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Na kartach historii epidemie pojawiały się z różną częstotliwością oraz zróżnicowanym nasileniem. Jednakże, choroba zakaźna, wywołana wirusem SARS-CoV-2, dała początek pandemii, której przebieg doprowadził do największej światowej recesji od czasów wielkiego kryzysu. Pandemia COVID-19 od początku stanowiła poważne zagrożenie dla systemu gospodarczego, społecznego oraz politycznego, przede wszystkim z uwagi na jej globalny charakter. Zjawisko to wywołało szereg implikacji i poważnie zakłóciło prawidłowe funkcjonowanie poszczególnych gospodarek i gospodarki światowej jako całości. Celem monografii jest identyfikacja skutków pandemii COVID-19 dla sytuacji sp...
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have become a popular development policy throughout the world over the last half a century. These zones form designated areas where governments offer businesses lower taxes, tariffs, and often lighter regulations. Generally, SEZs aim to attract investments and raise a country’s export and employment rates, but although success stories are often cited, there are numerous failed projects that have instead become burdens for their host countries. This book examines SEZs from a political economy perspective, both to dissect the incentives of governments, zone developers, and exporters, and to uncover both the hidden costs and untapped potential of zone policies. C...
Depending on one's point of view, multinational enterprises are either the heroes or the villains of the globalized economy. Governments compete fiercely for foreign direct investment by such companies, but complain when firms go global and move their activities elsewhere. Multinationals are seen by some as threats to national identities and wealth and are accused of riding roughshod over national laws and of exploiting cheap labor. However, the debate on these companies and foreign direct investment is rarely grounded on sound economic arguments. This book brings clarity to the debate. With the contribution of other leading experts, Giorgio Barba Navaretti and Anthony Venables assess the de...
'This Handbook is a stellar compilation of up-to-date knowledge about the important topics in transport economics. Authors include the very best in the field, and they cover the most important topics for today's research and policy applications. Individual chapters contain sound, readable, well referenced explanations of each topic's history and current status. I cannot think of a better place to start for anyone wanting to become current in the field or in any of its parts.' – Kenneth Small, University of California-Irvine, US Bringing together insights and perspectives from close to 70 of the world's leading experts in the field, this timely Handbook provides an up-to-date guide to the m...
This book is all about understanding multinational companies (MNCs) why they exist, how they compete, and their impact on society. Six important theoretical perspectives of the MNC are discussed at length and compared. The book can be read and understood at multiple levels, from learning what each theory is about to appreciating the more subtle implications of their differences for firms and society. Despite the complexity of the subject, the book is an easy and enjoyable read. It is written in a lively, user-friendly style, with many illustrated examples. William G. Egelhoff, Fordham University, US In most accounts, especially in the journal literature, the theory of international business ...
The monograph summarizes a significant part of the results of the research project entitled “Foreign Trade in Special Economic Zones in Poland”, financed by the National Science Centre in Poland (project no. DEC-2013/11/D/HS4/04007). The project aimed at identifying the real impact of SEZs on Poland’s trade turnover. Its implementation focused on expanding the available scope of knowledge on the impact of the SEZs on the Poland’s trade and has enabled to join in the ongoing national and international academic debate on further functioning of various types of areas of special preference. Moreover, the research permitted for identification of microeconomic determinants of the impact of...
Jednym z czynników różnicujących regiony jest zgromadzony na ich terenie potencjał rozwojowy, wyrażający pewien unikatowy zbiór zasobów, warunkujący osiągnięty poziom rozwoju oraz możliwości implikowania wzrostu i rozwoju gospodarczego w przyszłości. Dodatkowo, regiony są opisywane także poprzez zróżnicowane przemiany społeczno-gospodarcze, kierunki rozwoju, a także odmienną skalę i strukturę realizowanych inwestycji. Celem pracy była weryfikacja zależności między potencjałem rozwojowym a dynamiką i strukturą aktywności inwestycyjnej regionów Polski. Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz doprowadziły do wniosku, że potencjał rozwojowy posiada dodatni (i statysty...
This is the first book to provide a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the impact of the crisis and austerity policies on all elements of the European Social Model. This book assesses the situation in each individual EU member state on the basi