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New Tools for Psychoanalysis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 245

New Tools for Psychoanalysis

Bringing together the findings from psychoanalysts across the globe, this book introduces and describes the research practices utilised by the Working Parties that were created by the European Psychoanalytical Federation and later supported by the International Psychoanalytical Association. The book opens with a discussion of the epistemology of research in psychoanalysis, then the various Working Parties describe their methodology and findings, and finally, in the last chapter, an assessment is made of what contributions this oxygenating movement has made to psychoanalysis. It examines topics including individual and group work, supervision, clinical interpretation, erotic transference and psychosomatics, and contains contributions from many distinguished analysts. Providing a wealth of information on the place of research in evaluating new clinical methods and tools, this book is key reading for psychoanalysts both in practice and in training.

Dear Candidate
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 274

Dear Candidate

Questo volume è una testimonianza viva ed entusiasmante dello spessore dell'investimento che le generazioni di analisti più anziani hanno posto e pongono nella trasmissione della psicoanalisi alle generazioni successive. Lo stratagemma letterario con cui è stato concepito – la raccolta di affettuose lettere scritte da 44 famosi analisti di training e indirizzate a una immaginaria/o Candidata/o, cioè a un analista in formazione – rende particolarmente fruibile, oltre che appassionante, l'entrare in contatto non solo con tutta la profondità del percorso di formazione di un analista ma anche con la complessità del lavoro di trasmissione di una disciplina scientifica caratterizzata da ...

Catalan Writing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 820

Catalan Writing

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1992-04
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Dear Candidate: Analysts from around the World Offer Personal Reflections on Psychoanalytic Training, Education, and the Profession
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 195

Dear Candidate: Analysts from around the World Offer Personal Reflections on Psychoanalytic Training, Education, and the Profession

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-11-23
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  • Publisher: Routledge

In this first-of-kind book, senior psychoanalysts from around the world offer personal reflections on their own training, what it was like to become a psychoanalyst, and what they would like most to convey to the candidate of today. With forty-two personal letters to candidates, this edited collection helps analysts in training and those recently entering the profession to reflect upon what it means to be a psychoanalytic candidate and enter the profession. Letters tackle the anxieties, ambiguities, complications, and pleasures faced in these tasks. From these reflections, the book serves as a guide through this highly personal, complex, and meaningful experience and helps readers consider the many different meanings of being a candidate in a psychanalytic institute. Perfect for candidates and psychoanalytic educators, this book inspires analysts at all levels to think, once again, about this impossible but fascinating profession and to consider their own psychoanalytic development.

Caro candidato
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 268

Caro candidato

Neste livro pioneiro, psicanalistas seniores do mundo todo propõem reflexões pessoais sobre sua formação, como foi tornar-se psicanalista e o que eles mais gostariam de transmitir ao candidato de hoje. Esta coletânea, com 42 cartas pessoais aos candidatos, ajuda os analistas em formação e os recém-ingressados na profissão a refletirem sobre o que significa ser candidato a psicanalista e ingressar na profissão. As cartas abordam as ansiedades, as ambiguidades, as complicações e os prazeres enfrentados nessas tarefas. A partir dessas reflexões, o livro serve como guia para essa experiência extremamente pessoal, complexa e significativa, ajudando os leitores a considerar os inúmeros significados diferentes de ser candidato de um instituto de psicanálise. Perfeito para candidatos e professores de psicanálise, este livro inspira analistas de todos os níveis a pensar mais uma vez a respeito dessa profissão impossível, mas fascinante e a levar em consideração seu desenvolvimento psicanalítico pessoal.

Contemporary Spanish-Speaking Writers and Illustrators for Children and Young Adults
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Contemporary Spanish-Speaking Writers and Illustrators for Children and Young Adults

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1994-02-23
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  • Publisher: Greenwood

Entries include personal data, address, career, professional organizations, awards and honors, writings/illustrations, sidelights, and critical sources.

Espriu i Barcelona
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 228

Espriu i Barcelona

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014
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  • Publisher: Unknown


La Compañía de Jesús en la España contemporánea
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 1276

La Compañía de Jesús en la España contemporánea

Este libro describe la evolución histórica de la Compañía de Jesús en España desde la supresión de 1868 hasta su plena reinstalación en los años de afianzamiento de la restauración alfonsina. Los jesuitas, que habían padecido la dispersión y el exilio. lograron al cabo do unos quince años, hacia 1883, instalar una tupida red de centros docentes y pastorales. La originalidad de aquel período fundacional consiste en que comienza en el mismo momento en que la Orden queda legalmente aniquilada en 1868. No deja de ser una contradicción que aquella supresión fuera entonces decretada por quienes proclamaban la libertad de cultos, de asociación y de enseñanza. Acaso por eso nos enc...