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Luka bakar adalah suatu jenis trauma yang mengakibatkan kerusakan dan perubahan berbagai sistem tubuh berkaitan dengan kerusakan fungsi kulit dan reaksi inlamasi, sehingga masalah yang dihadapi menjadi sangat kompleks. Kelainan lokal yang timbul tidak hanya terbatas pada hal yang tampak dari luar tetapi juga menyangkut kelainan sistemik yang melibatkan banyak organ yang kadangkala sulit untuk dipantau dan diramalkan. Buku ini membahas berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan trauma luka bakar, yang merupakan kumpulan tulisan dari berbagai pakar sesuai bidangnya. Buku ini disusun berdasarkan buku acuan dalam “Emergency Management of Major Burn” diterapkan di Australia dan Selandia Baru. Diharapkan buku ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman tatalaksana penanganan luka bakar berat pada fase awal atau saat di ruang gawat darurat. Buku ini juga dapat dijadikan acuan para mahasiswa kedokteran, dokter umum maupun dokter spesialis yang berminat terhadap kasus luka bakar.
Pemahaman tentang alur perawatan luka dan pengenalan basic surgical instrument sebagai alat untuk melakukan tindakan pembedahan masih diperlukan. Penguasaan teori yang baik dapat membantu dalam melakukan tindakan pembedahan yang baik sehingga diharapkan pelayanan dasar bedah plastik akan lebih maksimal. Masih sedikitnya bacaan Ilmu Bedah Plastik dalam bahasa Indonesia membuat kami memberanikan diri mencoba merangkai beberapa topik terkait dasar-dasar Ilmu Bedah Plastik menjadi buku. Buku ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan dari berbagai pakar sesuai bidangnya. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua orang yang berminat mempelajari dan ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang dasar bedah plastik.
Buku ini memuat kajian teori tentang kondisi yang dapat terjadi pada pasien luka bakar, problem yang sering menimbulkan mortalitas umumnya diawali dengan terjadinya kondisi hipovolumik, hipoksia, dan hipotermi. Dengan kemajuan teknologi dan penelitian pada fase akut, menyebabkan menurunnya angka kematian penderita luka bakar pada fase ini. Setelah fase akut terlampaui, penderita luka bakar menjumpai problem di fase subakut, di mana problem luka bakar fase subakut ini sangat kompleks dan saling berkaitan. Teori tentang luka bakar baik mengenai patofi siologi, proses infl amasi, metabolisme, gagal ginjal akut, gagal napas pada luka bakar, dan infeksi pada luka bakar masih belum banyak dibahas, sehingga menjadi perhatian penulis untuk mewujudkan dalam sebuah buku.
Buku ini merupakan buku referensi yang menjelaskan bagaimana manifestasi inflamasi luka bakar berat khususnya pada mukosa usus.Mukosa usus khususnya tight junction dianggap penting peranannya sebagai pertahanan awal agar tidak terjadi kerusakan pada organ lainnya. Mekanisme pascaluka bakar berat hingga menyebabkan kerusakan tight junction usus sangat lengkap dijelaskan pada buku ini. Buku ini direkomendasikan untuk dibaca oleh imunologis, dokter, perawat, dan praktisi lainnya yang ingin memahami bagaimana inflamasi akibat luka bakar memengaruhi organ usus.
Revised and updated edition (1st was 1981) of a textbook on chemical and physical principles of fixation, staining and histochemistry. For students i all biological subjects using histological techniques, as well as researcher and medical laboratory technologists. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc
"Extravasation of cytotoxic drugs can lead to serious complications during tumour therapy. This volume is intended as an aid to assess the situation quickly and conclusively should this emergency occur. The substance specific section of the book provides detailed instructions for how to deal with 49 cytotoxic agents so that targeted measures can be started at once. The general section provides comprehensive information on prevention, general measures to be taken in case of extravasation, specific antidotes, and documentation. For support during everyday clinical practice, the book is accompanied by a template for an extravasation kit, tables, documentation sheets, and patient information." "The book is the outcome of a consensus of an interdisciplinary working group that has collected and systematically reviewed all published literature on the topic. The practical instructions are accompanied by a review of the literature to enable readers to study source materials via the original published studies."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
"Regenerating damaged organs and tissues, an act that once was considered magic, is currently entrusted to the surgeons who have allowed us to move from replacement and reconstructive plastic surgery to regenerative plastic surgery, through autologous and allogeneic cell-based therapies and growth factors. The enthusiasm for regenerative plastic surgery and for the treatment of some pathologies addressed by it, such as breast reconstruction, hemifacial atrophy, burns, scars, and aesthetic improvements such as breast and buttock augmentation, face rejuvenation and hair regrowth, has led the author, Professor Pietro Gentile, to rigorously investigate the possible new minimally invasive strategies based on adipose-derived stem cells, human follicle stem cells and growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma. This book reports on the latest knowledge regarding the treatment of soft and bone tissue defects. Therefore, the goal of this text is to introduce and definitively establish this new and interesting field of plastic surgery, called regenerative plastic surgery"--
For 50 years, antibiotics have been dispensed like sweets. This must not be allowed to continue. This unique book assembles contributions from experts around the world concerned with responsible use of antibiotics and the consequences of overuse. For the first time, it provides up to the minute texts on both the theoretical aspects of antibiotic stewardship and the practical aspects of its implementation, with consideration of the key differences between developed and developing countries. All concerned with teaching, practice and administration of clinical medicine, surgery, pharmacy, public health, clinical pharmacology, microbiology, infectious diseases and clinical therapeutics will find Antibiotic Policies: Theory and Practice essential reading. Antibiotic use and resistance is not just the responsibility of specialists in the field but the responsibility of all doctors, pharmacists, nurses, healthcare administrators, patients and the general public.
This book summarizes recent advances in the chemistry, bioactivity, nutrition, and functional aspects of dietary phytochemicals, as well as the health and functional aspects of foods rich in phytochemicals. Consisting of forty-four chapters, it discusses the different chemical types of phytochemicals in our diets and food and presents data collected from animal or human experiments that are directly related to human health. Each chapter covers the chemistry, epidemiological study, bioavailability, bioactivity (animal experiments) function in humans and safety, as well as products on the market. Moreover, the more than 200 figures make it easy to grasp the main findings in each area.
Coffee: Emerging Health Benefits and Disease Prevention presents a comprehensive overview of the recent scientific advances in the field. The book focuses on the following topics: coffee constituents; pro- and antioxidant properties of coffee constituents; bioavailability of coffee constituents; health benefits and disease prevention effects of coffee; and potential negative impacts on health. Multiple chapters describe coffee's positive impact on health and various diseases: type 2 diabetes; neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's and Alzheimer's); cancer (prostate, bladder, pancreatic, breast, ovarian, colon and colorectal); cardiovascular health; and liver health. Coffee's positive effects on mood, suicide rate and cognitive performance are addressed as are the negative health impacts of coffee on pregnancy, insulin sensitivity, dehydration, gastric irritation, anxiety, and withdrawal syndrome issues. Written by many of the top researchers in the world, Coffee: Emerging Health Benefits and Disease Prevention is a must-have reference for food professionals in academia, industry, and governmental and regulatory agencies whose work involves coffee.