Power Point, serta panduan membuat proposal yang baik.
Buku panduan penggunaan Microsoft Office 365 ini berisi informasi mengenai virtual off ice berbasis cloud yang disediakan oleh Microsoft Office 365 dan panduan penggunaan fitur dasar sampai fitur-fitur penting untuk memfasilitasi praktik pembelajaran daring yang kreatif.
Universities are rarely structured to facilitate learning and when they are, it is often done so in a limited way. This book looks at the theory and practice of learning and how universities can improve their quality and competence. It tackles the past failure of the quality and competence movements and advocates a move towards 'Universities of Learning'. The authors advocate an integration of elements that are often dealt with separately - theory and practice, teaching and research, and the levels of institution and individual - and handle these dimensions of integration in conjunction with each other. This new paperback edition will be essential reading for all those who are concerned with improving learning in higher education. It includes an updated preface that takes account of developments since the publication of the hardback edition.
The mathematics education community continues to contribute research-based ideas for developing and improving problem posing as an inquiry-based instructional strategy for enhancing students’ learning. A large number of studies have been conducted which have covered many research topics and methodological aspects of teaching and learning mathematics through problem posing. The Authors' groundwork has shown that many of these studies predict positive outcomes from implementing problem posing on: student knowledge, problem solving and posing skills, creativity and disposition toward mathematics. This book examines, in-depth, the contribution of a problem posing approach to teaching mathematics and discusses the impact of adopting this approach on the development of theoretical frameworks, teaching practices and research on mathematical problem posing over the last 50 years.
This is the long-awaited update on the bestselling book that offers a practical, accessible reference manual for faculty in any discipline. This new edition contains up-to-date information on technology as well as expanding on the ideas and strategies presented in the first edition. It includes more than sixty-one chapters designed to improve the teaching of beginning, mid-career, or senior faculty members. The topics cover both traditional tasks of teaching as well as broader concerns, such as diversity and inclusion in the classroom and technology in educational settings.
This synthesis lecture provides a survey of work on privacy in online social networks (OSNs). This work encompasses concerns of users as well as service providers and third parties. Our goal is to approach such concerns from a computer-science perspective, and building upon existing work on privacy, security, statistical modeling and databases to provide an overview of the technical and algorithmic issues related to privacy in OSNs. We start our survey by introducing a simple OSN data model and describe common statistical-inference techniques that can be used to infer potentially sensitive information. Next, we describe some privacy definitions and privacy mechanisms for data publishing. Finally, we describe a set of recent techniques for modeling, evaluating, and managing individual users' privacy risk within the context of OSNs. Table of Contents: Introduction / A Model for Online Social Networks / Types of Privacy Disclosure / Statistical Methods for Inferring Information in Networks / Anonymity and Differential Privacy / Attacks and Privacy-preserving Mechanisms / Models of Information Sharing / Users' Privacy Risk / Management of Privacy Settings
Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking the Terrain revisits the important 1985 ICMI Study on the influence of computers and informatics on mathematics and its teaching. The focus of this book, resulting from the seventeenth Study led by ICMI, is the use of digital technologies in mathematics teaching and learning in countries across the world. Specifically, it focuses on cultural diversity and how this diversity impinges on the use of digital technologies in mathematics teaching and learning. Within this focus, themes such as mathematics and mathematical practices; learning and assessing mathematics with and through digital technologies; teachers and teaching; design of learning env...