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From Collective Memories to Intercultural Exchanges
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 248

From Collective Memories to Intercultural Exchanges

The Centers for Austrian Studies, founded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research since the 1970s, play an important role for the Austrian and international scientific community. They promote studies on Austria and Central Europe in their host nations, as well as give Austrian students the possibility of conducting research abroad and of getting in touch with the local scientific community. This volume contains reports on the activities of these institutions in the academic year 2011/2012 and includes working papers by some of their most promising PhD students. The research presented covers various aspects of Central European history in moderns times, ranging from the 15th century to the present. (Series: Europa Orientalis - Vol. 13)

Approaching East-Central Europe over the Centuries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 263

Approaching East-Central Europe over the Centuries

During the 1970s the todays Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, BMBWF) supported the founding of the Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and the Austrian Chair at Stanford University in California. These foundings were the initial incentives for the world wide 'spreading' of similar institutions; currently nine Centers for Austrian and Central European Studies exist in seven states on three continents. The funding of the Ministry enables to connect senior with young scholars, to help the latter, to participate and benefit from the scientific connection of the former, as the Austrian say, `to sniff the scientific air', and to get in touch with the respective national scientific community, to avoid prejudices, and to spread a better understanding and knowledge about Austria and Central Europe. This volume contains the annual reports (2016/2017) of the Center Director's and the presented papers of their PhDs, which discuss various topics on (East-)Central European History from various perspectives and in different centuries.

Distinguished Outsider
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 246

Distinguished Outsider

A study of the shifts of critical opinion on Musil, with special reference to The Man Without Qualities. Austrian writer Robert Musil (1880-1942) ranks with Proust, Joyce, Kafka and Thomas Mann as a master of the modern prose narrative; his works encompass a wide range of theoretical and aesthetic impulses, ranging from Nietzsche toMach, from Gestalt theory to Freudian psychoanalysis. This volume traces the scholarly reception of Musil's works, marked by discontinuities and abrupt shifts of perception. At the beginning of his career, Musil was stereotyped asan author primarily interested in morally questionable 'psychological' issues, before being plunged into near oblivion by his exile, for...

Dramaturgies of War
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 283

Dramaturgies of War

This book examines the institutional contexts of dramaturgical practices in the changing political landscape of 20th century Germany. Through wide-ranging case studies, it discusses the way in which operationalised modes of action, legal frameworks and an established profession have shaped dramaturgical practice and thus links to current debates around the “institutional turn” in theatre and performance studies. German theatre represents a rich and well-chosen field as it is here where the role of the dramaturg was first created and where dramaturgy played a significantly politicised role in the changing political systems of the 20th century. The volume represents an important addition to a growing field of work on dramaturgy by contributing to a historical contextualisation of current practice. In doing so, it understands dramaturgy not only as a process which occurs in rehearsal rooms and writers’ studies, but one that has far wider institutional and political implications.

Das Individuum im transkulturellen Raum
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 455

Das Individuum im transkulturellen Raum

Die Neuverortung des Individuums zwischen Nationalitäten, Kulturen, Religionen und politischen Ideologien ist das zentrale Thema der deutschböhmischen und deutschmährischen Literatur nach dem Zusammenbruch des Habsburgerreichs 1918. Kristina Lahl zeichnet mithilfe einer interdisziplinären Untersuchung der historischen und sozialen Situation, einschlägiger Theorien zu Identität und Alterität sowie eingehender Romananalysen ein umfassendes Bild dieser Literaturlandschaft in einem transkulturellen Raum. Dabei werden bislang bestehende Kategorisierungen wie die dichotomische Aufteilung in die »Prager deutsche Literatur« und die »sudetendeutsche Literatur« kritisch hinterfragt.

