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This volume brings together contributions by researchers focusing on personal pronouns in Ibero-Romance languages, going beyond the well-established variable of expressed vs. non-expressed subjects. While factors such as agreement morphology, topic shift and contrast or emphasis have been argued to account for variable subject expression, several corpus studies on Ibero-Romance languages have shown that the expression of subject pronouns goes beyond these traditionally established factors and is also subject to considerable dialectal variation. One of the factors affecting choice and expression of personal pronouns or other referential devices is whether the construction is used personally o...
This book is a collection of studies about forms of address in the world’s languages, with a focus on contrast and difference. The individual chapters highlight inter- and intralinguistic variation in the expression of address and its sociol-cultural functions across media, registers, geographical contexts and time – in more than 15 languages. The volume showcases the variety of approaches that exists in current address research, including the breadth of contrastive methodologies harnessing surveys and questionnaires, focus group discussions, corpus linguistics, discourse and conversation analysis to offer complementary perspectives on culture-specific address practice. This volume is for students and researchers of address and social interaction in a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, including various sub-disciplines of linguistics (such as contrastive, variational and intercultural pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and morphology) and intercultural communication, as well as experts in individual languages and qualitative sociologists.
The Manual of Galician Linguistics provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the current situation of the Galician language and introduces its readers to the most important topics of current linguistic research on Galician. Thevolume includes chapters covering diachronic and synchronic descriptions of all main areas of language structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicology), as well chapters on social and regional variation, language contact, sociolinguistics, language variation and other interesting areas of linguistic research. Rich in descriptive details and grounded in modern linguistic theory, this manual will be an essential research tool for students and researchers who are interested in the Galician language and in Romance linguistics. The preparation of this work has been partially funded through grants from the Ministerio de Cultura of the Government of Spain to the Instituto da Lingua Galega, and from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade of the Xunta de Galicia to the research group Filoloxía e Lingüística Galega of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ED431C 2021/20).
This two-volume set of LNCS 12489 and 12490 constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL 2020, held in Guimaraes, Portugal, in November 2020.* The 93 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 134 submissions. These papers provided a timely sample of the latest advances in data engineering and machine learning, from methodologies, frameworks, and algorithms to applications. The core themes of IDEAL 2020 include big data challenges, machine learning, data mining, information retrieval and management, bio-/neuro-informatics, bio-inspiredmodels, agents and hybrid intelligent systems, real-world applications of intelligent techniques and AI. * The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Virtually unstudied until the 1980s, discourse markers have gone on to become a growth industry. Research on markers is central to comprehensive theories of the synchronic linguistic system as such, of the use of language in communication, and of language change. From the very beginning, linguists working on Romance languages have been at the forefront of research on discourse markers. Including among its contributors many of the foremost experts in the field, this volume not only offers substantial state-of-the-art introductions to the diverse facets of contemporary research on discourse markers, with a focus on Romance, but it achieves added value by including in each chapter original and ...
This book examines the Romanian mihi est construction (Mi-e foame/frică, me.dat = is hunger/fear ‘I am hungry/ afraid’). While it disappeared from all other Romance languages to be replaced with a habeo structure, the mihi est pattern is in Romanian the most common way of expressing psychological or physiological states. By means of synchronic and diachronic corpus studies, the book investigates the status of the core arguments of the mihi est structure, i.e. the dative experiencer and the nominative state noun, as well as its evolution throughout the centuries. The data analysis reveals that the dative experiencer syntactically behaves like nominative subjects, whereas the state noun shows predicate behavior. As for the evolution of the mihi est structure, the analysis shows a certain tendency toward innovation, since in present-day Romanian it can coerce nouns coming from other semantic fields into the construction’s psychological or physiological interpretation. Could this be another unique trait of Romanian, which causes it to seemingly go against the tendency of most Romance languages toward canonical marking of core arguments?
This volume brings together a collection of papers based on presentations given at the 10th and 11th Fora for Linguistic Sharing, organised by the Young Researchers Group of the Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CLUNL) and held at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal, on the 27th and 28th November 2015 and on the 25th November 2016, respectively. The papers are authored by young researchers in linguistics and present the results of original research in two broad areas, namely text and discourse linguistics and grammar. This volume also includes a brief history of the Forum for Linguistic Sharing written by its founders, Audria Leal, Carla Teixeira, Isabelle Simões Marques and Matilde Gonçalves; a keynote article on text linguistics by Matilde Gonçalves; and a keynote article on word formation by Maria do Céu Caetano. Given that it brings together contributions from different, yet complementary, subfields of linguistics, the book will appeal to a broad readership of linguists.
Como resultado del coloquio internacional ASIR 2021 con el tema CONVERGENCIAS Y DIVERGENCIAS EN EL ESPACIO IBEROAMERICANO * CONVERGÊNCIAS E DIVERGÊNCIAS NO ESPAÇO IBERO-AMERICANO, el presente volumen intitulado CONVERGENCIAS Y DIVERGENCIAS EN EL ESPACIO IBEROAMERICANO. ESTUDIOS LINGÜÍSTICOS Y DIDÁCTICOS * CONVERGÊNCIAS E DIVERGÊNCIAS NO ESPAÇO IBERO-AMERICANO. ESTUDOS LINGUÍSTICOS E DIDÁTICOS se adjunta al otro volumen con el título CONVERGENCIAS Y DIVERGENCIAS EN EL ESPACIO IBEROAMERICANO. ESTUDIOS LITERARIOS, CULTURALES Y TRADUCTOLOGICOS * CONVERGÊNCIAS E DIVERGÊNCIAS NO ESPAÇO IBERO-AMERICANO. ESTUDOS LITERÁRIOS, CULTURAIS E TRADUTOLÓGICOS, para dejar constancia de las contribuciones presentadas en el coloquio mencionado. El tema del coloquio apunta a que el desarrollo científico ha permitido a lo largo del tiempo la adhesión a conocimientos válidos y legítimos, como también el enfrentamiento entre tradición e innovación, norma y variación o identidad y alteridad. Este juego de binomios siempre ha sido una conditio sine que non de la investigación lingüística y didáctica a la que se dedica el presente libro.
The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bringing together contributions from an international group of specialists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States. The main focuses of the articles are three: language acquisition, language learning and teaching. A collection of theoretical and empirical articles from scholars of multilingualism and language acquisition makes the book a significant resource as the papers present a wide perspective from main theories to current issues, reflecting new trends in the field. The authors focus on the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize third langu...