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“It’s a dream, a Dream Book!” “I saw a dream, and the dream was unbelievably real. Like a movie clip, crystal clear 4D scene, quality of the reality, in the most perfect day at La Mata Beach, walking on the waterline... And then the action started. 6 months from the night I saw the dream, I was walking on the beach, exactly in the same spot as in the book, and I realized... It’s the starterof a new book. The first chapter in the book is a lucid dream, precisely.” “I apologize that the book is so full of action. Chapter by chapteradvancing story with full speed ahead, but it is a movie kind action book.When I wrote it I saw it all as a movie on my mind. What happened in the book...
This edited book contains several state-of-the-art papers devoted to econometrics of risk. Some papers provide theoretical analysis of the corresponding mathematical, statistical, computational, and economical models. Other papers describe applications of the novel risk-related econometric techniques to real-life economic situations. The book presents new methods developed just recently, in particular, methods using non-Gaussian heavy-tailed distributions, methods using non-Gaussian copulas to properly take into account dependence between different quantities, methods taking into account imprecise ("fuzzy") expert knowledge, and many other innovative techniques. This versatile volume helps practitioners to learn how to apply new techniques of econometrics of risk, and researchers to further improve the existing models and to come up with new ideas on how to best take into account economic risks.
Janne Ahonen jest żywą legendą skoków narciarskich. Niezależnie od rangi zawodów nigdy nie tracił spokoju. Fin po długiej i pełnej sukcesów karierze zdecydował się opowiedzieć o swojej fascynującej historii w oficjalnej biografii. Człowiek o kamiennej twarzy rozlicza się ze światem skoków narciarskich i wprost opowiada o kulisach słynnego lotu na 240 metrów w Planicy, wielkiej rywalizacji z Adamem Małyszem, podczas której grożono mu śmiercią, treningach w mroźnej Finlandii czy zakrapianych podróżach na wielkie turnieje, które często przypominały wieczory kawalerskie. Poznaj historię wybitnego skoczka, który wygrywając pięciokrotnie turniej Czterech Skoczni, ustanowił rekord, który do dziś nie został pobity. To Janne Ahonen, jakiego jeszcze nie znaliście.
Tämä kirja on hyvin erilainen ja omassa sarjassaan. Kirja on yksilö yksilöiden joukossa. Naisen Luomistyö on humoristinen kuvaus siitä, miten tapahtumat etenivät aikojen alussa. Lukijalla on lupa nauraa kun taivaassa hahmotellaan. Jumala oli juuri saanut maan ja taivaan luotua, kun hän innostui vielä tekaisemaan Aatamin maan päälle. Ja toki Eevankin. Miksi? Ja mitä mahtoi taivaassa noihin aikoihin tapahtua? Kirja herättää aivan varmasti ajatuksia jokaisessa lukijassa. Ehkä se jakaa jopa kansakunnan kahtia. On niitä jotka uskovat ja niitä jotka epäilevät. Sekä niitä jotka uskovat omalla tavallaan… Print Pages 184
Social Media haben sich längst in der Wirtschaft etabliert. Versicherungen können mit Social-Media-Marketing hohe Reichweiten mit geringen Kosten erzielen. Trotzdem sind Versicherungen im Branchenvergleich rückständig bzgl. Einsatzfelder und Nutzungsintensität. Die Analyse zeigt drei Probleme in der Strategie-Entwicklung und Umsetzung: (1) Nur die Hälfte der Versicherungen verwendet eine Social-Media-Strategie mit Integration in die strategische Marketing-Kommunikation. (2) Nur die Hälfte der Versicherungen misst die Social-Media-Erfolge. (3) Viele Versicherer haben Defizite in der Strategie-Umsetzung. Insgesamt fehlen Nutzen-Argumente zum ökonomischen Social-Media-Marketing für Ver...
"This multi-volume reference examines critical issues and emerging trends in global business, with topics ranging from managing new information technology in global business operations to ethics and communication strategies"--Provided by publisher.
"This book lays the theoretical foundations for understanding e-services as well as provide real life cases of e-services"--Provided by publisher.
The 100 best logos by Ansver Oksman. Ansver Oksman is a designer, an artist and a businessman from Varkaus, Finland. Apart from his career in design and marketing, he is also known for his own champagne brand and multiple competition victories in breakdance with a group called Moonfreeze he founded in 1998. Ansver opened his first studio and gallery on Iso Roobertinkatu in Helsinki in 2006. He has worked as a designer for dozens of international companies and has left a legacy of hundreds of personally crafted quality logos. Along with logos, he has designed complete visual looks for many brands and designed products, flavours, clothing lines and shoes. He is an accomplished artist in his own right. After spending years working in England and France, he has started his own design agency in Lauttasaari, Helsinki - OKSMAN.DESIGN.