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Personal Names, Hitler, and the Holocaust: A Socio-Onomastic Study of Genocide and Nazi Germany provides readers with an increased understanding of and sensitivity to the many powerful ways in which personal names are used by both perpetrators and victims during wartime. This book concentrates on one of the most terrifying and yet fascinating periods of modern history: the Holocaust. In particular, it examines the different ways in which personal names were used by Nationalist Socialists to hunt and destroy the victims of their genocidal ideology. Even before requiring Jewish residents to wear a yellow Star of David and have the letter “J” stamped on their passports, Nazi leaders had dec...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933–1945, Volume IV aims to provide as much basic information as possible about individual camps and other detention facilities. Why were they established? Who ran them? What kinds of prisoners did they hold? What kinds of work did the prisoners do, and for whom? What were the conditions like? The entries detail the sources from which the authors drew their material, so future scholars can expand upon the work. Finally, and perhaps most important, this is a work of memorialization: it preserves the histories of places where people suffered and died. Volume IV examines an under-researched segment of the larger N...
Siedmiu zdrajców, dwóch okupantów, setki ofiar Nie każda historia ma szczęśliwe zakończenie, tak jak nie każda pieśń sławi bohaterskie czyny. Książka ta opowiada o losach zdrajców, którzy posłali na śmierć z rąk okupantów swoich towarzyszy broni i niewinnych cywilów. Osądzeni za swoje zbrodnie zostali zlikwidowani przez polskie podziemie. Kim byli agenci Gestapo i NKWD w szeregach polskiego podziemia? Dlaczego wstąpili na drogę zdrady? Jak unikali rozpracowania, działając na dwa fronty? Kiedy wpadli, jak wyglądało śledztwo w ich sprawie i akcja likwidacyjna? Wojciech Königsberg i Bartłomiej Szyprowski rzucają nowe światło na metody stosowane przez obce agentury w celu rozpracowania szeregów ZWZ-AK oraz na działania kontrwywiadowcze polskiego podziemia. Dobrany przez nich unikatowy materiał dokumentalny i ikonograficzny pozwala spojrzeć w oczy tym, którzy postanowili sprzymierzyć się z wrogiem. Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy.
The 2015 issue of the Journal of Belarusian Studies is almost entirely about history. It focuses on the Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian borderland and the period stretching from the uprising of 1863 to the inter-war period of the 20th century when the territory of today's Belarus was split between the Soviet Union and Poland. Two longer articles are followed by several essays which resulted from a conference held by the Anglo-Belarusian Society and other London-based organisations at University College London in March 2014.
O zbrodniach hitlerowskich dokonanych na włoskich jeńcach wojennych.