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A cloth bag containing ten copies of the title.
Traces the life of the Italian artist who was an apprentice to Michelangelo and court painter to King Philip II of Spain, and discusses her major paintings.
A terrifying 1930s ghost story set in the haunting wilderness of the far north. January 1937. Clouds of war are gathering over a fogbound London. Twenty-eight year old Jack is poor, lonely and desperate to change his life. So when he's offered the chance to join an Arctic expedition, he jumps at it. Spirits are high as the ship leaves Norway: five men and eight huskies, crossing the Barents Sea by the light of the midnight sun. At last they reach the remote, uninhabited bay where they will camp for the next year. Gruhuken. But the Arctic summer is brief. As night returns to claim the land, Jack feels a creeping unease. One by one, his companions are forced to leave. He faces a stark choice. Stay or go. Soon he will see the last of the sun, as the polar night engulfs the camp in months of darkness. Soon he will reach the point of no return - when the sea will freeze, making escape impossible. And Gruhuken is not uninhabited. Jack is not alone. Something walks there in the dark...
Hunt si noci ve Phoenixu vždycky užíval, najednou mu to však nestačí. Potřebuje víc. Potřebuje vztah. A nechce nikoho jiného než Lottie. Touží po ní už roky. V čem je problém? Žena jeho snů si od něj udržuje odstup. Odmítá si ho pustit k tělu a snaží se ignorovat jiskru, která mezi nimi přeskakuje. Hunt ví, že ji přitahuje, že je jen vyděšená. Důvody však zůstávají zahalené tajemstvím. Když se na scéně objeví lidé z Lottiiny minulosti a baží po odplatě, její tajemství vycházejí na světlo – spolu s výbušnou touhou, s níž oba dosud bojovali. Nezvladatelný chtíč vede k lásce, když ale Lottie začnou ohrožovat její mafiánští bratři, hranice mezi tím, co je správné a co ne, se pomalu stírá. Hunt je rozpolcený mezi věrností zákonu a potřebou chránit Lottie. Má jen jedinou šanci jí ukázat, že mu stojí za to o ni bojovat… a že její láska mu stojí za všechna rizika.
"A young drama teacher in the West of Scotland suffers deep psychological problems which affect all areas of her life. She fails to find meaning in anything around her, but in her search she strips situations of their conventional values and sees them in a sharp, new light." --Publisher's description.
Die drei ???-Fans aufgepasst – in diesem »spezialgelagerten Kompendium« findet ihr alles, was ihr über die berühmtesten Jungdetektive der Welt wissen müsst. Seit 1964 begeistern Justus, Peter und Bob Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen. In über 250 Fällen haben die Detektive bereits ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis gestellt. Wer tief in die Welt der drei ??? eintauchen oder einfach schnell etwas nachschlagen möchte: In diesem Handbuch wird er fündig. Was sind die spektakulärsten Fälle, die fiesesten Verbrecher oder das wertvollste Diebesgut? In welchem Fall wird Victor Hugenay endlich verhaftet? Oder ist er (wieder) frei? Und was ist denn nun das Geheimnis des Bauchredners? Diese...
THE STUNNING NOVEL, PERFECT FOR A SUMMER HOLIDAY, FROM THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AUTHOR A life-changing secret. An unforgettable summer. Arriving at the familiar old stone church nestled in the beautiful countryside of Hampshire, Antoinette prepares to say goodbye to her husband; the man she has loved for as long as she can remember. Little does she know, the arrival of the beautiful and mysterious Phaedra will make her question everything about the man she shared her life with. Phaedra loved George too, and couldn’t bear to stay away from his funeral. But Phaedra is hiding a deeply buried secret. One that will change the lives of Antoinette and her family forever, and one that she can no...
From the astonishingly talented writer of The Accidental and Hotel World comes Ali Smiths brilliant retelling of Ovids gender-bending myth of Iphis and Ianthe, as seen through the eyes of two Scottish sisters. Girl Meets Boy is about girls and boys, girls and girls, love and transformation, and the absurdity of consumerism, as well as a story of reversals and revelations that is as sharply witty as it is lyrical. Funny, fresh, poetic, and political, Girl Meets Boy is a myth of metamorphosis for a world made in Madison Avenues image, and the funniest addition to the Myths series from Canongate since Margaret Atwoods The Penelopiad.
When Ellen Ripley finally returns to Earth, she learns that the planet LV-426—now called Acheron—has been colonized. But LV-426 is where Ripley and crew of the Nostromo found the original Xenomorph—the killing machine known as the Alien. The colony known as Hadley's Hope is where a group of colonists—protected by the Colonial Marines—seek to terraform the inhospitable planet, and to uncover Acheron's unknown resources. Two of the residents are Anne and Russell Jorden, wildcatters who came with an infant son, Tim, seeking a fortune that eluded them on Earth. On Acheron, Anne gives birth to the colony's first newborn. Rebecca Jordan, also known as Newt. The wildcatters discover a vast, decaying ship, once piloted by members of a strange, unknown race. The horseshoe-shaped vessel is of particular interest to Weyland-Yutani, and may be the answer to their dreams. But what Anne and Russ find aboard the ship proves to be the stuff, not of dreams, but of nightmares.
Can you trust your SELVE? 2049. Entsetzt starrt Vinzent sein blutiges Spiegelbild an. Wunden, zugefügt mit den eigenen Händen, aber nicht durch eigenen Willen. Vinzent ist ein Split. Wissenschaftlerin Lisette Bofur erforscht die Splits seit Jahren. Menschen, die organisch eine zweite Persönlichkeit ausgebildet haben - ein sogenanntes Selve. Sie glaubt daran, dass diese Entwicklung große Chancen für die Menschheit birgt. Bis sie mit dem düsteren Selve ihres Ehemannes konfrontiert wird. Und auch Detective Nolan »Smittie« Smith hat mit den Selves zu kämpfen. Denn in den Ermittlungen zu einem Mordfall im boomenden Rotlicht-Milieu von Newbeg City verstricken sich die Schicksale gleich mehrerer Einwohner der Split-Metropole auf verhängnisvolle Weise. Was würdest du tun, wenn ein Teil von dir zum Mörder wird? *** "Genialer Sci-Noir-Thriller in ultramoderner Jekyll und Hyde-Welt! Das Buch hat mich sofort in den Bann gezogen und nicht mehr losgelassen!" - Ivar Leon Menger (Deutscher Autor & Regisseur)