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Marine Mammals
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 101

Marine Mammals

This highly-readable Open Access textbook provides basic background information about marine mammals and anthropogenic impacts on them. The book includes inspiring exercises for education school programs in natural sciences. The book also provides advice on career paths using case studies of marine scientists and veterinarians describing their journeys from student to profession. By sharing real-life career paths, readers find answers to questions such as “What needs to be considered when choosing a career in science?” and “What kind of tasks do scientists undertake on a daily basis?” Marine mammals are amongst some of the most celebrated creatures on Earth, with their high intellige...

The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1243

The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-11-26
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  • Publisher: Springer

The meeting of Aquatic Noise 2013 will introduce participants to the most recent research data, regulatory issues and thinking about effects of man-made noise and will foster critical cross-disciplinary discussion between the participants. Emphasis will be on the cross-fertilization of ideas and findings across species and noise sources. As with its predecessor, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: 3rd International Conference will encourage discussion of the impact of underwater sound, its regulation and mitigation of its effects. With over 100 contributions from leading researchers, a wide range of sources of underwater sound will be considered.

Kaszuby Północne na 4 pory roku
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 84

Kaszuby Północne na 4 pory roku

Smagane surowymi wiatrami brzegi Bałtyku oraz najbardziej nasłoneczniona zatoka w Polsce – Zatoka Pucka. Zimą można obserwować zorzę polarną. Zmiany pór roku zwiastują tu dalecy ptasi przybysze, zatrzymujący się jesienią i wiosną w drodze między Arktyką a cieplejszymi krajami. Choć to nie pojezierze, znajdują się tu najczystsze z polskich jezior. Oto Kaszuby Północne, gdzie można odkrywać niezwykłe krajobrazy, zjawiska przyrodnicze oraz rośliny i zwierzęta, których próżno szukać w innych regionach Polski.

Więcej gazu, Kameraden
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 147

Więcej gazu, Kameraden

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-09-05
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  • Publisher: Virtualo

Przedstawiciel IBM negocjuje warunki umowy na system ewidencyjny dla obozu w Auschwitz. Cieśla odkrywa oszustwa w kosztorysie szubienicy. Pijani chłopi kłócą się o dobytek z żydowskich domów. Zwłoki z pociągu jadącego do obozu śmierci zostają użyte jako paliwo dla parowozu. „Więcej gazu, Kameraden” to proza wpisująca się w nurt wyznaczony przez takie książki, jak „Sąsiedzi” czy „Strach” Jana Tomasza Grossa. Zagładę oglądamy tu oczami jej szeregowych uczestników, zwykle oprawców, beneficjentów i biernych świadków. Życie egzekwuje swoje prawa nawet w obliczu Apokalipsy, bohaterami Piwowarskiego kierują ambicja, zawiść i banalna głupota, ale także m...

European Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 324

European Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

European Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises: Marine Mammal Conservation in Practice presents an intimate view of the workings of international conservation agreements to protect marine mammals, detailing achievements over the last 25 years, identifying weaknesses and making recommendations that governments, scientists, marine stakeholders and the public can take to improve conservation efforts. The book is written by an experienced marine mammal scientist and award-winning conservationist, providing a unique synthesis on their status, distribution and ecology. In addition, it presents information on various conservation threats, including fisheries by catch, contaminants, noise disturbance, pla...

Northern Kashubia for 4 seasons
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 84

Northern Kashubia for 4 seasons

The Baltic shores swept by bitter northern winds and the sunniest bay in Poland, Puck Bay. A chance to marvel at the Northern Lights in winter. Birds travelling from afar herald seasonal changes here as each autumn and spring they stop on their way between the Arctic and warmer climes. Even though it is not a lakeland, the cleanest Polish lakes are here. This is Northern Kashubia, where you can discover amazing landscapes, natural phenomena, plants, and animals that you won’t find in other regions of Poland.

Figle w Fokarium
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 25

Figle w Fokarium

Bubas i Unda to sympatyczne foczki, które mieszkają w fokarium. Pewnego dnia Zuzia i Wiktor odwiedzają to miejsce i poznają w nim wiele foczek. Dzieci przyglądają się ich życiu oraz zabawie. A dla niektórych z nich wymyślają imiona! Rodzicu, przekonaj się o tym razem ze swoim dzieckiem, w przyjemny sposób wspierając jego naukę czytania. Seria "Czytam sobie. Poziom I" został stworzony z myślą o najmłodszych czytelnikach, którzy dopiero rozpoczynają swoją przygodę z czytaniem. Proste, wciągające historie, wyraźne i duże literki, wprowadzą Twoje dziecko w świat niesamowitych wydarzeń i zachęcą do samodzielnego czytania. Pierwszy poziom edukacyjnej serii zawiera w...

Biology of the Acanthocephala
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 542

Biology of the Acanthocephala

This volume was first published in 1985. A knowledge of this phylum of parasitic worms is instructive for all research workers investigating the principles of parasitism.

Host Response to International Parasitic Zoonoses
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 129

Host Response to International Parasitic Zoonoses

Parasitic zoonoses, the parasitic diseases transmitted between humans and other vertebrate animals, are widespread. The increasing pace of internationalization changes in diet and easy movement from one part of the world to another has caused parasitic zoonoses to be more prevalent. Consequently, these diseases have become the focus of recent research by parasitologists and pathologists whose work is presented in this book. Included in addition to the pathology of parasitic zoonoses and recent trends in research of imported parasites are the classification of phenotypes of anisakid nematodes, the immunohistopathological diagnostic method, and molecular technology to detect and diagnose parasites. Also included are papers on parasitology and international health and the pathology of cerebral malaria. With 38 color illustrations, this book is an invaluable resource for parasitologists, pathologists, and clinicians.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 368


The sounds produced by geophonic, biophonic and technophonic sources are relevant to the function of natural and human modified ecosystems. Passive recording is one of the most non-invasive technologies as its use avoids human intrusion during acoustic surveys and facilitates the accumulation of huge amounts of acoustical data. For the first time, this book collates and reviews the science behind ecoaucostics; illustrating the principles, methods and applications of this exciting new field. Topics covered in this comprehensive volume include; the assessment of biodiversity based on sounds emanating from a variety of environments the best technologies and methods necessary to investigate environmental sounds implications for climate change and urban systems the relationship between landscape ecology and ecoacoustics the conservation of soundscapes and the social value of ecoacoustics areas of potential future research. An invaluable resource for scholars, researchers and students, Ecoacoustics: The Ecological Role of Sounds provides an unrivalled set of ideas, tools and references based on the current state of the field.