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Cutting-edge research by twenty-four international scholars on female power, agency, health, and literacy in ancient Egypt There has been considerable scholarship in the last fifty years on the role of ancient Egyptian women in society. With their ability to work outside the home, inherit and dispense of property, initiate divorce, testify in court, and serve in local government, Egyptian women exercised more legal rights and economic independence than their counterparts throughout antiquity. Yet, their agency and autonomy are often downplayed, undermined, or outright ignored. In Women in Ancient Egypt twenty-four international scholars offer a corrective to this view by presenting the lates...
This volume was first published by Inter-Disciplinary Press in 2016. The articles comprised in this anthology are attempting to discuss the rapid change of digital media technologies and the way they impetus our understanding of history and memory. History should not be regarded only as an object of research. It is also a subject, performing and registering agency. The aim of the articles will not be to cover the whole range of mediated histories, but to claim fresh insights for debate and discovery in terms of digital memories. In this sense, contributions for this volume will leave the “doors of perception” (Aldous Huxley) wide open and sketch the impact of media to different cultural practices, identity work and preservation of history, as well as the examination of it. Likewise, divergence of the papers at hand indicates that the concept “digital” ought to be recognized as institutional practices, methodological tools, or as content providers for memories.
This book provides access to new and exclusive research in several Antiquity and Antiquity-related fields and subjects. Revolving around four general subjects (Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near and Middle East, the Classical World, and the Reception of Antiquity), it will provide access to new works spanning from archaeology, literature, art, reception studies, among others, allowing the reader to gain insights into some of the most current subjects of investigation in modern academia.
An innovative account of the lives and times of the ‘warrior king’ Thutmose III, and the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, by renowned Egyptologist Aidan Dodson Thutmose III and Hatshepsut are among the best-known figures in Egyptian history. Thutmose has been called the “Napoleon of ancient Egypt,” during whose reign Egypt’s armies penetrated deep into northern Syria and consolidated Egyptian dominion over much of Sudan. Hatshepsut, one of the handful of female pharaohs, also took to the battlefield, but is best known today for a great trading expedition, down the Red Sea coast to the mysterious land of Punt. At first, Hatshepsut served simply as regent for her young nephew-stepson Thutm...
This volume reflects the most recent state of research on ancient Egypt presented and discussed at the international conference Current Research on Egyptology XVII, May 2016. Nine papers are arranged chronologically covering the wide time span from the Predynastic till the Graeco-Roman Period, with the remaining five considering more general thematic, theoretical and cross-cultural topics. Papers re-examine the archives from early exacavations of pre-Dynastic tombs in the light of modern research; discuss various types of object from different periods; consider the roles of travelling artists and regional artistic schools styles and the mobility of ancient high-skilled craftsmen. Thematic, theoretical, and cross-cultural papers consider the relation of gods, cosmic sacredness and fertility beliefs; take a comparative approach to cultural identity extracted from narrative poetry of Greek and Egyptian origin; the inclusion of Egyptian musical elements incorporated into Greek traditions and the analysis of artifacts from the Egyptian collection of Zagreb, illustrating the range of information that essentially unprovenenced objects may have for future research.
Weseretkau "Mighty of Kas," honors the life and career of Professor Cathleen "Candy" Keller, a truly extraordinary teacher, scholar, Egyptologist, and polymath. The contributors to this volume were Professor Keller's students, friends, and colleagues. Though much of the research presented here centers around the honoree's two primary passions--Egyptian art and the study of the village of Deir el-Medina--the range of topics reflects her broad Egyptological interests, including religious organization, artistic technique, museum collections, textual analyses, historical events, and archaeological studies at sites throughout Egypt.
Esta obra recoge las aportaciones de especialistas en Egiptología, las últimas investigaciones realizadas en las misiones arqueológicas que se están realizando en Egipto del mundo Ibérico (España, Portugal, Argentina, Brasil), al tiempo que presenta al lector las principales líneas de investigación que se están desarrollando en la actualidad. A lo largo de las contribuciones puede comprobarse la calidad científica que la egiptología ha adquirido en las últimas décadas en el ámbito ibérico, una disciplina que aún no tiene una especialidad reconocida, como sucede en otros países europeos donde la tradición e investigación se remontan a comienzos del siglo XIX. La historia, la religión, la arqueología, el arte o la economía y sociedad Faraónicas, son analizadas en esta obra en la que el lector podrá encontrar también un amplio material gráfico y bibliográfico, acercándole todo ello a un mejor conocimiento de la cultura Faraónica.
La presente obra pretende mostrar algunas de las nuevas perspectivas de la investigación científica en el campo de la Egiptología ibérica, reuniendo distintas contribuciones de especialistas de España, Portugal y Sudamérica. Se trata de una visión actualizada de los estudios egiptológicos, que no pretende ser exhaustiva sino mostrar algunas de las líneas de trabajo. La temática de los artículos que se recogen en esta obra es muy diversa abarcando, por ejemplo, los resultados de varias misiones arqueológicas en Egipto y el análisis de los hallazgos más recientes. Un papel destacado ocupan los trabajos que versan sobre la historia política egipcia, desde sus orígenes en el nacimiento del Estado hasta épocas tardías. Por supuesto otros temas como la religión, la cultura material o el legado artístico son objeto de análisis. Deseamos que esta publicación anime a otros investigadores a comenzar o proseguir en el campo de la Egiptología, una disciplina que afortunadamente tiene cada vez más peso y tradición.
Introducción al arte de la antigüedad grecolatina para el estudiante del grado de Historia del Arte de forma que la enormidad de sus manifestaciones artísticas le sean asequibles. Es un instrumento de estudio para ayudar a reconocer las características esenciales, los repertorios y tipologías, y saber leerlos e interpretarlos en el contexto histórico correspondiente. Cada sección aborda de forma general el contexto cultural en el que se enmarcan las llamadas artes mayores (pintura, escultura y arquitectura) así como otras manifestaciones características de estas civilizaciones como la cerámica o el mosaico. La estructura del libro es cronológica, ya que la articulación de forma diacrónica es la más accesible para entender de forma global la complejidad de este riquísimo y dilatado período de Historia del Arte.