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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 15th Nordic Conference in Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2010, held at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland in October 2010. The 13 full papers and 3 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The volume also contains 1 full-paper length invited talk and 3 revised selected papers initially presented at the OWASP AppSec Research 2010 conference. The contributions cover the following topics: network security; monitoring and reputation; privacy; policy enforcement; cryptography and protocols.
Emphasizing the importance of contemporary art forms in EcoJustice Education, this book examines the interconnections between social justice and ecological well-being, and the role of art to enact change in destructive systems. Artists, educators, and scholars in diverse disciplines from around the world explore the power of art to disrupt ways of thinking that are taken for granted and dominate modern discourses, including approaches to education. The EcoJustice framework presented in this book identifies three strands—cultural ecological analysis, revitalizing the commons, and enacting imagination—that help students to recognize the value in diverse ways of knowing and being, reflect on their own assumptions, and develop their critical analytic powers in relation to important problems. This distinctive collection offers educators a mix of practical resources and inspiration to expand their pedagogical practices. A Companion Website includes interactive artworks, supplemental resources, and guiding questions for students and instructors.
Available online: The environmental impacts of several scenarios for wood waste’s treatment were studied via life cycle assessment (LCA). The scenarios were modelled via both attributional and consequential approaches to LCA. The ALCA results indicate that producing insulation from wood waste appears to be a good alternative to incineration, whereas incineration outperforms the production of all the other recycled products studied (particle board, composite, bioethanol, biochar, and textile fibre). When the substituting products and marginal energy are considered in the CLCA, other recycled products too seem to show good environmental performance relative to incineration. Textile fibre from wood waste is a solid alternative to producing viscose and cotton, and if marginal energy with even smaller environmental impacts than biomass were used, other products could well become compelling alternatives.
This novel is based on a story related in the course of an interview conducted for a national Irish radio (RTE) programme in 1984 with the putative leader of the Estonian Resistance during World War II. The man interviewed died about two years later, leaving me a manuscript purporting to be the complete story. Further research, however, opened up quite a different perspective from which a former lieutenant began to emerge as the main protagonist. If his story could be verified, which seemed impossible, it would connect him with one of the great thefts of ancient art perpetrated during World War II. It would also connect him with an international incident that severely strained relations between the Russian authorities and Germany in 1993 when a number of these stolen items were displayed in Moscow's Pushkin Museum.
Thomas Feller sheds some light on trust anchor architectures for trustworthy reconfigurable systems. He is presenting novel concepts enhancing the security capabilities of reconfigurable hardware. Almost invisible to the user, many computer systems are embedded into everyday artifacts, such as cars, ATMs, and pacemakers. The significant growth of this market segment within the recent years enforced a rethinking with respect to the security properties and the trustworthiness of these systems. The trustworthiness of a system in general equates to the integrity of its system components. Hardware-based trust anchors provide measures to compare the system configuration to reference measurements. Reconfigurable architectures represent a special case in this regard, as in addition to the software implementation, the underlying hardware architecture may be exchanged, even during runtime.
Kaisa istuu keittiössä syömässä välipalaa ystävänsä Minnan kanssa, kun tapahtuu jotain odottamatonta. Ikkunasta lentää sisään suuri kivenmurikka! Tytöt säikähtävät. Onko ulkona rosvo? Kuka kumma voi tehdä tuollaista ja rikkoa ikkunan? Pian tytöille selviää, että asialla saattaa olla muuan pahamaineinen poika. Sellainen, jonka silmätikuksi ei kannata joutua... "Kaisa ja kivenheittäjä" aloittaa alakouluikäisestä Kaisa-tytöstä kertovan sarjan. Vaihtuvia opettajia, koulukiusaamista... Alakouluikäinen Kaisa joutuu moneen hankalaan tilanteeseen, mutta selviää kaikesta kunnialla! Taru Mäkinen on kirjailija Taru Väyrysen (s. 1944) salanimi. Hänet tunnetaan muun muassa "Vuorileijonan varjo" -nuortenkirjasarjasta, jonka hän on kirjoittanut puolisonsa Tarmo Väyrysen kanssa. Väyrynen on opiskellut kirjallisuustiedettä ja työskennellyt opettajana.
Kun kymmenvuotiaan Kaisan luokka saa uuden opettajan, ensivaikutelma on huono. Opettaja on ihan erilainen kuin tuttu ja turvallinen ope! Kaisan silmissä uusi opettaja menettää lisää pisteitä, kun tämä alkaa puhua tyhmällä tavalla sokeista – onhan Kaisan oma isä sokea. Miten kevätlukukauden mahtaa käydä? Tottuvatko Kaisa ja luokkatoverit uuteen opettajaan? "Kaisa ja uusi opettaja" on toinen osa alakouluikäisten elämästä kertovaan "Kaisa"-sarjaan. Vaihtuvia opettajia, koulukiusaamista... Alakouluikäinen Kaisa joutuu moneen hankalaan tilanteeseen, mutta selviää kaikesta kunnialla! Taru Mäkinen on kirjailija Taru Väyrysen (s. 1944) salanimi. Hänet tunnetaan muun muassa "Vuorileijonan varjo" -nuortenkirjasarjasta, jonka hän on kirjoittanut puolisonsa Tarmo Väyrysen kanssa. Väyrynen on opiskellut kirjallisuustiedettä ja työskennellyt opettajana.
Purmojärven Isopelliset II sisältää Isopellisen kylän uudisasukkaan Lauri Bjöninpoika Pellisen sukutauluja. Kirjassa on 12 sukupolvea Laurin jälkeläisiä 1500-luvun lopulta lähtien.