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This book is an introduction to Pablo González Casanova, giant of Latin American sociology. It examines his work across history, sociology, political science, and anthropology, exploring in depth his writings on the university, democracy, the new sciences, alternatives to capitalism, the humanities, equity with social justice, patriarchal domination, and the struggle for planet earth. This book provides insights into a foundational Latin American perspective on global realities. It argues that Pablo González Casanova contributes original elements for the construction of a critical theory in the social sciences and humanities of Mexico, Latin America, and the Caribbean. With an enriching interdisciplinary perspective, this book will be of interest to scholars from a range of specialized interests in sociology, political science, philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies, scientific epistemology, methodology, and critical thinking in the alternative field to capitalism.
This book introduces the life and work of Darcy Ribeiro (1922–1997), one of the foremost exponents of Brazilian/Latin American Social thought in the 20th century. Ribeiro was an anthropologist, indigenist ethnographer, social scientist, and planner and creator of universities and schools and held various political offices. This book examines Ribeiro’s work in conversation with other great names of Latin American critical thought and introduces the contemporary epistemological movement he inspired, ‘Modernity-Coloniality-Decoloniality’. It presents the 12 years of Latin American exile to which he was subjected in the 1960s to 1970s, highlighting the fame he gained as a reformer of universities on the continent. Finally, the book builds two new dialogues unheard of, one with Black Brazilian intellectuals and the other with contemporary post(de) colonial studies. This book will appeal to all those interested in studying global asymmetries, social inequalities, and obstacles to development in Latin America. Scholars and students of Sociology, Social Theory, Anthropology, Latin American Studies, Political History, and Education will find it useful.
This book intends to familiarise the reader with the political and sociological thought of Florestan Fernandes, covering the range of his research themes and socialist militancy between the 1940s and 1990s. Considered the founding father of sociology in Brazil, Florestan Fernandes’ work is essential for an understanding of the historical and political dilemmas of Brazilian and Latin American societies. His main themes encompass research on folklore, indigenous peoples, race relations between blacks and whites, sociological theory, education, underdevelopment, dependence, Latin American dictatorships and the Brazilian “re- democratization” after 1980, providing a new interpretation of Latin America from the point of view of the lumpen social strata. Following Mannheim’s inspiration, the present work is inserted in the field of sociology of knowledge. It takes an original approach to the ideas of Florestan Fernandes based on the notion of a lumpen thought style. This book is a key resource for readers learning about the history of the social sciences in Latin America, and about the political dilemmas of Latin American societies.
This book offers a discussion of the origins of Latin American dependency theories and their implications for contemporary social theory. The book explores the conditions of emergence of this intellectual movement, the trajectories of some of its main formulators, as well as the circulation of their ideas, their reception in other contexts, and their influence on other theoretical formulations and problems of the present. The book is aimed at social scientists interested in broadening the scope of social theory towards the Global South, in processes of knowledge circulation between central and semi-peripheral regions, as well as in understanding the problems of dependency, modernisation, and development processes in Latin America. The book can be used both as an introduction to these themes and to delve deeper into specific issues.
This book reflects on the continuing expansion of extractive forms of capitalist development into new territories in Latin America, and the resistance movements that are trying to combat the ecological and social destruction that follows. Latin American development models continue to prioritise extractivism: the intensive exploitation and exportation of nature in its primary commodity form. This constant expansion of the extractive frontier into new territories leads to forms of place-based resistance, negotiation and struggle in which competing territorial projects and claims are at stake. This book uncovers the underlying trends and dynamics of these ‘territorialities in dispute’, and ...
A lo largo de todo el mundo se multiplican los casos micro y macro de economía solidaria. Son experiencias que surgen “desde abajo”, empujadas por los “excluidos” por el sistema, como una forma de resistencia a los excesos del modelo capitalista y que hacen patente que otro modo de hacer las cosas y otra economía son posibles, en los que el bienestar de la persona va íntimamente ligado al de su comunidad, y todos colaboran para ello. El autor aborda el desarrollo de la economía solidaria en América Latina a través de seis casos microrregionales en cuatro diferentes países: México, Brasil, Argentina y Bolivia. Se incluyen experiencias indígenas, campesinas y de trabajadores a...
Existen innumerables libros y artículos en revistas especializadas que abordan el fenómeno del populismo. Ante esta abundancia, ¿para qué un libro más?, se pregunta el editor. En México hemos llegado tarde a esta discusión. Nuestra tardía transición a la democracia produjo también un desgaste de la democracia elitista muy posterior a la sufrida en la mayor parte de América Latina. En casi todos los países de la región emergieron distintos proyectos populistas desde principios del siglo XXI, unas dos décadas después de las transiciones a la democracia desde regímenes dictatoriales. Mientras los mexicanos experimentábamos una modesta primavera democrática, los países del Con...
Tras seis décadas de que el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) gobernó a México como partido hegemónico, la democratización en el país ha sido objeto de estudio en distintos niveles. Este proceso comenzó en los gobiernos locales, pero aún es reducido el número de investigaciones que documentan la evolución en este plano. Esta obra aborda el caso de Jalisco, uno de los primeros estados en donde el PRI cedió el poder. Aconteció en 1995, cuando perdió la gubernatura frente al Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), que la retuvo por 18 años, para luego cederla de nuevo al partido tricolor. Lo acontecido en estos tres sexenios se reconstruye a través de siete ensayos, en los que s...
El ideal de una integración entre las naciones que conforman América Latina tiene más de dos siglos y no ha logrado concretarse pese a las ventajas que representa para ellas. Los autores de esta obra analizan los diversos intereses internos y externos que lo han impedido, como las rencillas locales, la disputa por la riqueza mineral del subcontinente y la injerencia de Estados Unidos, entre otros. Este libro ofrece una visión actual de los problemas y retos que enfrenta América Latina para establecer las prioridades de una agenda común, con temas como el papel desempeñado por las fuerzas armadas de los estados latinoamericanos en estos intentos de unión; los diversos rasgos que identifican o diferencian a las elites políticas en las democracias del continente, y cómo la violencia criminal se ha convertido en la principal amenaza a la seguridad regional y en el nuevo obstáculo para la integración. (Universidad ITESO)