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You are responsible for planning and designing electrical power systems? Good. Hopefully you know your way through national and international regulations, safety standards, and all the possible pitfalls you will encounter. You're not sure? This volume provides you with the wealth of experience the author gained in 20 years of practice. The enclosed CAD software accelerates your planning process and makes your final design cost-efficient and secure.
A one-stop resource on how to design standard-compliant low voltage electrical systems This book helps planning engineers in the design and application of low voltage networks. Structured according to the type of electrical system, e.g. asynchronous motors, three-phase networks, or lighting systems, it covers the respective electrical and electrotechnical fundamentals, provides information on the implementation of the relevant NEC and IEC standards, and gives an overview of applications in industry. Analysis and Design of Electrical Power Systems: A Practical Guide and Commentary on NEC and IEC 60364 starts by introducing readers to the subject before moving on to chapters on planning and pr...
Electrical Engineering is the component of Encyclopedia of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. The Theme on Electrical Engineering with contributions from distinguished experts in the field provides the essential aspects and fundamentals of electrical engineering. These three volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College Students Educators, Professional Practitioners, Research Personnel and Policy Analysts, Managers, and Decision Makers, NGOs and GOs.
The concept and detailed design of buildings requires a comprehensive approach. Coordinating the different trades is one of the architect’s key tasks. In view of the fact that electrical installations in buildings are becoming increasingly complex, the architect needs to have a solid, basic understanding in this field in order to be able to prepare the design for the input of the specialist engineers. However, most architects find it hard to understand anything but the basic concepts of electrical engineering, in spite of the fact that it is an increasingly important field in view of the complexity of modern buildings. As an intermediary between all parties involved in the construction project, the architect must be able to understand electrical engineering concepts in buildings and competently advise his clients. BASICS Electrical Installations conveys the basic concepts of electrical installations in buildings in practical applications. Selection of subjects covered: Power supply Design of electrical installations Power supply systems and mains lines Distribution boards Forms of installation Wiring layouts Slots and recesses Information technology Lightning protection systems
Reflecting the changes to the all-important short circuit calculations in three-phase power systems according to IEC 60909-0 standard, this new edition of the practical guide retains its proven and unique concept of explanations, calculations and real-life examples of short circuits in electrical networks. It has also been completely revised and expanded by 20% to include the standard-compliant prevention of short circuits in electrical networks for photovoltaics and wind energy. By understanding the theory any software allows users to perform all the necessary calculations with ease so they can work on the design and application of low- and high-voltage power systems. This book is a practitioner's guide intended for students, electrical engineers, engineers in power technology, the electrotechnical industry, engineering consultants, energy suppliers, chemical engineers and physicists in industry.
Dieses Lehr- und Fachbuch behandelt Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und die Gebiete der Elektrotechnik, die für Ingenieure in der Gebäude- und Energietechnik, der Versorgungstechnik, im Maschinenbau und der Umwelttechnik von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Es richtet sich an Studierende der Fachrichtungen Maschinenbau, Energietechnik, Versorgungstechnik oder Gebäudetechnik an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten. Es vermittelt die Grundlagen für das Verständnis der Elektrotechnik in Anlagen und Gebäuden und dient als Hilfestellung für die selbstständige Lösung praktischer Fragen. Es wird auch bei Ingenieuren und Praktikern in der Elektro-Industrie, bei Netzbetreibern, Energieversorgungsunternehmen, sowie bei Planern und Betreibern von Gebäuden Interesse finden.
Bei der Planung, Konzeption und Ausführung müssen Gebäude ganzheitlich betrachtet werden. Die Abstimmung der einzelnen Gewerke untereinander ist eine Kernaufgabe des Architekten. Da elektrotechnische Installationen in Gebäuden zunehmend komplexer werden, muss der Architekt über ein fundiertes Basiswissen auch in diesem Bereich verfügen, um die Fachplanung sinnvoll vorbereiten zu können. Als Mittler zwischen allen am Bau Beteiligten muss er im Bereich der Elektrotechnik von Gebäuden die Zusammenhänge verstehen und die Kunden kompetent beraten können. Basics Elektroinstallation vermittelt die grundlegenden Kenntnisse der Elektroinstallation von Gebäuden für die Praxis. Themen sind u.a.: Stromversorgung Planung der Elektroinstallation Hauptstromversorgungssysteme und Hauptleitungen Stromkreisverteiler Installationsformen Leitungsführung und Anordnung Schlitze und Aussparungen Informationstechnik Blitzschutzanlagen