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Muslims constitute about half a million or 15 percent of Singapore's multiracial and multireligious population. In 1968, the Singapore Parliament passed the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA), which led to the formation of Muis or the Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Islamic Religious Council of Singapore). The formation of Muis has brought about better administration of Muslim affairs in Singapore in meeting the religious needs of the Muslim community in areas like the issuance of fatwa (religious rulings), provision of halal food, management of haj (religious pilgrimage), collection and disbursement of zakat (charity tithe), running of madrasahs (religious schools) and having access to s...
Islamic religious teachers (asatizah) and scholars (ulama) play a significant role in providing spiritual leadership for the Singapore Malay/Muslim community. Lately, the group has been cast under the spotlight over a range of issues, from underperformance in the national examination, their ability to integrate into the broader society, exposure to radical and conservative ideas such as Salafism from the Middle East, and unemployment. Reaching for the Crescent examines a growing segment within the group, namely Islamic studies graduates, who obtained their degrees from universities in the Middle East and neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia. It identifies factors that condition the proliferat...
Islamic finance has been growing faster than conventional finance for most of the past decade. It has done this on a model of finance that rejects interest and promotes profit sharing. How is this possible? Yet the wealth potential of Islamic finance is far from being its most attractive feature. What is most compelling about Islamic finance are its ethical principles and strong corporate governance based on Shariah law. This SECOND EDITION explains and updates how conventional financial products work — from mortgages and leases to trade finance and insurance — before delving into their Islamic versions and contains three new topics on microfinance, the ethical company and wealth success...
This book aims to promote greater understanding of social cohesion amidst existing complexities of faith and identity, and what it portends for our future.Social cohesion defies easy definition; yet, every pursuit of social cohesiveness requires nurture, patience and a consensus that it is germane to the success of any community. Indeed, challenges abound, developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic, evolving geopolitical tensions, and a rise in access to technology impact social cohesion. In such times, it is pertinent to maintain on-going conversations revolving around social cohesion to bridge the divides through diversity and technology.This book continues to build on the conversations from the second edition of the International Conference of Cohesive Society (ICCS), held from 6-8 September 2022 in Singapore. Over 25 essays across three ICCS 2022 themes — How Faith Can Bridge Divides, Diversity, and Technology — present international and interdisciplinary perspectives in building confident identities and connected communities.
With society's rising affluence, children and families stand to inherit properties and many thousands and millions of dollars when parents and relatives pass away. The importance of setting out clear instructions about the distribution of your assets or wealth while you are still alive cannot be overstated. This process of estate planning involves making a will and perhaps setting up a trust, depending on your personal circumstances. The rise of the modern family and what such a family is likely to own, add to the diversity of planning required. In addition to the traditional two-parent family, we have families with single parents, partners of different races, nationalities and faiths, and s...
Due to its location, Indonesia is prone to large seismic activities, some of which have caused a significant number of fatalities and damages to human livelihoods. The country, hence, has to always be prepared and resilient toward these kinds of event. Abilities to soften the human and economic impact of natural shocks and to bounce back the economy as quickly as we can are crucial in sustaining the human and economic development of the country. This book presents disaster-related issues, including disaster management, sustaining regional development, improving human capital in the country, rural development and conserving the environment. Hopefully this book can attract more regional scientists to work on disasters and regional development issues.
Menikah dengan pria yang baru bertemu dalam waktu sehari tidak pernah ada dalam bayangan atau pikiran Naila. Permasalahan dirinya dengan pria dari masa lalu telah selesai tapi tidak dengan salah satu dokter yang dijanjikan sebuah jawaban, tampaknya Naila tidak bisa memberikan jawaban apapun pada dokter yang tidak lain adalah teman sepupunya sendiri. Irwan menikahi Naila karena pertemuan pertama kalinya saat melamar kerja di cafe milik ayahnya, pertemuan kedua tanpa sengaja membuat Irwan yakin dengan keputusannya menikahi Naila. Pertolongan di dapat dari saudara tercintanya yang ternyata memiliki hubungan sangat dekat dengan keluarga Naila, dalam waktu singkat Irwan meminta untuk segera menikahi Naila dan siap dengan masa lalu wanita itu. Apa tujuan sebenarnya Irwan menikahi Naila? Cinta atau ada suatu hal yang lain? Bagaimana dengan Naila sendiri akankah benar-benar menemukan cinta sejatinya?
Buku yang berjudul Hukum Kesehatan ini merupakan buku ajar bagi para mahasiswa hukum, khususnya dalam program sarjana untuk mata kuliah Hukum Kesehatan. Buku ini mencakup pembahasan mengenai Hukum Kesehatan secara menyeluruh, termasuk sejarah, pengertian, ruang lingkup, landasan hukum, asas-asas hukum kesehatan, dan fungsi dari hukum kesehatan. Di dalam buku ini, bab-bab selanjutnya membahas topik-topik terkait, seperti upaya kesehatan, termasuk pelayanan telemedicine, hak dan kewajiban dokter, hak dan kewajiban pasien, kontrak terapeutik, informed consent, dan rekam medis. Selain itu, juga dibahas mengenai tanggung jawab dokter secara hukum, aspek etikolegal, permasalahan hukum dalam bidang kesehatan (malapraktik, aborsi, penyalahgunaan narkotika, euthanasia, transplantasi organ, dan surrogate mother), visum et repertum, serta penyelesaian sengketa medis. Buku ini telah disesuaikan dengan UU RI No. 1 Tahun 2023 tentang KUHP & UU RI No. 17 Tahun 2023 tentang Kesehatan.
Pandemi Covid-19 telah memukul seluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Keppres No. 12 tahun 2020 menetapkan Bencana Nonalam Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) sebagai Bencana Nasional. Yang mana untuk mencegah penularan semakin meluas, kegiatan yang berpotensi mempertemukan banyak orang saat ini dibatasi. Adanya pembatasan aktivitas ini, tentu berpengaruh pada perubahan perilaku dan aktivitas masyarakat sehingga menuntut masyarakat untuk tetap kreatif dan inovatif untuk dapat bertahan hidup. Lahirnya buku Tetap Kreatif dan Inovatif di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 (Jilid 2) ini merupakan salah satu wujud kreatifitas dan inovasi yang telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat selama menghadapi masa-masa berat sejak awal Pandemi Covid-19 sampai saat ini. Keseluruhan ide dan gagasan yang ada dalam buku ini adalah karya yang ditulis oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat yang diharapkan dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi pembaca untuk tetap kreatif dan inovatif di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Selamat membaca!