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Anthropological practice has been dominated by the so-called "great" traditions (Anglo-American, French, and German). However, processes of decolonization, along with critical interrogation of these dominant narratives, have led to greater visibility of what used to be seen as peripheral scholarship. With contributions from leading anthropologists and social scientists from different countries and anthropological traditions, this volume gives voice to scholars outside these "great" traditions. It shows the immense variety of methodologies, training, and approaches that scholars from these regions bring to anthropology and the social sciences in general, thus enriching the disciplines in important ways at an age marked by multiculturalism, globalization, and transnationalism.
From the PFP website: The Consortium is providing a family of publications, covering the full range of security studies, to an international standard of excellence, serving the military, civilian and academic needs of the Consortium membership. Currently, this family includes: Quarterly journal, Athena papers, Bulletins, Information papers.
Razvoj Slovenije in njenih regij je zaradi naraščajoče vpetosti v globalne tokove vse bolj odvisen od globalnih izzivov, kot so podnebne in demografske spremembe, mednarodne migracije, gospodarska kriza ... Medijska izpostavljenost teh izzivov daje vtis o vsesplošnem poznavanju njihove problematike, kar lahko predstavlja težavo pri izvajanju razvojnih politik, zlati če politike med posameznimi ravnmi niso usklajene. Kot sta pokazali kar dve študiji, jasno prepoznanih mednarodno relevantnih procesov na regionalni in lokalni ravni ne znamo ustrezno vstaviti v razvojne koncepte. To je lahko na eni strani posledica prevelike abstraktnosti in preveč teoretskega pristopa k reševanju mednarodno relevantnih tem, ali na drugi strani ozkosti lokalnih in regionalnih deležnikov, ki obremenjeni z lokalnimi problemi ne znajo prepoznati globalno pomembnih procesov. V knjigi tako obravnavamo globalne izzive in njihovo vlogo v regionalnem razvoju, s čimer želimo prispevati k razpravi, s katero bo mogoče na strokovno podprtih temeljih izoblikovati medsebojno usklajene ter potrebam prilagojene razvojne ukrepe.
Družboslovna revija.
This book gathers scientific contributions on comprehensive approaches to personalized medicine. In a systematic and clear manner, it provides extensive information on the methodological, technological, and clinical aspects of high-throughput analytics, nanotechnology approaches, microbiota/human interactions, in-vitro fertilization and preimplantation, and various diseases like cancer.Moreover, the book analyzes the social and legal aspects of social security systems, healthcare systems and EU law – e.g. the role of solidarity, regulatory possibilities and obstacles, justice and equality, privacy/disclosure of data, and the right to know – from an interdisciplinary perspective. Lastly, it explores the economical and ethical context in the fields of business models, intellectual property issues, the patient/physician relationship, and price discrimination.