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This is a Festschrift for Dr. Jack Rueter, compiled on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The book consists of peer-reviewed scientific work by Dr. Rueter’s colleagues. Its contents, compiled by well-established scholars and researchers in NLP, linguistics, philology and digital humanities, pertain to latest advances in natural language processing, to newly developed digital resources, and to endangered languages. Contributions touch upon a wide array of languages such as historical English, Chukchi, Mansi, Erzya, Komi, Finnish, Apurinã, Sign Languages, Sami languages, and Japanese. Most papers present work on endangered languages or on domains with a limited number of resources available for NLP. This book is a tribute to Dr. Rueter’s long career as a true pioneer in the field of digital documentation of endangered languages. His work has always been and remains to be characterized by altruistic thinking and dedication to a greater good in building free and open-source tools and resources for languages which have previously not been afforded such much-needed attention.
This thesis presents approaches to computationally creative natural language generation focusing on theoretical foundations, practical solutions and evaluation. I defend that a theoretical definition is crucial for computational creativity and that the practical solution must closely follow the theoretical definition. Finally, evaluation must be based on the underlying theory and what was actually modelled in the practical solution. A theoretical void in the existing theoretical work on computational creativity is identified. The existing theories do not explicitly take into account the communicative nature of natural language. Therefore, a new theoretical framework is elaborated that identi...
The Uralic Languages, second edition, is a reference book which brings together detailed discussions of the historical development and specialized linguistic structures and features of the languages in the Uralic family. The Uralic languages are spoken today in a vast geographical area stretching from Dalarna County in Sweden to Dudinka, Taimyr, Russia. There are currently approximately 50 languages in the group, the largest one among them being the state languages Finnish, Estonian, and Hungarian; other Uralic languages covered in the book are South Saami, Skolt Saami, Võro, Moksha Mordvin, Mari, Udmurt, Zyrian Komi, Mansi, Khanty, Nganasan, Forest and Tundra Enets, Nenets, and Selkup. The...
This book provides a comprehensive typological account of voice syncretism, focusing on resemblance in formal verbal marking between two or more of the following seven voices: passives, antipassives, reflexives, reciprocals, anticausatives, causatives, and applicatives. It covers voice syncretism from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives, and has been structured in a manner that facilitates convenient access to information about specific patterns of voice syncretism, their distribution and development. The book is based on a survey of voice syncretism in 222 geographically and genealogically diverse languages, but also thoroughly revisits previous research on the phenomenon. Voice syn...
West Sacramento, in Yolo County, is just across the river from the state capital that shares part of its name. But it has a very distinct history. First called Washington, the area became an agricultural and industrial center that attracted Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian immigrants and helped to feed and supply the growing metropolis of Sacramento and surrounding counties. In 1911, the ambitious West Sacramento Land Company laid down electric rail links to downtown Sacramento and cleared the land for what they hoped would be large-scale developments and population growth. Eventually West Sacramento did grow, and in 1987 the communities of West Sacramento, Broderick, Bryte, and Southport joined together to become one of the newest incorporated cities in the state.
This book addresses the conceptualization and practice of Indigenous research methodologies especially in Sámi and North European academic contexts. It examines the meaning of Sámi research and research methodologies, practical levels of doing Indigenous research today in different contexts, as well as global debates in Indigenous research. The contributors present place-specific and relational Sámi research approaches as well as reciprocal methodological choices in Indigenous research in North-South relationships. This edited volume is a result of a research collaboration in four countries where Sámi people live. By taking the readers to diverse local discussions, the collection emphasizes communal responsibility and care as a key in doing Indigenous research. Contributors are: Rauni Äärelä-Vihriälä, Hanna Guttorm, Lea Kantonen, Pigga Keskitalo, Ilona Kivinen, Britt Kramvig, Petter Morottaja, Eljas Niskanen, Torjer Olsen, Marja-Liisa Olthuis, Hanna Outakoski, Attila Paksi, Jelena Porsanger, Aili Pyhälä, Rauna Rahko-Ravantti, Torkel Rasmussen, Erika Katjaana Sarivaara, Irja Seurujärvi-Kari, Trond Trosterud and Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen.
Antologia esittelee Oulussa elokuussa 2010 kokoontuneen XI Suomalais-Ugrilaisen kirjallisuuskongressin yhteydessä järjestettyyn Suomalais-ugrilaiseen PoetrySlam-tapahtumaan osallistuneiden runoilijoiden runoja - kolmetoista runoilijaa, jotka kirjoittavat yhdeksällä eri kielellä. Pääosa runoista on lisäksi käännetty englantiin ja/tai venäjään.
El despertar de la ideologia i del multilingüisme són dues novetats dels estudis sobre l’estandardització lingüística des del tombant del mil·lenni. Una ullada al món de les llengües actual ens porta a constatar l’aparició de nous règims de normativitat. Es tracta de propostes que no defugen la dimensió sociopolítica de l’estandardització, que reivindiquen l’empoderament de grups socials (i fins i tot del mateix individu) al marge de les elits, alhora que assumeixen la presència d’altres llengües en uns entorns comunicatius de més complexitat. S’observen indicadors de canvi en un món on la teoria de l’estandardització continua tenint una vigència destacadíssima. Els nous plantejaments ens arriben en el context sociològic de la postmodernitat. Serà fonamental, doncs, avaluar-ne l’adequació abans de projectar-los sobre ecosistemes de gran feblesa funcional com els que ofereixen les llengües minoritzades, una condició que en graus diversos caracteritza la constel·lació de comunitats de parla que conforma la llengua catalana.