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Slaves were property of their dominus, objects rather than persons, without rights: These are some components of our basic knowledge about Roman slavery. But Roman slavery was more diverse than we might assume from the standard wording about servile legal status. Numerous inscriptions as well as literary and legal sources reveal clear differences in the social structure of Roman slavery. There were numerous groups and professions who shared the status of being unfree while inhabiting very different worlds. The papers in this volume pose the question of whether and how legal texts reflected such social differences within the Roman servile community. Did the legal system reinscribe social diff...
This book examines the implications of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), its resulting standard of protection for persons with disabilities and the way it is understood and implemented in its diverse signatory states. Its overarching theme is to assess the impact of CRPD Article 12 on the private law concept of legal capacity and its limitations, the significance of which carries over into the realm of penal law regulations. Its impact is analysed primarily from the legal point of view, but with due regard for its psychological and psychiatric ramifications. Recognising the importance of these disciplines is important when implementing CRPD Ar...
Provides the first detailed analysis of the evolution of the concept of corruption in colonial Mexico.
Nach der Deregulierung der Versicherungsmärkte in den 1990er Jahren traten unverbindliche Musterversicherungsbedingungen der Versicherungsverbände an die Stelle der behördlich genehmigten allgemeinen Versicherungsbedingungen (AVB). Der europäische Gesetzgeber hatte Musterversicherungsbedingungen über einen langen, allerdings befristeten, Zeitraum von der Anwendung des Kartellverbots freigestellt. Seit dem Wegfall dieser gesetzlichen Freistellung im Jahr 2010 muss für alle Musterversicherungsbedingungen überprüft werden, ob sie mit dem europäischen Kartellverbot des Art. 101 AEUV vereinbar sind. Orientierungshilfe geben teilweise die Horizontalleitlinien der europäischen Kommission. Doch trotz dieser Leitlinien ist die kartellrechtliche Beurteilung von Musterversicherungsbedingungen nicht eindeutig geklärt. Die Verfasserin untersucht, inwieweit Musterversicherungsbedingungen mit dem europäischen Kartellverbot des Art. 101 AEUV vereinbar sind. Hierbei analysiert sie auch die Schnittstellen zum gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Das Buch richtet sich gleichermaßen an Unternehmens- und Verbandsjuristen, Rechtsanwälte, Kartellbehörden und Rechtswissenschaftler.
Knowledge of the pragmatici sheds new light on pragmatic normative literature (mainly from the religious sphere), a genre crucial for the formation of normative orders in early modern Ibero-America. Long underrated by legal historical scholarship, these media – manuals for confessors, catechisms, and moral theological literature – selected and localised normative knowledge for the colonial worlds and thus shaped the language of normativity. The eleven chapters of this book explore the circulation and the uses of pragmatic normative texts in the Iberian peninsula, in New Spain, Peru, New Granada and Brazil. The book reveals the functions and intellectual achievements of pragmatic literature, which condensed normative knowledge, drawing on medieval scholarly practices of ‘epitomisation’, and links the genre with early modern legal culture. Contributors are: Manuela Bragagnolo, Agustín Casagrande, Otto Danwerth, Thomas Duve, José Luis Egío, Renzo Honores, Gustavo César Machado Cabral, Pilar Mejía, Christoph H. F. Meyer, Osvaldo Moutin, and David Rex Galindo.
Intestate Succession is the second volume in the Comparative Succession Law series which examines the principles of succession law from a comparative and historical perspective. This volume discusses the rules which apply where a person dies either without leaving a valid will, or leaving a will which fails to dispose of all of the person's assets. Among the questions considered are the following: What is the nature of the rules for the disposal of the deceased's assets? Are they mechanical or is there an element of discretion? Are particular types of property dealt with in particular ways? Is there entitlement to individual assets (as opposed to money)? Do the rules operate in a parentelic ...
European expansion began in the early modern period, but in the 18th century Europeans were still far from establishing their rule in Africa or Asia. Many attempts at expansion failed miserably. Nevertheless, the belief in European supremacy and civilizing charisma was consolidated. This study examines the reasons for these unrealistic plans and shows how a gap developed between imperial aspirations and the reality of intercultural encounters. Using the history of French attempts at expansion in Madagascar as an example, it analyses the unfolding of colonial fantasy, the production of bureaucratic knowledge and the role of the Enlightenment in the development of colonialism.
Suicide in Roman law has caused special legal consequences in several connections, dependent among other things on the different chronological steps of development. The book illustrates these steps and works out the course of development and the influencing factors to create an overall picture of legal treatment of suicide in Roman law. Main attention is given to the suicide of alleged delinquents before conviction. Nevertheless it appears that Roman law fulfilled just its original function in context with the morally explosive topic suicide: balancing interests. Surprisingly one does not find any moral attitude towards suicide within the discussion of the Roman jurists.
Der vorliegende Sammelband vereinigt eine Auswahl von Masterarbeiten aus dem an der Universität Münster jährlich angebotenen berufsbegleitenden LL.M.-Studiengang „Versicherungsrecht“. Der thematische Bogen der Beiträge ist dementsprechend weit gespannt. Die Beiträge im Einzelnen: - Susanne Fucks, LL.M.: Die internationale Zuständigkeit für Klagen gegen den D&O-Versicherer aus übergegangenem Recht - Johannes Paul Jacobsen, LL.M.: Die Umweltschadensversicherung – Darstellung und Bewertung rechtlicher Probleme - Christian Kiefer, LL.M.: Betriebliche Altersversorgung bei „asset deal“ oder „share deal“ – Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für die Entpflichtung einer GmbH von den P...