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Health problems such as hypertension, tendency to diabetes, obesity, blood lipids, vascular disease, bone health, behaviour and learning and longevity may be ‘imprinted’ during early life. This process is defined as ‘programming’ whereby a nutritional stimulus operating at a critical, sensitive period of pre and postnatal life imprints permanent effects on the structure, physiology and metabolism. For this reason, academics and industry set-up the EC supported Scientific Workshop -Early Nutrition and its Later Consequences: New Opportunities. The prime objective of the Workshop was to generate a sound exchange of the latest scientific developments within the field of early nutrition to look for opportunities for new preventive health concepts. Further, a closer look was taken at the development of food applications which could provide (future) mothers and infants with improved nutrition that will ultimately lead to better future health. The Workshop was organised by the Dept. of Pediatrics, University of Munich, Germany in collaboration with the Danone Institutes and the Infant Nutrition Cluster, a collaboration of three large research projects funded by the EU.
This is a book that students and professionals from different disciplines and backgrounds, including from academia, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, the medical community, governments, etc., will find to be a valuable resource in their quest to learn more about an area of study that has long been neglected. 2 Volume set.
Vlaanderen is een bestemmingsregio van steeds meer migranten. De toename aan instromers en de diversiteit van de instroom heeft ingrijpende gevolgen voor de Vlaamse samenleving. We stellen veranderingen vast op uiteenlopende gebieden: regio van herkomst, modaliteiten van migratie, scholingsgraad, demografisch profiel, sociaal, economisch en cultureel kapitaal, migratiemotieven, inpassing in internationale netwerken, enzovoort. Deze rijke en toenemende diversiteit beïnvloedt 'het samenleven' in Vlaanderen ten gronde. De bijdragen gebundeld in deze publicatie bestuderen vanuit telkens een andere invalshoek welke positieve én negatieve effecten deze veranderende migraties hebben op de sociale cohesie van de samenleving, de arbeidsmarkt, het onderwijs, huwelijk en familie, de gezondheidszorg, welzijn, het religieuze landschap, waarden en normen.
This book describes the concept of child victimization in all its facets. Millions of young people throughout the world face violence, sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and exploitation on a daily basis. The worldwide victimization of young people can be prevented, or, at least, its incidence can be greatly reduced, if purposeful action is taken to do so. This volume researches and documents some of the ways in which young people throughout the world are victimized, and suggests strategies for preventing various forms of child vistimization. Eight distinct forms of victimization are identified and analyzed in detail. Included are discussions on child prostitution and pornography, eco...
This book examines and offers suggestions for how post-conflict practices should conceptualize and address harms committed by child soldiers for successful social reconstruction in the aftermath of mass atrocity. It defends the use of accountability and considers the agency of youth participants in violent conflict as responsible moral entities.
What kinds of experiences do we have with the poor and the oppressed around the world? What do we really know about the ins and outs of the lives of those who exist in a world of extreme poverty or oppression? Global Scenes of Biblical Injustice simplifies and synthesizes the bewildering array of research and technical data which exists regarding these issues. Through the use of colorful, informative, and thoughtful vignettes, this book paints an easily understandable picture of the true nature of what may be called biblical injustice. This thought-provoking book incorporates challenges for a Christian response regarding those whose daily plights fly in the face of what Scripture teaches about justice.
This interdisciplinary Handbook offers a comprehensive and detailed overview of the relationship between gender and war, exploring the conduct of war, its impact, aftermath and opposition to it. Offering sophisticated theoretical insights and empirical research from the First World War to contemporary conflicts around the world, this Handbook underscores the centrality of gender to critical examinations of war.
As migrações forçadas ocorrem quando um indivíduo é compelido a deixar seu local de origem em virtude de uma ameaça a sua vida ou integridade física, decorrente de crises econômicas, desastres naturais, conflitos armados, dentre outros. É nesse contexto que estão inseridos os refugiados, deslocados ambientais e deslocados internos. Conforme o ACNUR, metade do contingente de refugiados no mundo é composto por menores de 18 anos, dos quais boa parte está migrando desacompanhada. Trata-se de uma situação extremamente delicada, especialmente em se tratando de crianças na primeira infância. Nesse sentido, por meio de revisão de literatura de obras dos principais autores brasileiros e estrangeiros que trabalham com o tema em comento, bem como a utilização do método dedutivo e sistêmico, esta obra tem o objetivo geral de discutir as políticas públicas relacionadas à migração infantil no Brasil, especialmente em relação aos menores refugiados desacompanhados, a fim de identificar a resposta da República Federativa do Brasil a esse fenômeno.
Den här studien handlar om en grupp barn som inte har några föräldrar i Sverige, och som därför bor på institution. På senare tid har man tillskrivit dem kategoriseringen ensamkommande. Bakom det begreppet finns barn i olika åldrar som har lämnat sin familj och sitt hemland för ett nytt liv på en plats i världen med större framtidsmöjligheter. Många av dessa barn, som flyr till västvärlden på egen hand, delar erfarenheter av att placeras på institution. Mer precist är det en sådan tillvaro denna studie kommer att kretsa kring.
Das europäische Migrationsmanagement nutzt Neo-Refoulement-Praxen, um Migrant*innen weit vor der europäischen Grenze zu stoppen und ihnen den Zugang zur europäischen Gerichtsbarkeit zu verwehren. Zur Umsetzung dieses Vorgehens bedient sich die EU der Internationalen Organisation für Migration. Nele Austermann deckt auf, wie fehlende Jurisdiktion, mangelnde völkerrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit internationaler Organisationen und eine eingeschränkte Menschenrechtsbindung hierbei zu einer Entsubjektivierung von Migrant*innen führen. Mit dem Konzept der internationalen öffentlichen Gewalt zeigt sie einen Weg auf, wie eine Rückführung in komplexitätsadäquate rechtliche Strukturen möglich ist.