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С всеки изминал ден криптовалутите стават все по-популярни и все повече хора решават да инвестират в тях. За съжаление, много от тях не осъзнават рисковете и биват подлъгани от обещания за бързи печалби. Често взимат грешни решения, които, от своя страна, водят до големи загуби. Целта на тази книга не е да Ви научи как и какво да купувате, а точно обратното - как може да правите пари, б...
This book explores factors relevant in the choices speakers and writers make in regard to explicitness of reference to the subjects and objects in their utterances. Bulgarian is a particularly felicitous target language for this type of study, since it possesses a rich inventory of available packaging techniques, ranging from zero reference, to various stressed and unstressed single forms, to actual doubled (reduplicated) constructions. The study systematically addresses the need to avoid referential and grammatical ambiguity, and the crucial influence of emphasis. Another, and perhaps most interesting central factor is the status of what the communication is about, which is assessed on two different levels. The book makes use of data from both published Bulgarian fiction and naturally occurring oral conversations. The fundamental similarities between these modes of communication with respect to noun phrase selection is demonstrated, but explanations are also proposed for the observable differences.
Understanding Discourse Analysis provides students with an accessible and well-illustrated introduction to discourse analysis. Explaining the main terminology and frameworks and presenting key findings of discourse studies, this book: Explores the development of discourse analysis Covers four key approaches to analysing discourse Uses authentic spoken or written texts in all examples Features data from the Wellington Language in the Workplace Project database Includes examples from a wide range of languages from around the world, such as Chilean Spanish, Korean and Serbo-Croatian Written by an active researcher, this textbook is a fascinating and engaging introduction to discourse analysis and is ideal for students studying this topic for the first time.
Contains simple transliteration for easy pronunciation and is ideal for travellers and students.
This Bulgarian > English lexicon is based on the 200+ language 8,000 entry World Languages Dictionary CD of 2007 which was subsequently lodged in national libraries across the world. The corresponding Chinese lexicon has a vocabulary of 2,429 characters, 95% of which are in the primary group of 3,500 general standard Chinese characters issued by China's Ministry of Education in 2013.