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Accounting the Future
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 205

Accounting the Future

The thesis investigates the social processes involved in the practices of futuring. It addresses the question of how social practices contribute to the production and maintenance of robust versions of the future. It asks how best we should study futurity, including expectations, imaginations, promises and visions. Existing research tells us rather little about how ordinary practices render the future as a particular, publicly available and accountable presence or absence. In what ways do people achieve situated performances of certainty about the future? The thesis addresses these questions by drawing upon recent theoretical themes in Science and Technology Studies (STS), notably accountabil...

The Imposter as Social Theory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 350

The Imposter as Social Theory

Edited by expert scholars, this volume explores the 'imposter' through empirical cases, including click farms, bikers, business leaders and fraudulent scientists, providing insights into the social relations and cultural forms from which they emerge.

The Sustainable City Becomes Climate-Smart
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 98

The Sustainable City Becomes Climate-Smart

The idea of smart cities has become enormously popular during the past decade. Environmental governance is one issue in which smart city ideas seem to hold potential. However, there is an incredible variety in what it means for a city to be ‘smart’. For some, it involves the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to solve problems; for others, it has more to do with economic growth and city branding. Many social science researchers have criticised the idea of smart cities. They worry that it might allow multinational corporations to take control of municipal governance and lead to an undue focus on technological solutions to societal issues. However, only a few previous st...

Multiple Imaginaries of the Fossil Fuel Free Future
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 78

Multiple Imaginaries of the Fossil Fuel Free Future

I kölvattnet av klimatkrisen har det blivit allt tydligare att det fossilbaserade transportsystemet måste genomgå en global omvandling. Många alternativ för förnyelsebara drivmedel har föreslagits, alla omgivna av föreställningar om hur dessa tekniker kommer att bidra till en bättre framtid. Dessa föreställningar påverkar utvecklingen eftersom implementeringen av varje alternativ teknik kräver uppbyggnad av mångfaldiga socio-tekniska ensembler som stöder dess användning. Som ett resultat av detta är det troligt att processen för att ersätta fossila bränslen med dessa förnybara alternativ kommer bli komplex. Avhandlingen betraktar uppkomsten av två av dessa föreställn...

Business Meets the Humanities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 144

Business Meets the Humanities

Within the last decades, universities are increasingly expected and measured by their direct engagement in collaborations beyond academia. Exploring the potential that lies in university-business collaborations, the present anthology attends to the dilemmas, dualities, and challenges that follow such collaborations, especially in the academic traditions of the social sciences and humanities. Each contribution investigates how the human perspective – a perspective that highlights how complex knowledge and a deep understanding of human everyday life – enriches companies’ processes, products, services, and ideas. Some chapters focus on collaborations between researchers and business pract...

Mainstreaming passive houses
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 187

Mainstreaming passive houses

The passive house concept has become increasingly popular in the building sector in the lost twenty years ond is deemed to ploy on important role in aligning the housing sector with climate and environmental policy objectives. However, for such buildings to ploy this port they need to be more widespread, more common and more accepted by mainstream actors and institutions. The deployment of passive houses involves changes and adaptations in different parts of society. It involves changes in institutional and organisational set-ups, and it involves market and regulatory changes. Previous research on passive houses has focused on demonstration projects or has taken for granted that a disseminat...

Keeping Autonomous Driving Alive
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 150

Keeping Autonomous Driving Alive

Eine radikal neue Alternative zum Studium von Visionen: Aufbauend auf Literatur aus den Bereichen Science & Technology Studies, Wissenschaftskommunikation und Gender Studies untersucht der Autor die Ambivalenz und Fragilität von technologischen Visionen, Videodemonstrationen und Straßenversuchen in den Händen von Forschenden, die sich mit selbstfahrenden Autos beschäftigen. Das Buch ist für Soziolog*innen und Anthropolog*innen mit Fokus auf Technik, Geschlecht und Mobilität von interessant, die sich mit der Unsicherheit in der technologischen Forschung und mit den widersprüchlichen Anforderungen bei der Vermittlung von Wissenschaft beschäftigen. Gleichzeitig bietet die Studie Wissenschaftler*innen in den Bereichen Robotik, künstliche Intelligenz und Automobiltechnik eine Möglichkeit, über ihre Beteiligung am selbstfahrenden Auto nachzudenken.

Att bota en prostata
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 331

Att bota en prostata

Avhandlingen behandlar den korta men intensiva perioden 1893–1910 då kastrering användes som behandlingsmetod för att bota prostatahypertrofi. Fokus för analysen är hur prostatan, prostatahypertrofi och testiklarna skapades som medicinska kunskapsobjekt. Studien undersöker även hur jämförelser med andra kroppar – kvinnor, djur, män som avvek från normen med två fungerande testiklar – än den ”normala” manliga kroppen var en viktig del av kunskapsproduktionen av dessa kunskapsobjekt. Analytiskt används främst begreppen agentiell realism, agentiella snitt och vetenskapligt historieberättande. Som ett komplement används även begreppen spektrum och spektrum av avlivnin...

Taxonomy of the birds of the world
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 701

Taxonomy of the birds of the world

How do you come up with the idea to list all the birds in the world including the subspecies and to give all birds English names? There is a reason for it - my favorite saying, whose author is unknown: "Everyone said that ́s not possible - then there was one who did not know that and just did it!" I am an animal photographer and probably a little bit crazy. Ive built a complete animal database for mammals and birds over the last decade. This facilitates my work in determining and archiving images and assigning keywords, especially among the many subspecies. With this book, I would like to give all birding friends and ornithologists a complete overview in English. For this I have given unique English names to all subspecies. The naming should not meet any scientific requirements. The names are based on translations from the Latin name, geographical distribution areas and the names of the discoverers. The entries consist of the scientific name, the English name, the distribution areas and the author. I wish you a lot of fun with this book, but especially while watching the fascinating birdlife. fotolulu

Taxonomie aller Vögel der Welt - Band I
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 702

Taxonomie aller Vögel der Welt - Band I

Taxonomie aller Vögel der Welt - Band I Wie kommt man auf die Idee, alle Vögel der Welt inklusive der Unterarten aufzulisten und allen Vögeln deutsche Namen zu geben? Es gibt einen Grund dafür - mein Lieblingsspruch, dessen Verfasser unbekannt ist: "Alle sagten Das geht nicht - da kam einer, der wusste das nicht und tat es einfach!" Ich bin Tierfotograf und wohl auch ein wenig verrückt. Ich habe in den letzten zehn Jahren eine komplette Tierdatenbank für Säugetiere und Vögel aufgebaut. Das erleichtert mir die Arbeit bei der Bestimmung, der Bildarchivierung und Stichwortvergabe, vor allem bei den vielen Unterarten. Warum nun die Vögel der Welt in Buchform und warum die Neuauflage? Di...