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Saat ini, permintaan jahe di pasar dalam negeri dan internasional terus meningkat. Akan tetapi, hal itu tidak dibarengi dengan ketersediaan produk. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sajian wacana yang informatif sekaligus praktis guna memberikan pemahaman mengenai selukbeluk usaha pertanian jahe, agar semakin banyak pihak yang menaruh perhatian pada komoditas ini. Dengan informasi yang memadai, produktivitas dan kualitas jahe pun dapat semakin baik. Sementara itu, tak dapat dipungkiri adanya asumsi yang menyatakan bahwa hasil pertanian jahe yang diolah oleh para petani di dalam negeri belum memiliki cukup kualitas untuk bersaing di pasar global. Dengan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang pembibitan, penanaman, panen dan pascapanen, teknik pengolahan, hingga analisis usahanya, para petani jahe dan pengusaha jahe olahan akan mendapat bekal yang berharga untuk menjalankan usahanya. Diharapkan buku ini dapat menjadi pegangan praktis dan referensi bagi para petani dan pengusaha jahe khususnya, serta pihak-pihak yang turut memiliki andil dalam perkembangan industri agribisnis jahe pada umumnya.
Public libraries, through their mission, vision, and position in the community, play a significant part in building community sustainability and are already positioned to serve as a “backbone support organization” for collective impact initiatives.
This is an open access book. This joint conference features four international conferences: International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI), International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (ICCSAL), International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS), and International Conference of Social Science and Law (ICSSL).It encourages dissemination of ideas in arts and humanities and provides a forum for intellectuals from all over the world to discuss and present their research findings on the research areas. This conference was held in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia on September 10, 2022 – September 11, 2022. We are inviting academics, researchers, and practitioners to submit research-based papers or theoretical papers that address any topics within the broad areas of Arts and Humanities.
This is an open access book.Related to the big theme of the SDGs reinforcement at our previous conference, we try to invite all academics and researchers around the world to participate in the 4th Borobudur International Symposium 2022 (4thBIS 2022). As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on all the 17 SDGs have demonstrated how what began as a health catastrophe swiftly transformed into a human, socioeconomic and environmental crisis. The 4th BIS brought up “The Innovation Chain: A Contribution to Society and Industry” as the main theme to respond this condition. This conference is expected to support the UN Agenda. Additionally, this conference will also provide avenues for participants to exchange ideas and network with each other as well as domain experts from their fields. Overall, this event is aimed at professionals across all spheres of technology and engineering including the experienced, inexperienced, and students as well. The conference will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 21st, 2022 in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Beberapa di antara lansia kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi, sehingga mengalami cukup banyak persoalan yang bermuara pada timbulnya berbagai problem psikologis. Oleh karenanya HIMPSI-IPPI menghadirikan buku ini sebagai upaya untuk memberikan edukasi agar setiap individu dapat menuntaskan perjalanan hidupnya dengan sehat dan bahagia. Ide-ide kreatif dari 27 penulis mencurahkan gagasan dan inspirasi bagi lansia agar mampu mengatasi situasi sulit dan menaklukkan tantangan kehidupan dengan menggunakan seluruh sumber daya diri, baik secara fisik dan psikologis.
Buku ini adalah kumpulan tulisan refleksi dalam memaknai pembelajaran. Pembelajaran dalam menghadapi datangnya pandemi serta pembelajaran untuk mengambil hikmah dari setiap peristiwa yang terjadi. KONTRIBUTOR: 1 Anifatul Maghfiroh 2 Astuti Rahayu 3 Dahniar Purnama 4 Dede Awan Aprianto 5 Erika Warastuti Purnami 6 Erti Widaryati 7 Fatkhan Anis 8 Gemi Nastiti 9 Indarwati 10 Ngadimah 11 Ngadiyem 12 Pujiyati 13 Purwanti 14 Rina Maulani 15 Romelah 16 Siti Nurhayati 17 Sri Endarwati 18 Sri Mulatsih 19 Sri Pamungkas Sulistianawati 20 Sutoyo 21Yulis Setyo Wati
This proceeding is the outcome of an international seminar organized by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto in 2023. This international seminar was called "ISPsy 6th" with the theme "Religiosity and Cultural Diversity for Strengthening Mental Well-Being." From this seminar, it is hoped that preventive, curative, and even rehabilitative programs targeting holistic aspects of mental well-being will be present, providing benefits to the wider community. Manuscripts accepted for ISPsy 6th 2023 amounted to 62% of the total articles collected. This seminar featured several topics including Clinical Psychology, Organizational/Industrial Psychology, Educational Psychology,...