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This collection addresses Anglo-Italian influences, correspondences and relationships through the lens of an expansive notion of eighteenth-century political history, explored in its fecund dialogue with cultural history. Its multifaceted approach fleshes out the idea of the Enlightenment community of people linking and sharing different forms and structures of knowledge into a comprehensive picture of the Age of Reason. This book probes fields of great relevance for the cultural interpretation of historical experience, and composes a lively, and as yet unexplored, map of an interconnected European world. Anglo-Italian encounters are explored here primarily through the interweaving of political and cultural history, adding a valuable cog to contemporary insight into the cosmopolitan nature of Enlightenment Europe. The essays here range in scope from the public economy and international trade to finance, moral philosophy, the ethics and politics of translation, travel, the cosmopolitan impact of Italian music and taste, and the art of gardening.
Contemporary organizations are undertaking increasingly complex projects in globalized, uncertain and dynamic environments. Proliferation of international programs, growing and challenging sophistication of technologies and of projects’ scope, and the increasing number of stakeholders are only some of the factors that increase or generate project complexity. Enhancing the understanding of what project complexity is and delineating the antecedents that increase or generate complexity can be fundamental steps towards the identification of drivers that cause complexity and consequences for project management performance. The PMI® Italian Academic Workshop, organized in 20-21 September 2018 by Sapienza University of Rome and the three Italian Chapter of the Project Management Institute, has been an event aimed at supporting participants to develop their researches to a further stage through in-depth discussions on the topic of project complexity. In collaboration with the PMI® Italy Chapters.
In 1948, the poet Eugenio Montale published his Quaderno di traduzioni and created an entirely new Italian literary genre, the “translation notebook.” The quaderni were the work of some of Italy’s foremost poets, and their translation anthologies proved fundamental for their aesthetic and cultural development. Modern Italian Poets shows how the new genre shaped the poetic practice of the poet-translators who worked within it, including Giorgio Caproni, Giovanni Giudici, Edoardo Sanguineti, Franco Buffoni, and Nobel Prize-winner Eugenio Montale, displaying how the poet-translators used the quaderni to hone their poetic techniques, experiment with new poetic metres, and develop new theories of poetics. In addition to detailed analyses of the work of these five authors, the book covers the development of the quaderno di traduzioni and its relationship to Western theories of translation, such as those of Walter Benjamin and Benedetto Croce. In an appendix, Modern Italian Poets also provides the first complete list of all translations and quaderni di traduzioni published by more than 150 Italian poet-translators.
The essays in this collection range across literature, aesthetics, music and art, and explore such themes as the dynamics of change in eighteenth-century aesthetics; time, modernity and the picturesque; the function of graphic ornaments in eighteenth-century texts; imaginary voyages as a literary genre; the genesis of children’s literature; the Italian opera and musical theory in Frances Burney’s novels; Italian and British art theories; and patterns of cultural transfers and of book circulation between Britain and Italy in the eighteenth century. Collectively they epitomise the concerns and approaches of scholars working on the long eighteenth century at this challenging and exciting ti...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the ‘Uralic Studies’ Seminar: The State of the Art of Uralic Studies: Tradition vs Innovation, held in Padua (Italy), November 12-13, 2016. The seminar was organized by the Department of ‘Studi Linguistici e Letterari’ of Padua University and the ‘Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia’ of Sapienza University of Rome. The aim of the seminar, and of this volume, was / is to bring together linguists working on the Uralic languages from different perspectives, with the purpose of increasing the exchange of ideas and fostering mutual influences on each other field and methods of analysis. In addition to presenting the current ‘state of the art of Uralic studies’ – for specialists, general linguists and general public – the volume also addresses some issues related to the so-called ‘Ural-Altaic theory’, nowadays often referred to as the ‘Ural-Altaic linguistic belt, unique typological belt’. The contributors to the volume are renown scholars of Uralic, and also Altaic languages, from various European universities, such as Moscow, Helsinki, Paris, Budapest etc.
