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In this book, János Csák explores the enduring intellectual and spiritual legacy behind America's achievement, the very essence and history of the American genius. Americans see freedom as the ultimate human good, but it is precisely around the principle of freedom and its misuse that much drama has unfolded in recent years. This drama manifests in a creeping cognitive dissonance rationalizing (seemingly at every turn) practices and injustices that contradict America's original ideals. Yet The Genius of America stands firm as a confessional testimony to the belief that these ideals instill in most citizens the hope and belief that as members of their community they can still develop their talents, enjoy the fruits of their labor, and find meaning in their lives and efforts.
Stena Wagner and her son find themselves on a train to Warsaw hours before Germany attacks Poland and World War II begins. The train is bombed and they desperately try to reach Warsaw one-step ahead of the advancing German armies. In Warsaw, the Polish Resistance Movement recruits Stena. Then, in the dangerous streets of Warsaw, in the crowded Ghetto, in the clandestine radio listening post, and in the dark forest of the Tatry Mountains, Stena fights for her and her sons survival using her wit, courage, and a medallion for luck. In Budapest, the Gestapo arrests Stena and her son joins up with a gang of orphan boys to hunt for food. As the Russian armies approach Budapest, Stena escapes from ...
After World War II, a new community of elite emerged in Hungary, in spite of the communist principles espoused by the government. In Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary, György Majtényi allows us a peek inside their affluence. Majtényi exposes the lavish standard of living that the higher echelon enjoyed, complete with pools, Persian rugs, extravagant furniture, servants, and groundskeepers. They shopped in private stores stocked with expensive meats and tropical fruits just for them. They benefited from access to everything from books, telephone lines, and international travel to hunting grounds, soccer games, and even the choicest cemetery plots. But Majtényi also reveals the underbelly of such society, particularly how these privileges were used as a way of maintaining power, initiating or denying entry to party members, and strengthening the very hierarchies that communism promised to abolish. Taking readers on a fascinating and often surprising look inside the manor homes and vacation villas of wealthy post–World War II Hungarians, Majtényi offers fresh insight into the realities of patriarchy, loyalty, gender, and class within the communist regime.
This new volume incorporates all entries from the previous editions by Arthur Wenk, expanding to cover writings drawn from periodicals, theses, dissertations, books, and Festschriften from 1940 to 2000. Over 9,000 references to analyses of works by over 1,000 composers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are included.
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
The expansion without precedent of city boundaries determined the modification of the climatic conditions inside urban areas, with a direct impact on the environment and the population. Urban development implies fundamental changes in the natural setting, generating significant differences between the urban environment and the nearby areas in terms of meteorological parameters, air quality, and energy balance. Over the last decades, cities worldwide have experienced accelerated development, urbanization being one of the most important dimensions of global change. In Eastern Europe, another important matter is the forced industrialization from the communist era which lead to a complex process...
Masterworks of the Orchestral Repertoire was first published in 1968. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. The fullest enjoyment of an orchestral performance or a record concert comes with a background of knowledge about the music itself. This handbook is designed to help music lovers get the ultimate pleasure from their listening by providing them with that background about a large portion of the orchestral repertoire. Professor Ferguson analyzes and interprets the most important classical symphonies, overtures, and concertos, as well as s...
Anna végső kétségbeesésében útnak indul, hogy segítséget szerezzen koholt vádak alapján bebörtönzött édesapjának. Kész megküzdeni bárkivel, hogy a család becsületén esett foltot kitörölje, hiszen IV. Béla Magyarországán a király iránti hűtlenség hetedízigleni bűn. Róbert, a testi-lelki fogyatékosság álcája mögé bújó daliás lovag szintén az igazát keresi. A sors úgy hozza, hogy útjaik keresztezik egymást, és szikrázóan szenvedélyes vonzalom alakul ki köztük a bitófa árnyékában. De vajon egymáséi lehetnek-e valaha? Ármány, szerelem, párbajok és izzó szenvedély ebben a sodró lendületű kalandregényben, Illés György tollából.