A Topical Guide to Schenkerian Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 610

A Topical Guide to Schenkerian Literature

To the growing list of Pendragon Press publications devoted to the work of Heinrich Schenker, we wish to announce the addition of this much-needed bibliography. The author, a student of Allen Forte, has created a work useful to a wide range of researchers music theorists, musicologists, music librarians and teachers. The Guide is the largest Schenkerian reference work ever published. At nearly 600 pages, it contains 3600 entries (2200 principal, 1400 secondary) representing the work of 1475 authors. Fifteen broad groupings encompass seventy topical headings, many of which are divided and subdivided again, resulting in a total of 271 headings under which entries are collected.

Gadda e la cultura del '900
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 226

Gadda e la cultura del '900

Schivo, bizzarro, ingegnoso e straordinariamente attratto dalla com- plessità del reale, Carlo Emilio Gadda ha rivelato, con finissimi strumenti linguistici e culturali, il patimento dell’io e la dolente inade- guatezza a sciogliere il groviglio dei fatti e delle loro cause. Insieme, parole come tragico e comico, io, colori e arte rinviano, emblematica- mente, alla vastità di temi e pensiero colti nel suo «lungo guardare». A 50 anni dalla sua morte e a 60 dalla pubblicazione della Cognizione del dolore, questo saggio segue gli ardui percorsi della mappa gaddia- na attraverso le istanze culturali del Novecento europeo che ispiraro- no l’intellettuale, presenti anche nella sua opera capolavoro. Ugual- mente, attraverso le lettere e gli scritti tecnici, relativi al primo impiego in Sardegna dell’Ingegnere elettricista, dà conto degli interessi lingui- stici agli albori, nell’idea della lingua come «specchio del totale essere e del totale pensiero». A corredo una lettera di Giulio Cattaneo.

Literatur, Geschichte, Österreich
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 735

Literatur, Geschichte, Österreich

Der Faktor "Österreich" ist aus der Literaturgeschichte nicht wegzudenken. Bedeutung und Konsequenzen bleiben jedoch bis heute umstritten. Herbert Zeman sind einige der wichtigsten systematischen Unternehmungen auf dem Gebiet der Österreichischen Literaturforschung zu danken. Dieses Buch erörtert aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstags Fragen der Begriffs- und Problembestimmung, der Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Didaktik. Vielfältige Phänomenskizzen tragen dazu bei, weiße Flecken auf der Landkarte der österreichischen Literaturgeschichte zu tilgen, und stellen bekannte und weniger bekannte Aspekte derselben neu zur Diskussion

Život ve třicátých a čtyřicátých letech dvacátého století v multikulturních regionech střední Evropy na základě autobiografických próz německy píšících autorů - Ota Filip, Horst Bienek a další
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 322

Život ve třicátých a čtyřicátých letech dvacátého století v multikulturních regionech střední Evropy na základě autobiografických próz německy píšících autorů - Ota Filip, Horst Bienek a další

Text pojednává o životě ve 30. a 40. letech 20. století v oblasti dnešních západních a severních Čech, jižního Polska a severní Moravy na základě autobiograficky laděných próz Oty Filipa a Horsta Bienka. Texty těchto autorů se vztahují hlavně k severní Moravě a historickému regionu Horního Slezska. Vzpomínkové prózy dalších autorů - Franka Sikory, Evy Althammer-Švorčíkové, Huberta Sigmunda a Gerolda Tietze tematizují život v západní a severní části Čech. Vedle textů uvedených autorů jsou rovněž zohledněny pojednání dalších pamětníků (orální historie), publicistů (dobové a současné texty) a historiků (monografie, historiografické studie).

(Neue) Bibliographie zum deutsch-tschechischen Sprachvergleich
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 96

(Neue) Bibliographie zum deutsch-tschechischen Sprachvergleich

Německo-české jazykové srovnání stojí v centru zájmu různých akademických pracovišť v České republice i zahraničí. Z toho pramení mj. i potřeba platformy, jež by přispěla k výměně zkušeností a poznatků mezi jednotlivými badateli v této oblasti výzkumu. Cílem nové bibliografie je proto dokumentace kontrastivních analýz výše zmíněného jazykového páru, a to z perspektivy různých lingvistických disciplín, resp. z hlediska různých rovin popisu jazyka.