The collective volume “Modern Forms of Work. A European Comparative Study” evokes the intent to embody a reflection focused on modern labour law issues from a comparative perspective. A first set of essays contains national reports on modern forms of work. The second group contains some reflections regarding critical issues on digitalization, platforms and algorithms, analysing the different facets of the galaxy of digital work. The third group of essays flows into the section entitled “new balances and workers’ rights in the digital era”, a crucial topic in the debate. The complex of the writings, despite the diversity of approaches and methods, reveals the existence of a dense and inexhaustible dialogue between young scholars, at European and extra-European level. The analysis of new forms of work – the offspring of transnational processes of globalization and technologization – forms a fertile ground for experimenting a transnational dialogue on which young researchers can practice with excellent results, as this small volume confirms.
Questo volume pone una domanda provocatoria, chiama in causa l’idea di clandestinità almeno in due diverse accezioni: una clandestinità subita, nel mancato riconoscimento di legittimità istituzionale e una clandestinità cercata ed esibita, nel rifiuto programmatico di riconoscere all’istituzione un potere legittimante. In entrambi i casi si tratta di un dialogo mancato, che ormai mostra i suoi limiti e i danni provocati, una peculiarità italiana che configura un grave ritardo rispetto agli altri paesi europei ed extraeuropei. Soprattutto nella distanza tra una tradizione e una pratica di studi ricca e consolidata, la critica femminista e di genere in Italianistica, e la sua presenza...
Dove passa la linea che distingue l’Io dall’Altro nell’epica e nel romanzo medievali? Quale aspetto del sé – individuale o collettivo – si può identificare con questa distinzione? Quali parole, nelle varie opere, hanno valore identitario e costituiscono le radici culturali dell’immaginario alle origini della civiltà europea? A queste domande gli autori e le autrici di questo volume hanno risposto, prima in un Convegno e adesso in queste pagine, in una «inquietudine interrogante» che non coinvolge solo la «pratica» dell’identità ma anche lo studio delle sue manifestazioni in opere prodotte in ambiti culturali differenti, dall’epica al romanzo, alle traduzioni bibliche in versi, alla lirica araba medievale.
Il convegno, organizzato dall’unità di ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche della Sapienza, nell’ambito del progetto europeo Remshoa. L’Italia e la deportazione degli ebrei nei territori occupati durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale 1939-1945, finanziato dall’Unione Europea nella linea Europe for Citizens, affronta la drammatica vicenda degli ebrei greci, una delle più numerose e antiche comunità del Mediterraneo, che venne di fatto annientata a seguito della persecuzione antisemita. Le riflessioni e relazioni degli oratori si interrogano sulla Shoah o ricostruiscono aspetti della particolare vicenda greca in relazione agli atteggiamenti dell’occupante italiano, nel tentativo di analizzarne il ruolo svolto nell’attuazione della “soluzione finale”, al di là degli stereotipi che hanno condizionato il dibattito storiografico e politico, e nella convinzione che solo la memoria del passato possa portare alla consapevolezza del presente, contribuendo a rafforzare quei valori che sono le fondamenta e la ragione ultima dell’Unione Europea.
I saggi di questo volume affrontano il nodo cruciale del rapporto tra morale e letteratura dall’inizio del Settecento alla prima metà dell’Ottocento. Privilegiando l’analisi semantica della parola «virtù» e della sua costellazione lessicale, gli studi si concentrano su importanti autori del panorama italiano ed europeo (Crescimbeni, Gravina, Muratori, Ramsay, Rousseau, Alfieri, Leopardi e Manzoni), attivi nell’arco temporale che dalla “crisi della coscienza europea” arriva fino al tournant des Lumières e alle prime fasi della nuova società capitalista. A partire dal dialogo con la grande tradizione morale, emerge un nucleo di questioni ricorrenti, variamente declinate: il ruolo della letteratura nel dibattito morale, la relazione individuo-società, il complesso legame tra virtù e amor proprio, la sventura della virtù nella modernità.