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WHEN WE THINK ABOUT GREAT ENTREPRENEURS, WE NOTICE SOMETHING IN COMMON: THEY WENT BEYOND THE OBVIOUS. THEY THOUGHT OUTSIDE THE BOX. THEY SAW SOLUTIONS WHEN THE REST OF THE MARKET ONLY SAW HINDRANCES. THAT'S THE SKILL I WANT TO HELP YOU DEVELOP. Everybody knows how hard it is to own a company in the current market—mortality is high, and achieving the desired profit takes time, discipline, and planning. As you build a company, or even while still developing your business idea, you notice some of the complications that might prevent you from going forward: lack of financial control, bad time management, wanting to do everything all at once, inability to finish things, lack of collaboration an...
BRAZIL IS SILENTLY CHANGING. Globalization and the massification of technology generate opportunities for new business to emerge and for the transformation of the traditional business people into entrepreneurs. Startups and corporations that noticed this movement are shaping the New Economy, while the most traditional companies remain static, living in the past. The old Brazil allowed poor services and artificial results to perpetuate, but now the dynamic has changed. It seems obvious to say that the world has changed since we entered the information and telecommunication age. By scrolling our smartphone screen, we have the power to transform an entire battlefield. We are always one innovati...
Sometimes pain makes its mark on our lifes in such profound ways that it feels like they start to define who we are. The more we try to hide the pain by wearing masks to show the world that "everything is fine", the more that pain does not allow us to have a life full of real love and real joy. My story is about this kind of pain. But beyond that, it's about the real process of healing. It's about how I finally understood the reason for so much suffering. Amid all the mess in my life, I found my way back to my safe harbor, to my truth and my self-love. In this book, my deepest desire is to take you the reader on a journey of love, understanding and acceptance, so that you can: Leave behind the cycle of suffering and experience the relief and support you will need for the next steps; Rebuild your relationships, starting with yourself followed by everyone who is important in your life; Reconnect with your self-value and your own truth, so that you can live according to your purpose in life; Experience forgiveness and allow yourself to be truthfully happy; Free the strength inside yourself!
"If you want to take a leap into your dream life and take control of yourself, this book is a must-read. You will no longer have to give up a second of your life." - Roberto Shinyashiki You went through several books before finding this one. You looked at the cover, the title caught your eye, you started reading the first sentence and decided to continue. I ask you, however: was it you who made the decision for each of those steps? You might believe so, but the truth is that everything happened so fast that your decisions had already been made before you could think about them, taken by a deeper part of your mind: your subconscious, responsible for everything you are and do. On which other p...
If you want something that does not exist it's probably because it has demand and a market! Today we have thousands of businessmen who dream of doing one thing: INNOVATE! Innovation is the sacred chalice of business of success. However, how can we start? Do you know what to do or which direction you have to take to do something that will touch people's lives and change your market? Gustavo Caetano learned to see small problems that needed immediate solution and how to change the course of your business to keep growing. What he wants the most is to see the reader innovate too. Whoever reads this book will find that, contrary to what one thinks and says, innovating is SIMPLE. In this book, you...
Israel's Divine Healer begins with a study of various Hebrew words on healing. It then explores, within the larger context of the Ancient Near Eastern religions, the roles of medicine, magic, and the physician-priest together with their possible influences upon Israel's beliefs and practices regarding healing.
Já está disponível gratuitamente no site da Editora Lamonica a edição 86 da Revista Franquia & Negócios, publicação produzida para a Associação Brasileira de Franchising (ABF). Tem muita informação quentinha para quem acompanha o universo do franchising, como o uso do cashback para alavancar os negócios.
"Num mercado de anjos e tubarões, para receber o SIM que tanto precisa para ir ao próximo nível com seus negócios, você deve saber para o que veio." – Camila Farani QUANDO PENSAMOS NOS GRANDES EMPRESÁRIOS, ENXERGAMOS ALGO EM COMUM: ELES FORAM ALÉM DO ÓBVIO, PENSARAM FORA DA CAIXA. ELES ENXERGARAM SOLUÇÕES QUANDO O RESTO DO MERCADO SÓ VIA DIFICULDADE. É ESSA HABILIDADE QUE EU QUERO AJUDÁ-LO A DESENVOLVER. Todo mundo sabe como é difícil ter uma empresa no mercado atual, a mortalidade é alta e conquistar o lucro desejado leva tempo, disciplina e planejamento. Ao construir uma empresa, ou até mesmo antes, ao desenvolver a ideia de seu negócio, já é possível notar algumas d...
As inovações no mercado financeiro não são apenas uma oportunidade de investimento, mas um universo de possibilidades! Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, os criptoativos e a tecnologia blockchain não são um bicho de sete cabeças, apenas uma evolução natural do mercado financeiro. a sua permanência ano após ano só mostra como lidaremos com o dinheiro, o mercado financeiro e até mesmo a sociedade no futuro. Em A era da criptoeconomia, o especialista em inovação no mercado financeiro Bruno Diniz simplifica conceitos para mostrar que podemos entender o funcionamento desse novo movimento econômico e digital e nos adaptar às mudanças. Com este livro, você aprenderá sobre: A hi...