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Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Progressive Education 2022 (ICOPE 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 774

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Progressive Education 2022 (ICOPE 2022)

This is an open access book.Fostering Synergy and Innovation in Digital Learning EnvironmentsThe 4th ICOPE 2022 is an international conference in education with the theme of fostering synergy and innovation in digital learning environments. It is organized by the faculty of teacher training and education, at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung Province, will be the host of this event. It will be taken place on the 15th — 16th of October 2022. This conference involves keynote speakers from Indonesia, USA, Malaysia, and Australia. It is intended to be a forum to convey specific alternatives and significant breakthroughs in rapid social developmen...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 476


The 3rd International Conference on Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (ICONSEIR 4.0) is a forum of scientists, academics, researchers, teachers and observers of education and students of post-graduate who care of education. This event was held by the Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Medan - Indonesia, on December 21st, 2021.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 237
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 68


Aplikasi i-STEM merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan segala aspek untuk belajar dan menyediakan sumber dan referensi terkait pembelajaran STEM (Sains, Teknologi, Rekayasa, dan Matematika). Pada aplikasi i-STEM menyediakan informa- si tentang STEM serta contoh perangkat pembelajaran berbasis STEM, termasuk ensiklopedia yang berisi kumpulan Edukit IPA berbasis STEM yang dapat digunakan sebagai rujukan guru/calon guru IPA dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran.

Laporan Tahunan Komnas HAM 2022
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 160

Laporan Tahunan Komnas HAM 2022

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-05-01
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  • Publisher: Komnas HAM

Laporan Komnas HAM RI 2022 merupakan bentuk laporan publik atas pelaksanaan fungsi Komnas HAM RI untuk mengembangkan kondisi yang kondusif bagi pelaksanaan hak asasi manusia dan meningkatkan perlindungan dan penegakan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia.

Desa Wisata Budaya
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 146

Desa Wisata Budaya

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-30
  • -
  • Publisher: Caritra

Peningkatan dalam industri pariwisata di Indonesia setelah pandemi menempatkan industri pariwisata pada posisi strategis dalam pembangunan Indonesia. Di samping itu, desa wisata diperkirakan akan makin diminati oleh para wisatawan. Hal ini seiring dengan perubahan tren preferensi pasar wisatawan setelah Pandemi Covid-19 dengan berorientasi pada daya tarik wisata yang lebih personalize, customize, localize, dan smaller in size. Untuk itulah buku Desa Wisata Budaya ini hadir. Di dalam buku ini, akan dibahas mengenai seluk beluk desa wisata budaya, mulai dari konsep, perencanaan, hingga pelaksanaan pembangunan desa wisata budaya. Bagian awal buku akan membahas mengenai definisi desa wisata buda...

Laporan Tahunan Komnas HAM 2023
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 198

Laporan Tahunan Komnas HAM 2023

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-06-10
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  • Publisher: Komnas HAM

Pada 2023, beberapa konteks domestik atau nasional menjadi perhatian Komnas HAM. Salah satunya, tahun 2023 Indonesia mulai memasuki tahun politik, dalam rangka persiapan pelaksanaan Pemilu dan Pilkada pada 2024. Sementara itu, beberapa persoalan HAM yang muncul mendapatkan perhatian yang besar dari publik.

Orchids of Sri Lanka: The protected orchids and selected similar species
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 147

Orchids of Sri Lanka: The protected orchids and selected similar species

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Physiology Of Tropical Orchids In Relation To The Industry, The (2nd Edition)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 387

Physiology Of Tropical Orchids In Relation To The Industry, The (2nd Edition)

Over the past ten years, the orchid industry has been growing at a steady pace in South-East Asia and East Asia. In some Asian countries, orchids have become an essential export item. To maintain this progress, there is an urgent need for a book that will help the region's orchid growers in improving their cultivation and management skills, and guide new students in understanding orchid physiology. This book provides a comprehensive description of tropical orchid physiology relevant to commercial growers, research workers and graduate students. An integrated and unifying theme of tropical orchid physiology, with a clearly written factual text as well as illustrations, is presented over nine chapters. Each chapter is designed to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on a particular aspect of orchid physiology. This book complements the existing scientific literature available for improving orchid cultivation and setting a new research agenda, especially in the tropics.