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The collapse of the communist states is regarded as the starting point of the new Europe. With this turning point, historical narratives have had to be rewritten in the post-socialist countries. Focusing on the little known case of Slovenia, this issue of zeitgeschichte offers a comprehensive survey of the transformations affecting collective memory and the writing of history in one post-communist country. The essays analyze the ways in which Slovenian society has grappled with traumatic historical events and thus give insight into the ongoing struggle over the interpretation of Slovenia's past. Given the proliferating illiberal tendencies in the political culture of numerous European countries, the strategies of historical revisionism described in this issue are likely to be of considerable interest not only to scholars interested specifically in the case of Slovenia.
The Rise and Fall of Communist Yugoslavism: Soft Nation‐Building in Yugoslavia examines how the Communist Party of Yugoslavia incorporated the idea of a Yugoslav nation into its ideology and created the Yugoslav Soft Nation‐Building project after the Second World War. With an innovative approach of researching three levels of research (from above, from below and from the viewpoint of interethnic relations) the book brings forward an original concept of soft nation‐building, with a focus on the Slovenian‐Yugoslav dimension. Drawing on archival sources from Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade, the author argues that after the abandonment of the Yugoslav national idea, two Yugoslav...
In the decades leading up to World War I, nationalist activists in imperial Austria labored to transform linguistically mixed rural regions into politically charged language frontiers. Using examples from several regions, including Bohemia and Styria, Judson traces the struggle to consolidate the loyalty of local populations for nationalist causes.
Gestrinov zbornik je zbornik razprav v počastitev osemdesetletnice nestorja slovenske zgodovine akad. prof. dr. Ferda Gestrina. Zbornik poleg predgovora prinaša 48 prispevkov uglednih domačih in tujih avtorjev. V uvodnem delu so združeni bio- in bibliografski podatki o jubilantu. Ostali prispevki so razvrščeni v pet tematskih sklopov. Prvi zajema pet razprav, ki posegajo v obravnavo mediteranskega prostora. Nadaljnji blok devetih prispevkov slika zgodovino vzhodnoalpskega prostora v srednjem in novem veku. Sledi skupina desetih razprav o gospodarski zgodovini. četrti sklop vsebuje dvanajst prispevkov, ki slikajo politično in populacijsko zgodovino od srede 19. stoletja do druge svetovne vojne. Zadnja, peta skupina sedmih prispevkov je heterogena, obravnava pa tematiko šolstva in izobrazbe, teoretična, historiografska in filozofska vprašanja.
Civil society has become central to the historian's understanding of class, cultural and political power in the nineteenth century town and city. This volume brings together essays by an international group of urban historians who examine the construction of civil society from associational activity in the urban place. The volume shows that a deep and interlocking civil society does not automatically lead to a rise in democratic activity.
The Balkans has long been a place of encounter among different peoples, religions, and civilizations, resulting in a rich cultural tapestry and mosaic of nationalities. But it has also been burdened by a traumatic post-colonial experience. The transition from traditional multinational empires to modern nation-states has been accompanied by large-scale political violence that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the permanent displacement of millions more. Mark Biondich examines the origins of these conflicts, while treating the region as an integral part of modern European history, shaped by much the same forces and intellectual impulses. It reminds us that political viole...
Nearly twenty years after it ceased to exist as a multinational federation, Yugoslavia still has the power to provoke controversy and debate. Bringing together contributions from twelve of the leading scholars of modern and contemporary South East Europe, this volume explores the history of Yugoslavia from creation to dissolution. Drawing on the very latest historical research, this book explains how the country came about, how it evolved and why, eventually, it failed. From the start of the twentieth century, through the First World War, the interwar years and the Second World War, to the road to socialism under President Tito and the wars of Yugoslav succession in the 1990s, this volume pr...
Asks whether there are lessons to be drawn for contemporary multi-ethnic societies from the experience of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in its last decades. Also asks if ideas about the state/nation relationship from that period of Austrian Social Democracy can have applicability today.
Facing Armageddon is the first scholarly work on the 1914-18 War to explore, on a world-wide basis, the real nature of the participants experience. Sixty-four scholars from all over the globe deliver the fruits of recent research in what civilians and servicemen passed through, in the air, on the sea and on land.
In this text, Paulin Kola offers an argument challenging the idea that Albanian-speaking peoples in the Balkans wish to form a common state.