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Successful transitions to enduring democracy are both difficult and rare. In Scandal and Democracy, Mary E. McCoy explores how newly democratizing nations can avoid reverting to authoritarian solutions in response to the daunting problems brought about by sudden change. The troubled transitions that have derailed democratization in nations worldwide make this problem a major concern for scholars and citizens alike. This study of Indonesia's transition from authoritarian rule sheds light on the fragility not just of democratic transitions but of democracy itself and finds that democratization's durability depends, to a surprising extent, on the role of the media, particularly its airing of po...
Biographies of ninety Indonesian famous based on Maestro television feature program of Metro TV.
Scholars of Islam are familiar with the Koran's many errors and contradictions, but these have rarely been revealed to a wider public. THE ORIGINS OF THE KORAN is an attempt to remedy this deficiency by bringing together classic critical essays which raise key issues surrounding Islam's holy book. Indispensable to scholars and all those interested in the textual underpinning of one of the fastest growing religions in the world.
Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research is the only entry-level introduction to research methods using stories, either as data or as a means of presenting findings, and a practical guide for those interested in carrying out narrative studies. This successful text is grounded in published empirical research within the field of language teaching and learning and clearly defines basic concepts in narrative inquiry, explaining how and why narrative methods have been used in language teaching and learning research and outlining different choices and approaches. It also examines the different ways of eliciting, analyzing, and presenting narrative inquiry data, which offers exc...
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives a detailed analysis of the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from the original sources.Study the Biography of the single greatest human being that ever walked the surface of this earth, whom Allah sent as a Mercy to Mankind.
Criticism on Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd's interpretation of Koran.
Buku karya Aksin Wijaya yang ada di tangan pembaca ini merupakan model kegelisahan “baru” akan dominasi nalar Arab dalam teks keagamaan, dalam hal ini al-Qur’an. Dikatakan “kegelisahan baru” mengingat pikiran-pikiran yang dilontarkan turut “mempermasalahkan” mushaf Utsman yang oleh sebagian besar pengkaji al-Qur’an justru tidak lagi dipermasalahkan. Sederet pemikir kontemporer, seperti Amin al-Khuli, Fazlur Rahman, Hassan Hanafi, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Abdul Karim Shoroush, dan Muhammad Syahrur, misalnya, dengan seabrek tawaran metodologis serta pemikiran kritis lainnya tentang al-Qur’an, justru tidak menyinggung mushaf Utsman sebagai korpus yang pantas “digugat”, meski s...
In a comprehensive study of early Islamic history, Wilferd Madelung examines the conflict which developed after Muhammad's death for the leadership of the Muslim community. He pursues the history of this conflict through the reign of the four 'Rightly Guided' caliphs to its climax in the first inter-Muslim war. The outcome of the war, which marked the demise of the reign of the Early Companions, resulted in the lasting schism between Sunnite and Shi'ite Islam. Contrary to recent scholarly trends, the author brings out Ali's early claim to legitimate succession, which gained support from the Shi'a, and offers a convincing reinterpretation of early Islamic history. This book will make a major contribution to the debate over succession. Wilferd Madelung's book The Succession to Muhammad has been awarded the Best Book of the Year prize by the Islamic Republic of Iran for the year 1997.
Indra dan akal acapkali menemui jalan buntu sehingga diakui memiliki kelemahan dan ketidakmampuan untuk menghamparkan seluruh rincian jalan menuju kebahagiaan. Sepanjang sejarah, konflik antara akal dan wahyu memiliki dimensi dan pola yang berbeda-beda, seirama formasi wacana yang populer pada zamannya. Awalnya, polemik ini mengemuka dalam formasi “filsafat versus agama”. Buku ini mengetengahkan perkembangan dialektika antara akal dan wahyu dengan komprehensif, termasuk penjelasan tentang jalan memperoleh pengetahuan, makna akal dalam pro dan kontra serta rasionalisme radikal yang hadir dalam agama.
Buku ini merupakan kumpulan 160 esai pendek Goenawan Mohamad yang pernah dimuat majalah Tempo dari Januari 1986 sampai Februari 1990. Diawali dengan esai berjudul “Ding” (4 Januari 1986) sampai yang terakhir “Asongan” (24 Februari 1990). Esai-esai yang dikenal sebagai Catatan Pinggir itu berbicara beragam hal, bahkan hampir semua hal yang dekat dengan peristiwa di masyarakat dalam kurun waktu empat tahun itu: tentang kecemasan, kebebasan, kekuasaan, kemerdekaan, keserakahan, kebahagiaan, demokrasi. Mengenai topik yang disebut terakhir, William Liddle, dalam Kata Pengantar untuk buku ini, mengatakan kiranya jelas bahwa Goenawan sangat menyakini demokrasi sebagai jenis pemerintahan yang terbaik bagi negara kebangsaan Dunia Ketiga seperti Indonesia. Tetapi dia tidak berpretensi seolah-olah demokrasi dengan sendirinya mampu menyelesaikan segala persoalan…. Goenawan Mohamad, kata Liddle, adalah burung langka dalam sangkar intelektual modern Indonesia. Dia menolak tegas pengkotakan Timur-Barat. Dalam sejumlah Catatan Pinggir ini, kata Liddle, dikotomi Timur-Barat beberapa kali ditampik Goenawan.