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This book offers a new perspective on international law, which was, for centuries, male-dominant and gender-blind. However, this gender blindness has led to many injustices, the failure to recognize certain rights, and to impunity for serious crimes. The book examines the development of gender perspectives in various branches of international law, while also discussing and explaining certain universal standards. However, particular attention is paid to the European human rights system. Accordingly, the book provides detailed explanations of the EU’s external policies in relation to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Also, there is a special focus on the relevant jurisprudence of...
The Care Text Series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing focused and reliable guides for students of law at all levels. Written with authority by leading academics and renowned for their dainty, these invaluable texts provide a straightforward analysis of the subject and its challenges. European Union Law provides an accessible introduction to the European institutions and offers thorough and wide ranging coverage of the key substantive law topics to serve as a strong basis for further study of the subject. Insightful analysis of the underflying themes and principles of EU law is delivered in a clear and direct style accompanied by chapter summaries contextual examples, critical questions and expertly selected further reading suggestions to help guide you through the subject and support further research. Book jacket.
No one can deny the significance attributed to the issue of reconciling work and private life by contemporary society, the EU and other international organisations. Its relevance is evident in the multifaceted nature of this topic and the need for each party to the employment contract to strike a proper balance between professional and personal responsibilities, based on the assumption that people can successfully harmonise their work with life. Following on from these considerations, this volume provides a detailed analysis of work-life balance and its regulation in a number of EU countries, emphasizing the consequences that the current economic crisis has brought about in this field.
This comprehensive second edition Research Handbook discusses a wide range of timely questions and dilemmas ensuing from the present state of European social security law. Presenting a kaleidoscopic concept of social security, a new generation of leading experts identifies future lines of inquiry that are likely to dominate the discourse in the coming years.
This timely book provides a comprehensive overview of European pension law with a dual purpose: both to introduce the legal aspects of different forms of pension at the European level, as well as to explore the main legal policy issues.
The book gives insight into the structures and developments of the fundamental rights protection in Europe which is effective at the levels of the national Constitutions, the European Convention of Human Rights and, for the EU member States of the EU Fundamental Rights Charter. The contributions of renowned academics from various European countries demonstrate the functional interconnection of these protection systems which result in an increasing convergence. Basic questions are reflected, such as human dignity as foundation of fundamental rights or positive action as a specific form of equality as well as the concept of rights convergence. In this latter contribution the forms of direct re...
«La legislatura del Partido Popular ha dejado los derechos bajo mínimos. La construcción de un nuevo país pasa por derogar lo esencial de su obra legislativa, colocando en su lugar leyes justas, respetuosas con los derechos y libertades de las personas.» El presente libro lanza propuestas de transformación con ese doble objetivo de identificar las regulaciones que demoler y sugerir las medidas que podrían reemplazarlas. Aspira, con ello, a convertirse en herramienta útil para quienes anhelan el cambio. Recorriendo diferentes materias de importancia capital, los autores van planteando reformas tangibles, todas coincidentes en un propósito: el de lograr un país donde primen la iguald...
This book considers the European Union as a project with a major antidiscrimination goal, which is important to remember at a time of increasing resentment against particularly exposed groups, especially migrants, refugees, members of ethnic or religious minorities and LGBTI persons. While equality and non-discrimination have long been core principles of the international community as a whole, as is made obvious by the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, they have shaped European integration in a particular way. The concepts of diversity, pluralism and equality have always been inherent in that process, the EU being virtually founded on the values of equality and non-di...
This book gives a comprehensive overview of the state of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially machine learning (ML) applications in public service delivery in Estonia, discussing the manifold ethical and legal issues that arise under both European and Estonian law. Final conclusions and recommendations set out and analyze various policy options for the public sector, taking into account recent developments at the European level – such as the AIA proposal – as well as the experience of countries that have issued principles and guidelines or even laws for the use of ML in the public sector. “For two reasons, this study is relevant not only for an audience which is interested in Eston...
Sodoma expone la decadencia y la corrupción en el corazón del Vaticano y de la actual Iglesia católica. Es un libro con un claro mensaje al Vaticano de parte de todos los que anhelan una Iglesia inspirada en el Evangelio, una Iglesia para los pobres, los marginados y los desposeídos. Este brillante y perturbador trabajo, basado en cinco años de investigación rigurosa, incluye extensas entrevistas a los más altos cargos que ostentan el poder en el Vaticano. El libro revela la existencia de una camarilla gay en el Vaticano, en la que Frédéric Martel argumenta que sus orígenes vienen del papado de Pablo VI (1963 – 1978). Martel describe al Vaticano como «el mayor armario de la ciud...