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Why Minorities Play or Don't Play Soccer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 221

Why Minorities Play or Don't Play Soccer

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-09-13
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Soccer, the most popular mass spectator sport in the world, has always remained a marker of identities of various sorts. Behind the façade of its obvious entertainment aspect, it has proved to be a perpetuating reflector of nationalism, ethnicity, community or communal identity, and cultural specificity. Naturally therefore, the game is a complex representative of minorities’ status especially in countries where minorities play a crucial role in political, social, cultural or economic life. The question is also important since in many nations success in sports like soccer has been used as an instrument for assimilation or to promote an alternative brand of nationalism. Thus, Jewish teams ...

Studying Football
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

Studying Football

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-03-17
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Football is the most widely played, watched and studied sport in the world. It’s hard to develop a full understanding of the significance of sport in global society without understanding the significance of football. Studying Football is the first book designed specifically to guide and support the study of football on degree-level courses, across the full range of social-scientific perspectives. Written by a team of leading international football experts, and considering themes of globalization, corporatization and prejudice and discrimination throughout, it introduces key topics in football studies, including: media and celebrity identity, fandom and consumption gender violence racism corruption Every chapter includes up-to-date case study material, a ‘Research in Action’ section and features to aid student understanding and bring theory to life. Studying Football introduces all the key themes and facets of the social-scientific study of football, and is therefore an essential text for students on football studies courses and useful reading for any undergraduates studying the sociology of sport more generally.

African Footballers in Sweden
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 351

African Footballers in Sweden

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-09-16
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book employs men's football as a lens through which to investigate questions relating to immigration, racism, integration and national identity in present-day Sweden. Specifically, this study explores if professional football serves as a successful model of multiracialism/multiculturalism for the rest of Swedish society to emulate.

African Migration to Thailand
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 97

African Migration to Thailand

This book, based on exploratory ethnographic research, analyzes the experiences of African migrants in Thailand. Thailand has always been a regional migration hub with Africans being the most recent. Sitting at the intersection of race and migration studies, this book focuses on the challenges Black and labor migrants face trying to integrate into a society that has had very limited contact with and knowledge about Black Africans. Bringing together research from African, Thai, and European scholars, this volume focuses on forced migrants, such as Somali asylum seekers, and labor migrants, largely African men seeking better livelihoods in niche economies such as gem trading, garment wholesale...

Lidenskab og livskvalitet gennem idræt
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 201

Lidenskab og livskvalitet gennem idræt

Hårde bokseslag i ansigtet, vandring gennem fossende floder og muskelkramper i benene efter 42 kilometers maratonløb. Mange mennesker er drevet af en lyst til at udfordre sig selv, og idræt giver mulighed for at overskride kropslige og mentale grænser på en måde, som kan føre til større velvære og livsmening. I Lidenskab og livskvalitet gennem idræt fortæller idrætsforskere og udøvere, hvordan forskellige idrætsgrene trods krav om store anstrengelser kan gøre en positiv forskel i menneskers liv. Vi går på banen med eksmisbrugerne, der finder et frirum i fodbolden med ligesindede. Vi løfter vægte i motionscentret, hvor unge mænd bygger deres kroppe og selvtillid op. Og vi cykler op ad bjerget med den midaldrende motionsrytter i lycra. Forfatterne undersøger idrætsudøvernes motivation, øjeblikkenes intensitet og idrættens socialiserende og identitetsdannende potentiale for den enkelte og for fællesskaber – i en tid, hvor vi konstant presser os selv i en foranderlig jagt på livskvalitet. Højere, dybere, bedre.

50 begivenheder
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 517

50 begivenheder

Hvad er det for en verden, der kom for os? Hvilke begivenheder forandrede fortiden, og hvorfor er de sa vigtige - ogsa for os i dag?I 50 begivenheder bliver vi klogere pa os selv og vores fAelles historie, nar eksperter i 50 korte og afrundede kapitler fortAeller om de storste verdenshistoriske begivenheder, der har vAeret med til at forme os og den verden, vi lever i. Fra historiens ikoniske begivenheder som Den Franske Revolution, 1. Verdenskrig og 9.11. til mindre kendte, men ikke mindre skelsAettende, begivenheder som Indiens samling, Meijirevolutionen og Saltmarchen.Verdenshistorien fortAelles ud fra 50 udvalgte nedslag, 50 milepAele, der i tid bevAeger sig fra Hammurabis lov i oldtiden...

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 274


《社區體育組織社會資本研究》一書運用文獻法、問卷法、訪談法、理論分析法、比較分析法等多種研究方法,使用SPSS統計分析軟件、AMOS結構方程模型建立和檢驗軟件,以廣州體育組織為研究對象對體育組織社會資本進行了系統的論述和研究。 周結友,廣州體育學院全民健身研究中心副主任,社會體育教研室主任。

Danmark bliver moderne
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 114

Danmark bliver moderne

1900-1950. Et halvt århundrede, der gør Danmark moderne og helt igen, for Sønderjylland kommer hjem i 1920. Det politiske system knæsætter parlamentarismen, mens funktionalismen blomstrer. I resten af Europa raser Første Verdenskrig, mens vi giver kvinderne valgret. Til gengæld bryder Niels Bohr verden ned i atomer og modtager Nobelprisen i fysik. PH lyser op, og aborter og orgasmer kommer på nogles læber. Mange taler nu om den velfærdsstat, Stauning og co. begynder at opbygge. Endda imens krisen kradser. Den kommer fra USA, der også eksporterer forbrug og livsstil. Til gengæld må vi en aprildag acceptere en tvangsimport af tyskere, for Anden Verdenskrig er allerede i gang, og forude lurer NATO og den kolde krigs dommedagsscenarier i horisonten. I Danmark bliver moderne udfolder forskere år for år og i 51 små fortællinger Danmarks udvikling. Men forfatterne er ikke mere nærsynede, end at de har et skarpt blik for, hvordan kultur, samfundsudvikling og åndsliv henter næring uden for landets grænser. Det var jo også den benzin, som motorcyklisten og Nobelpristageren i litteratur Johannes V. Jensen brugte til at give baghjul til sine konkurrenter.

New Perspectives on Association Football in Irish History
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 384

New Perspectives on Association Football in Irish History

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-23
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book assesses association football’s history and development in Ireland from the late 1870s until the early twenty-first century. It focuses on four key themes—soccer’s early development before and after partition, the post-Emergency years, coaching and developing the game, and supporters and governance. In particular, it examines key topics such as the Troubles, Anglo-Irish football relations, the failure of a professional structure in the Republic and Northern Ireland, national and regional identity, relationships with other sports, class, economics and gender. It features contributions from some of today’s leading academic writers on the history of Irish soccer while the view...

Global and Transnational Sport
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 311

Global and Transnational Sport

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-23
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The eight chapters in this book explore more than 150 years of the development of several modern sports – baseball, basketball, cricket, football, handball, ice hockey and lacrosse – across the two Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe, some analysing a century of events since the mid-nineteenth century and some only a few years in the very present. Drawing on the methods of history, international relations, political science, and sociology, the contributing authors examine various theories of sporting globalization. The chapters take a balanced look at the concepts of the nation state and the connected world, which are the substantive core around which modern human society is ordered. Th...