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This book offers an impressive collection of contributions on the epistemology of international biolaw and its applications, both in the legal and ethical fields. Bringing together works by some of the world’s most prominent experts on biolaw and bioethics, it constitutes a paradigmatic text in its field. In addition to exploring various ideologies and philosophies, including European, American and Mediterranean biolaw traditions, it addresses controversial topics straight from today’s headlines, such as genetic editing, the dual-use dilemma, and neurocognitive enhancement. The book encourages readers to think objectively and impartially in order to resolve the ethical and juridical dilemmas that stem from biotechnological empowerment and biomedical techniques. Accordingly, it offers a valuable resource for courses on biolaw, law, bioethics, and biomedical research, as well as courses that discuss law and the biosciences at different professional levels, e.g. in the courts, biomedical industry, pharmacological companies and the public space in general.
In a pioneering study of childhood in colonial Spanish America, Bianca Premo examines the lives of youths in the homes, schools, and institutions of the capital city of Lima, Peru. Situating these young lives within the framework of law and intellectual history from 1650 to 1820, Premo brings to light the colonial politics of childhood and challenges readers to view patriarchy as a system of power based on age, caste, and social class as much as gender. Although Spanish laws endowed elite men with an authority over children that mirrored and reinforced the monarch's legitimacy as a colonial "Father King," Premo finds that, in practice, Lima's young often grew up in the care of adults--such as women and slaves--who were subject to the patriarchal authority of others. During the Bourbon Reforms, city inhabitants of all castes and classes began to practice a "new politics of the child," challenging men and masters by employing Enlightenment principles of childhood. Thus the social transformations and political dislocations of the late eighteenth century occurred not only in elite circles and royal palaces, Premo concludes, but also in the humble households of a colonial city.
"Collection of thirteen essays - nine of which relate to the post-1910 period - examining the role of women and gender relations as rural families make the transition from an agrarian to an industrial society. The nine essays are organized around two themes: Rural Women and Revolution in Mexico and Rural Women, Urbanization, and Gender Relations"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
El presente estudio –realizado con ocasión del trabajo final del Máster oficial sobre Fundamentos y Principios del Sistema Jurídico de la Universidad de Cantabria, obteniendo el VI Premio Isabel Torres a investigaciones en estudios de las mujeres y del género– pretende detectar y reflexionar sobre nuevas necesidades de las mujeres en general, particularmente en tanto que trabajadoras, en el contexto del ejercicio de derechos reproductivos con técnicas de reproducción humana asistida. Más en concreto trata de analizar la adecuación, a tales necesidades, de la protección dispensada tanto desde el ámbito sanitario como del laboral, a la vez que se cuestiona sobre la coherencia de ...
El Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicasde la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México pone a disposición del público la presente obra, Lexicón jurídico, cuyo propósito es servir como herramienta básica de referencia del vocabulario que compone el estudio del derecho. Bajo orden alfabético, por materia y de forma breve, se hace una aproximación accesible a las voces más relevantes del lenguaje jurídico, que se encuentran compuestas de una descripción esencial y del use convencional de los términos e ideas básicas de cada vocablo jurídico, de modo que sea comprensible para cualquier interesado en su consulta.
El lenguaje y los trámites aterran al hombre sencillo, a quien tiene que llegarel sistema de justicia; las providencias normalmente son esotéricas, unas por excesodel fallador, y otras porque hay términos de los cuales no se puede prescindir, peroque en todo caso son de difícil comprensión para el hombre común. La tutela enColombia desformalizada, sencilla y rápida, ha venido ejerciendo una labor pe-dagógica, para que los jueces se acostumbren a abandonar las formalidades que laúnica explicación que tienen es la misma formalidad. Aparece un mensaje: losimple y sencillo logra resultados positivos casi en forma inmediata
Discusses women worker's rights and how to exert them.