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From terrorist disputes to splinter offshoots, an inside look at how armed groups break apart. Terrorist, rebel, and insurgent groups are highly unstable. Amid fears of defeat and even death, intense disagreements have torn many organizations apart, from Syria to Iraq, Ireland to Spain. And while some of these divisions have preceded a group's decline and eventual defeat, others have launched some of the most notorious and deadly organizations in recent history. In Divided Not Conquered, Evan Perkoski analyzes how armed groups fracture and how breakaway splinter groups behave. Perkoski takes an unprecedented look inside these organizations to understand the specific disagreements that cause ...
This book examines how social inequalities in higher education shape the positional competition in graduate labour markets. Featuring research from Europe, North America, and China, the book provides new insights into graduate careers by examining how graduates from various backgrounds navigate their labour market trajectories in different national contexts. Based on in-depth case studies, it demonstrates how the opportunities for graduates in the labour market do not solely depend on individual skills, experience, and abilities, but on how other graduates act within the labour market and the different forms of capital they possess. This book delineates the social, cultural, and educational ...
Für eine Soziologie, die sich als Form gesamtgesellschaftlicher Analyse versteht, sind Organisationen in zweifacher Hinsicht analytisch zentral: auf der einen Seite als korporative Akteure, als emergente soziale Phänomene (‚Gebilde’), auf der anderen Seite als Modus der Strukturierung sozialer Wirklichkeit, als sozialer Prozess. In beiden Hinsichten sind Organisationen sowohl in ihrer Konstruktivität und Historizität wie auch als Akteure und Aspekte der herrschaftlichen Strukturierung und Formbestimmtheit des Sozialen zu untersuchen. Diese Zusammenhänge sind für Fragen nach der Formierung materieller wie symbolischer Lebensprozesse, der im weitesten Sinne ökonomisch-politischen Regulation und wissensanalytischen Konfiguration sozialer Wirklichkeit von zentraler Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Band steckt diesen Problemhorizont in theoretischen wie materialen Beiträgen ab.
Bei der interorganisationalen Projektzusammenarbeit wird innovationsrelevantes Wissen über Organisationsgrenzen hinweg ausgetauscht. Dabei beeinflusst insbesondere die Beziehung der Projektpartner zueinander sowohl die Qualität als auch die Quantität des Wissens, welches eine Organisation von Projektpartnern erwerben kann. Dieser positive Mehrwert, den die Beziehung zwischen Akteuren erzielen kann, wird als soziales Kapital bezeichnet. Svenja Knöpfler untersuchte die Wirkung des sozialen Kapitals in 218 interorganisationalen Projekten im deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau empirisch. Als Ergebnis der Studie identifiziert sie unterschiedliche Gestaltungsparameter innerhalb des sozialen Kapitals, die eine langfristige Innovativität von Organisation beeinflussen können. Das Buch wendet sich an Dozenten und Studenten der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Schwerpunkten Unternehmensführung, Organisation und Strategie sowie an interessierte Führungskräfte aus derUnternehmenspraxis.
In the world of business, who you know is usually more important than what you know. While most research highlights the personal characteristics and expertise important to business success, this book demonstrates that networking is the core of entrepreneurship. Both counterintuitive and powerful, this perspective reframes entrepreneurial action by placing networking at the center of the process. Traditionally, networks have been regarded as facilitators of business, but Tom Elfring, Kim Klyver, and Elco van Burg argue that networking is actually the basis of entrepreneurial action, and conversely, that entrepreneurial action is networking. In developing an entrepreneurship as networking mode...
Connecting Forward focuses on networking into a new environment. The book will improve and fine-tune your networking techniques, helping you to advance your career or develop your business when working in a new environment – whether that is a new role, company, industry or country. Author, Jordi Robert-Ribes, also considers the networking techniques that any modern business environment requires.The book is organised around 33 stand-alone tips, which makes it very easy to use. In fact, the core principle of the book is that all the tips given can be applied immediately. Connecting Forward also contains real case studies of people who have “already made it” which provide you with extra perspective.Connecting Forward also has associated online tools and additional information available to readers at
This book outlines an integrative framework for business-model innovation in the paradigm of the Internet of Things. It elaborates several tools and methodologies for the quantitative, qualitative, analytical and effectual evaluation, and analyzes their applicability and efficiency for several phases of the business-model innovation process. As such, it provides guidance to managers, decision-makers and entrepreneurs on how to systematically employ the business-model concept with the aim of achieving sustainable competitive advantages. For researchers the book introduces cases and examples for successful business-model innovation and presents an integrated approach to the methods and tools applied.
In more recent times, the essence of the gatekeeper's role has moved to the 'boundary spanner' - a systems thinker who understands the specific needs and interests of the organization and whose greatest asset is their ability to move across and through the formal and informal features of the modern organization. There are many types of boundaries associated with an organization, for example, horizontal, (function and expertise), vertical (status, hierarchy), geographic, demographic, and stakeholder. Boundaries are "the defining characteristic of organizations and, boundary roles are the link between the environment and the organization" (Aldrich & Herker, 1977) with functions crucial to the ...
This open access book considers the development of the sharing and collaborative economy with a European focus, mapping across economic sectors, and country-specific case studies. It looks at the roles the sharing economy plays in sharing and redistribution of goods and services across the population in order to maximise their functionality, monetary exchange, and other aspects important to societies. It also looks at the place of the sharing economy among various policies and how the contexts of public policies, legislation, digital platforms, and other infrastructure interrelate with the development and function of the sharing economy. The book will help in understanding the future (sharin...
The contemporary economy is primarily understood through the rationalist and formalist lenses of economic theory and its accompanying (mainstream) theories of organization and management. In this corpus of work, the economy is commonly portrayed as emerging on the basis of the calculated and instrumental use of heterogeneous resources. Innovation - the capacity to produce new goods and services, being of key importance in a competitive capitalist economic regime - is a joint collaborative process embedded in social action, i.e., through forms of agency. In contrast to individualist, calculative, and utilitarian images of economic agency, sociologists, historians, anthropologists, and others ...