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Buku Ajar Keperawatan Gawat Darurat ini disusun sebagai buku panduan komprehensif yang menjelajahi kompleksitas dan mendalamnya tentang ilmu keperawatan gawat darurat. Buku ini dapat digunakan oleh pendidik dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di bidang ilmu keperawatan gawat darurat dan diberbagai bidang Ilmu terkait lainnya. Selain itu, buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dan referensi mengajar mata kuliah keperawatan gawat darurat dan menyesuaikan dengan rencana pembelajaran semester tingkat perguruan tinggi masing-masing. Secara garis besar, buku ajar ini pembahasannya mulai dari konsep dasar asuhan keperawatan gawat darurat, asuhan keperawatan kegawatdaruratan non trauma, asuhan keperawatan kegawatdaruratan trauma, peran dan fungsi perawat gawat darurat, tren isu keperawatan gawat darurat, mekanisme trauma, pengkajian primer dan sekunder. Selain itu, ada beberapa materi penting lainnya yang tentunya membuat buku ajar ini menjadi buku yang sangat tepat dan relevan untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar. Buku ajar ini disusun secara sistematis, ditulis dengan bahasa yang jelas dan mudah dipahami, dan dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
Buku Referensi "Asuhan Keperawatan Maternitas" adalah panduan esensial bagi perawat yang menangani perawatan ibu dan bayi selama masa kehamilan, persalinan, masa nifas, dan perawatan bayi baru lahir. Buku ini dimulai dengan konsep dasar asuhan keperawatan maternitas, termasuk definisi, peran dan tanggung jawab perawat, serta prinsip-prinsip etika dan legalitas yang harus dipatuhi. Selain itu, dibahas juga pentingnya pendidikan dan pelatihan khusus bagi perawat maternitas untuk memastikan kualitas perawatan. Selanjutnya, buku ini menguraikan asuhan keperawatan pada kehamilan, masa nifas, dan bayi baru lahir. Pembahasan mencakup fisiologi kehamilan, pemeriksaan antenatal, serta penanganan komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi. Selain itu, dibahas pula perawatan ibu pasca persalinan, konseling laktasi, dan perawatan bayi baru lahir, termasuk penanganan masalah kesehatan umum serta komplikasi pada bayi. Buku ini adalah sumber referensi yang komprehensif bagi perawat dalam memberikan perawatan yang holistik dan berbasis bukti kepada ibu dan bayi.
I'm just Janet. I have strengths, weaknesses, fears, happiness, sadness. I experience joy and I experience pain. I'm highly emotional. I'm very vulnerable. And, as anyone who knows me will testify, I'm extremely sensitive. I have lifelong patterns of behaviour that have caused me difficulty - patterns tough to break. Like everyone, I have talents, but with those talents have come challenges. This book is about meeting the challenges that face all of us. For more than three decades, I've struggled with yo-yo dieting. Some of my battles with weight have been very public. But most of it has been internal. Even at my thinnest, when my body was being praised, I wasn't happy with what I saw or how...
For someone who made a career out of over-sharing on the internet, Tyler Oakley has a shocking number of personal mishaps and shenanigans to reveal in his first book: he experienced a legitimate rage blackout in a Cheesecake Factory; he had a fashion stand-off with the White House secret service; he crashed a car in front of his entire high school in his fast food restaurant server's uniform; he projectile vomited while bartering with a grandmother. With millions of fans clamouring for more Tyler Oakley, he delivers his best untold, hilariously side-splitting moments with trademark flair in Binge.
Zubi, a happy Bangladeshi girl, is excited about her first day of school, but at breakfast she is puzzled by her mother and older sister worrying about being "too big," and even at school she hears other people criticizing each other's bodies, and she starts to worry that maybe something is wrong with how she looks--until her declaration at dinner that she is on a diet makes her family realize what they have been doing wrong.
Afghanistan, 1975: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return to Afghanistan under Taliban rule to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.
For every Skinny Bitch, there's a kick-ass man just as eager to take control of his weight and health. The New York Times bestselling authors now share their tips for turning Dad bods into Skinny Bastards. What's good for the bitch is good for the bastard. Hundreds of thousands of women have been inspired to "use their head" and get real about the food they eat after reading the best-selling manifesto Skinny Bitch. But it turns out some men have been reading over their girlfriends' shoulders. Professional athletes such as Milwaukee Brewers' Prince Fielder and the Dallas Mavericks' Jerry Stackhouse have adopted a whole new eating plan because of the book. Now authors Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin think it's time for the guys to have a book of their own. In Skinny Bastard, they'll explain why the macho "meat and potatoes" diet is total crap, why having a gut is un-cool (and a turn-off), and how to get buff on the right foods. Eating well shouldn't be a "girlie" thing-and the Bitches will whip any man into shape with their straight-talk, sound guidance, and locker room language.
Ulrika the Vampire - prowling the Old World Returning to Nuln after her adventures in Praag, Ulrika finds the Lahmian vampires preparing for war. Across the Old World, their rivals, the sinister von Carsteins, attack their strongholds and lead the witch hunters to their hidden lairs. Spurned by her sisters, Ulrika forms an uneasy alliance with the von Carsteins in a plot to destabilise the Empire by striking at its very heart – they plan nothing less than the assassination of Emperor Karl Franz. With enemies on all sides and the Empire in flames, Ulrika must decide whether her future will see her living among the humans, or as their enemy.
Summary Entity Framework Core in Action teaches you how to access and update relational data from .NET applications. Following the crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and around 100 diagrams, you'll discover time-saving patterns and best practices for security, performance tuning, and unit testing. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology There's a mismatch in the way OO programs and relational databases represent data. Entity Framework is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that bridges this gap, making it radically easier to query and write to databases from a .NET application. EF creates a ...