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This book aims to identify, present and discuss key driving forces and pressures on ecosystem services. Ecosystem services are the contributions that ecosystems provide to human well-being. The scope of this atlas is on identifying solutions and lessons to be applied across science, policy and practice. The atlas will address different components of ecosystem services, assess risks and vulnerabilities, and outline governance and management opportunities. The atlas will therefore attract a wide audience, both from policy and practice and from different scientific disciplines. The emphasis will be on ecosystems in Europe, as the available data on service provision is best developed for this region and recognizes the strengths of the contributing authors. Ecosystems of regions outside Europe will be covered where possible.
The First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) prepared by the independent network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) founded in 2015 was published in November 2020. MAR1 assesses the best available scientific knowledge on climate and environmental change and associated risks in the Mediterranean Basin in order to render it accessible to policymakers, stakeholders and citizens. The report has been written by 190 scientists from 25 countries, all contributing in individual capacity and without financial compensation. The report includes a Summary for Policymakers (SPM), which comprises the key messages of the MAR1. The UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention Secretariat, through its Plan Bleu Regional Activity Center, and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean work in partnership to support MedECC, and to contribute to establish a sound and transparent scientific assessment process.
The Routledge Handbook of Law and the Anthropocene provides a critical survey into the function of law and governance during a time when humans have the power to impact the Earth system. The Anthropocene is a “crisis of the earth system.” This book addresses its implications for law and legal thinking in the twenty-first century. Unpacking the challenges of the Anthropocene for advocates of ecological law and politics, this handbook pursues a range of approaches to the scientific fact of anthropocentrism, with contributions from lawyers, philosophers, geographers, and environmental and political scientists. Rather than adopting a hubristic normativity, the contributors engage methods, co...
The idea that nature provides services to people is one of the most powerful concepts to have emerged over the last two decades. It is shaping our understanding of the role that biodiverse ecosystems play in the environment and their benefits for humankind. As a result, there is a growing interest in operational and methodological issues surrounding ecosystem services amongst environmental managers, and many institutions are now developing teaching programmes to equip the next generation with the skills needed to apply the concepts more effectively. This handbook provides a comprehensive reference text on ecosystem services, integrating natural and social science (including economics). Colle...
Cet ouvrage ouvre des pistes pour mieux comprendre dans quelles conditions des recherches interdisciplinaires en environnement (climat, biodiversité, énergie, pollution…) peuvent réussir. Il confirme que, dans les projets interdisciplinaires, les stratégies individuelles dépendent moins de la discipline du scientifique que de sa façon d’être et d’agir dans un contexte particulier, c’est-à-dire sa « posture ». Il ne peut y avoir de réussite d’un projet interdisciplinaire sans la compatibilité et la complémentarité des postures des acteurs impliqués.
Estimer la contribution actuelle des services écosytémiques à la production agricole et représenter les interactions entre ces services sont autant de connaissances nécessaires pour concevoir des systèmes de production moins consommateurs en intrants artificiels et répondant aux enjeux de société tels que la conservation de la biodiversité et la limitation des impacts environnementaux.
Dans un contexte de pressions toujours croissantes sur les milieux naturels, les travaux sur les multiples valeurs de la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques peuvent aider à mieux comprendre les interactions entre nature et société, à anticiper les bouleversements à venir et à concevoir des mesures de gestion appropriées. Cet ouvrage alimente le débat de société sur notre rapport à la nature et souligne les grandes questions qui devraient être au cœur des politiques de recherche sur la biodiversité dans les années à venir.
NEXT GENERATION BIOMONITORING: Part 1, Volume 58, the latest release in the Advances in Ecological Research series, is the firstpart of a thematic on ecological biomonitoring, including specific chapters that cover Aquatic volatile metabolomics – using trace gases to examine ecological processes, Next generation approaches to rapid monitoring Bio-aerosol and the link between human health and environmental microbiology, NGB in Canadian wetlands, Monitoring the biodiversity and functioning of terrestrial systems via high resolution trace gas fluxes, and Computational approaches to gathering biomonitoring data from social media platforms: a superior solution to next generation biomonitoring challenges. - Provides information that relates to a thorough understanding of the field - Deals with topical and important reviews on the physiology, populations and communities of plants and animals
Citizen science, the active participation of the public in scientific research projects, is a rapidly expanding field in open science and open innovation. It provides an integrated model of public knowledge production and engagement with science. As a growing worldwide phenomenon, it is invigorated by evolving new technologies that connect people easily and effectively with the scientific community. Catalysed by citizens’ wishes to be actively involved in scientific processes, as a result of recent societal trends, it also offers contributions to the rise in tertiary education. In addition, citizen science provides a valuable tool for citizens to play a more active role in sustainable deve...
This volume explores the challenges of sustaining long-term ecological research through a historical analysis of the Long Term Ecological Research Program created by the U.S. National Science Foundation in 1980. The book examines reasons for the creation of the Program, an overview of its 40-year history, and in-depth historical analysis of selected sites. Themes explored include the broader impact of this program on society, including its relevance to environmental policy and understanding global climate change, the challenge of extending ecosystem ecology into urban environments, and links to creative arts and humanities projects. A major theme is the evolution of a new type of network science, involving comparative studies, innovation in information management, creation of socio-ecological frameworks, development of governance structures, and formation of an International Long Term Ecological Research Network with worldwide reach. The book’s themes will interest historians, philosophers and social scientists interested in ecological and environmental sciences, as well as researchers across many disciplines who are involved in long-term ecological research.