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Puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena buku kompilasi mata kuliah Discourse Analysis ini telah rampung disusun. Buku kompilasi ini berisi tulisan ilmiah dari mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Discourse Analysis di Program Studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya, Universitas Darma Persada. Mahasiswa membahas fenomena penggunaan bahasa yang terjadi di dalam suatu wacana, baik tertulis maupun lisan. Oleh sebab itu, topik kajian dalam buku kompilasi ini pun beragam, sesuai dengan ketertarikan mahasiswa terkait suatu isu tertentu, yang dalam konteks ini, berkaitan erat dengan perilaku penggunaan bahasa dalam komunikasi di masyarakat. Tak lupa, tim penyusun menyampaikan terima kasih kepada mahasiswa yang telah menitipkan tulisan ilmiah mereka kepada kami sehingga kami dapat menyusun buku kompilasi ini. Ucapan terima kasih juga disampaikan ke pihak lain yang telah membantu menyelesaikan buku kompilasi ini. Akhir kata, semoga buku kompilasi ini dapat menjadi referensi bacaan bagi banyak orang, khususnya mahasiswa yang menekuni bidang linguistik dan sangat tertarik dengan bidang kajian Ilmu Analisis Wacana
IPS sebagai mata pelajaran di tingkat sekolah dasar pada hakikatnya merupakan suatu integrasi utuh dari disiplin ilmu-IPS dan disiplin ilmu lain yang relevan untuk merealisasikan tujuan pendidikan di tingkat persekolahan. Implikasinya, berbagai tradisi dalam IPS termasuk konsep, struktur, cara kerja ilmuwan sosial, aspek metode, maupun aspek nilai yang dikembangkan dalam ilmu-IPS, dikemas secara psikologis, pedagogis, dan sosial budaya untuk kepentingan pendidikan. Berdasarkan perspektif tersebut, secara umum IPS dapat dimaknai sebagai seleksi dari struktur disiplin akademik ilmu-IPS yang diorganisasikan dan disajikan secara ilmiah dan psikologis untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan dalam kera...
The Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics explores how the rise of social media is altering politics both in the United States and in key moments, movements, and places around the world. Its scope encompasses the disruptive technologies and activities that are changing basic patterns in American politics and the amazing transformations that social media use is rendering in other political systems heretofore resistant to democratization and change. In a time when social media are revolutionizing and galvanizing politics in the United States and around the world, this encyclopedia is a must-have reference. It reflects the changing landscape of politics where old modes and methods of politi...
The adulteration and fraudulent manufacture of medicines is an old problem, vastly aggravated by modern manufacturing and trade. In the last decade, impotent antimicrobial drugs have compromised the treatment of many deadly diseases in poor countries. More recently, negligent production at a Massachusetts compounding pharmacy sickened hundreds of Americans. While the national drugs regulatory authority (hereafter, the regulatory authority) is responsible for the safety of a country's drug supply, no single country can entirely guarantee this today. The once common use of the term counterfeit to describe any drug that is not what it claims to be is at the heart of the argument. In a narrow, l...
Cultural Mobility offers a model for understanding the patterns of meaning that human societies create. It has emerged under the very distinguished editorial guidance of Stephen Greenblatt and represents a new way of thinking about culture and cultures with which scholars in many disciplines will need to engage.
Grounded in solid research, Social Media in the Public Sector explores the myriad uses of social media in the public sector and combines existing practices with theories of public administration, networked governance, and information management. Comprehensive in scope, the book includes best practices, the strategic, managerial, administrative, and procedural aspects of using social media, and explains the theoretical dimensions of how social behavior affects the adoption of social media technologies. Praise for Social Media in the Public Sector "Mergel has produced a foundational work that combines the best kind of scholarship with shoe-leather reporting and anthropology that highlights the...
In 2004 the Indonesian government made a commitment to provide its entire population with health insurance coverage through a mandatory public health insurance scheme. It has moved boldly already provides coverage to an estimated 76.4 million poor and near poor, funded through the public budget. Nevertheless, over half the population still lacks health insurance coverage, and the full fiscal impacts of the government's program for the poor have not been fully assessed or felt. In addition, significant deficiencies in the efficiency and equity of the current health system, unless addressed will exacerbate cost pressures and could preclude the effective implementation of universal coverage (Ue...
Motivation, ability and potential for development are crucial for performance and the achievement of objectives. The author, from his extensive management experience at Unilever, the leading multinational corporation, demonstrates the importance of the link between motivation, assessment of performance and potential, and reward and incentive strategies. It is only by getting this relationship right that the company can achieve business success.
Eco-city planning is a key element of urban land use planning in perspective and of ongoing debate of environmental urban sustainable development with a spatial and practical dimension. The conceptual basis of ecological planning is that we can no longer afford to be merely human-centred in approach. Instead, the interdependency of human and non-human species has forced us to appreciate the ‘rights’ and ‘intrinsic values’ of non-human species in our pursuit for a sustainable ecosystem. This volume has as approach an emphasis on environmental planning policies whereby, for example, energy saving, anti-pollution measures, use of non-car modes, construction of green buildings, safeguarding of nature and natural habitats in urban areas, and use of more renewable resources are promotional norms. Their aims and leading outcome serve to protect the Earth from adverse effects of global warming and different sources of pollution threatening the quality of life of human societies.
Unless a food is grossly contaminated, consumers are unable to detect through sight or smell the presence of low levels of toxic chemicals in their foods. Furthermore, the toxic effects of exposure to low levels of chemicals are often manifested slowly, sometimes for decades, as in the case of cancer or organ failure. As a result, safeguarding food from such hazards requires the constant monitoring of the food supply using sophisticated laboratory analysis. While the food industry bears the primary responsibility for assuring the safety of its products, the overall protection of people’s diets from chemical hazards must be considered one of the most important public health functions of any...