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Central Neural Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Regulation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Central Neural Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Regulation

With the help of recent technological advances in the study of cen tral nervous system function, important strides have been made in our knowledge regarding the pathophysiology of high blood pres sure. The understanding of neural mechanisms involved in the reg ulation of the cardiovascular system is of critical importance to the development of rational approaches to both the treatment and pre vention of this disease. It was in this spirit that a satellite symposium of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hyper tension was held in June 1990, in Bethesda, Maryland. The chapters, in this first of two volumes on the same general theme, are based on lectures presented at th...

Ciência E Cultura
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 284

Ciência E Cultura

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1996
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Religion and Law in Brazil
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 240

Religion and Law in Brazil

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this convenient resource provides systematic information on how Brazil deals with the role religion plays or can play in society, the legal status of religious communities and institutions, and the legal interaction among religion, culture, education, and media. After a general introduction describing the social and historical background, the book goes on to explain the legal framework in which religion is approached. Coverage proceeds from the principle of religious freedom through the rights and contractual obligations of religious communities; international, transnational, and regional law effects; and the legal p...

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine: Rising Stars 2023
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine: Rising Stars 2023

We are delighted to present the 2023 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine “Rising Stars” article collection. This collection showcases the high-quality work of internationally recognized researchers in the early stages of their independent careers. All Rising Star researchers were individually nominated by the Chief Editors of the Journal in recognition of their potential to influence the future directions in their respective fields. The work presented here highlights the diversity of research performed across the entire breadth of cardiovascular medicine, including the elucidation of fundamental biology, the development of novel diagnostics or therapeutics, computational modelling approaches, and bioengineering strategies for regeneration.

Campus de la Diagonal
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Campus de la Diagonal

Aquest llibre presenta una reflexió acadèmica i professional al Campus de la Diagonal amb un ampli ventall d’idees urbanístiques que permeten establir un nou escenari universitari i millorar la relació amb la ciutat..Durant els anys seixanta i setanta del segle passat es varen realitzar diversos projectes d’edificis i recintes universitaris de gran interès (de Carlo, Candilis, Sert). També es varen publicar notables estudis sobre la relació entre la ciutat i la universitat..Feia, però, força anys que aquestes qüestions no semblaven ocupar l’agenda d’arquitectes, urbanistes i responsables universitaris. Per això sembla tan oportú l’esforç de recollir en aquestes poc més de dues-centes planes tot un seguit de riques reflexions i de projectes, tant aquells que responen a encàrrecs concrets de la UB i de la UPC, com aquells que han realitzat un conjunt d’estudiants per recosir i fer ciutat d’una munió d’edificis, sovint de caràcter abstret i poc permeable, tallats per una avinguda de grans dimensions i disposats sense cap visió de conjunt.

Miami North Corridor Project
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 742

Miami North Corridor Project

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Considerações sobre Assédio Moral e Dano Moral
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 71

Considerações sobre Assédio Moral e Dano Moral

As violações à honra e à integridade psíquica do indivíduo estão cada vez mais freqüentes em nosso cotidiano, e tem se originado significativamente no ambiente de trabalho. Por conta disso, o dano moral e mais recentemente o assédio moral, que ainda não dispõe de legislação regulamentadora com abrangência federal, são temas freqüentes de apreciação das Varas do Trabalho e Tribunais Regionais do Trabalho do nosso País. Delimitando o estudo especificamente para os casos de responsabilidade do empregador pelos danos dessa ordem sofridos pelo empregado, a comprovação da conduta lesiva nem sempre é fácil de ser demonstrada em juízo, pois imprescindível a verificação dos pressupostos, ainda mais quando a lide versa sobre o assédio moral, que ocorre quase que generalizadamente de forma oculta. Embora existam situações excepcionais onde a responsabilidade civil do empregador seja objetiva, permanece a regra da responsabilidade civil subjetiva do empregador. De subjetivismo também se reveste o juiz para quantificar o valor do dano, observando alguns critérios construídos pela doutrina e jurisprudência, que também merece destaque no presente trabalho.

Mexican Political Biographies, 1884–1934
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 491

Mexican Political Biographies, 1884–1934

Here is an authoritative reference work that makes biographies of prominent Mexican national politicians from the period 1884–1934 available in English. Like the author's biographical directory for the years 1935–2009, it draws on many years of research in Mexico and the United States and seeks not only to provide accurate biographical information about each entry but also, where possible and appropriate, to connect these politicians to more recent leadership generations. Thus, Mexican Political Biographies, 1884-1934 not only is a useful historical source but also provides additional information on the family backgrounds of many contemporary figures. The work includes those figures who ...

Sound and Noise
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 409

Sound and Noise

This book is about how you listen and what you hear, about how to have a dialogue with the sounds around you. Marcia Jenneth Epstein gives readers the impetus and the tools to understand the sounds and noise that define their daily lives in this groundbreaking interdisciplinary study of how auditory stimuli impact both individuals and communities. Epstein employs scientific and sociological perspectives to examine noise in multiple contexts: as a threat to health and peace of mind, as a motivator for social cohesion, as a potent form of communication and expression of power. She draws on a massive base of specialist literature from fields as diverse as nursing and neuroscience, sociology and...