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The social lives of the peoples of the Balkans have long stimulated the imaginations of their northern European neighbors. These peoples and places have anthropological traditions of their own, shaped initially by nationalist movements and, later, by socialism and other political constraints. From an anthropological perspective, this book explores the region between Greece and Slovenia, when political pressures were strongest in the era of the Cold War. Yet, the environments were by no means uniformly repressive. The study provides indispensable insights for new generations pursuing innovative research agendas in this region in the new century. It raises deeper issues about the boundaries and substance of the anthropological endeavor. (Series: Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia - Vol. 29)
The Istrian Peninsula, which is made up of modern-day Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy suffered from the so-called "Istrian exodus" after the Second World War. This book looks at this difficult, silenced past and shifts the usual focus from migrants to those who stayed behind and to the new immigrants who came to the “emptied” towns.The research, based on individual memories, deals with silences and competing national discourses, reasons to stay and leave, hybrid border ethnic identities, and the renewal of Istrian society and its new social relations. It is a self-critical reflection on an ignored chapter of national history, which, with an empathetic approach, allows the silence to speak.
This book provides an anthropological analysis of the cultural formation, practices and experiences of the first generation of Slovenes working in the institutions of the European Union. On 1 May 2004, Slovenia became a full-fledged member of the European Union and was thus formally incorporated into the processes of European integration redefining the relations among EU member states. European integration processes take place at multiple, interlocking levels — from the level of government bodies to the level of individual social actors. The numerous Slovenes who were successful in attaining the positions available for citizens from new member states now work as Eurocrats at multiple locat...
Knjiga predstavlja temeljni uvod v antropologijo mej in sodobni primer slovenskega obmejnega območja. V prvih poglavjih so obravnavane glavne raziskovalne smeri, ki so vplivale na antropološke raziskave ob mejah, raziskave mej na izbranih mejnih območjih in sodobna vprašanja, ki oblikujejo antropološke raziskave v okviru interdisciplinarnega polja raziskav mej. Drugi del knjige obravnava različne, z mejami povezane vidike ob slovensko-madžarski meji na Goričkem. Etnografska poglavja posredujejo razumevanje, kako so se meje in mejni režimi spreminjali v zadnjih desetletjih, kako so te spremembe vplivale na obmejno območje in kako akterji ob meji z množico mejnih praks doživljajo in odgovarjajo na te spremembe.
In the book are presented studies of 18 renowned researchers focussing on the verbal aspects of everyday magic, placing in the centre the richest and most poetic manifestation of verbal magic – the charm or incantatio. Incantations are in Europe well spread folklore genre, which contain very old magical elemrnts. The book covers wide spectrum of regions, from United Kingdom to Russia and Iran, and includes also Slovenia. The researchers have devoted their attention to phenomenological and theoretical studies of incantatio, and have discussed various topics, from the origin of charms and ancient European magical practices, to the receptions and diffusions of different types of charms. _ _ _...
In this book, we present the results of a two-year project that was carried out by partners in five European countries with the financial support of the EU Erasmus+ programme. The project addressed young people and mentors and helped them understand the importance of non-formal and informal education, supported by volunteering, in preventing early school leaving. In this way, the project team put special attention on recognising the key competences that young people acquire through their voluntary work. The initial goal of the project was to test ideas and concepts at the local levels – to see which approaches are the most appropriate in a certain country, socio-cultural framework and even...
V knjigi so zbrane razprave, ki z večdisciplinarne perspektive govorijo o intelektualnem delovanju Rajka Ložarja v Sloveniji in izseljenstvu. Kot etnolog, arheolog, umetnostni zgodovinar, literarni, likovni in glasbeni kritik, muzejski delavec in publicist je bil v Sloveniji znanstveno in strokovno aktiven do konca druge svetovne vojne. Na avstrijskem Koroškem je deloval kot profesor, zbiralec in raziskovalec do konca leta 1951, ko se je izselil v ZDA, kjer je bil od 1956 do upokojitve 1969 ravnatelj mestnega muzeja v Manitowocu. Tam je leta 1985 sklenil svojo zapleteno življenjsko in strokovno pot.
"This book reveals contemporary vernacular religion expressed in gay Catholic spirituality, Father Divine's International Peace Mission movement, and material culture"--
Monografija je posvečena opusu akademika dr. Nika Kureta, ki je bil v slovenski etnologiji in folkloristiki druge polovice 20. stoletja ena osrednjih osebnosti in raziskovalec, brez katerega bi bile etnološke in folkloristične raziskave osiromašene za marsikatero dognanje. V knjigi se prepletajo tri ravni ali trije pogledi: najprej gre za osebno – značajsko in biografsko raven, nato za njene poti v primežu časov, krajev, političnih, nazorskih oz. družbenih in zgodovinskih razmer, in naposled za presojo Kuretove znanstvene in strokovne dediščine v okviru razmer, v katerih je bil dejaven, še posebno pa tistih presežkov, ki njegovo izročilo ohranjajo sveže in aktualno v delu njegovih naslednikov. Ti se seveda danes drugače in – zaradi pahljače novih uvidov in spoznanj – tudi kritično ozirajo na njegova, a se hkrati vedno znova spogledujejo z njimi; zrcalijo hkrati prelome in kontinuitete v znanstvenih tradicijah, dialogi med njimi pa so za humanistično znanje še posebej značilni in tudi dragoceni.