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International knowledge transfer in religious education (RE) is still a fairly new topic. Many scholars in the field consider this discussion of prime importance for the future of both the academic discipline of religious education and the related school subject RE. This book continues this discussion and specifies it in the direction of teacher education. Its focus is on the challenges that teacher students and their trainers are facing in the light of RE in a pluralized and detraditionalized society. The impact of these challenges on RE research is obvious. However, international exchange of research results for purposes of comparison and mutual enrichment is still rare. This book provides insights that can encourage and facilitate this exchange.
Dance plays an important role in many religious traditions, in rites of passage, processions, healing rituals or festivals. But it is also controversial, especially in Christianity. Colonial European Christian discourses tend to separate dance from religion(s) and spirituality. This volume explores dance as "Third Space", following Homi Bhabha's postcolonial metaphor. The "Inter-Dance approach" combines interdisciplinary theoretical considerations with case studies. International experts examine dance controversies and discourses from the early church to World Christianity, as well as in Hasidic Judaism, Greek mysteries, Islamic Sufism, West African Togolese religions, and Afro-Brazilian Umbanda. Christian dance theologies are unfolded and the boundary-crossing potential of dance in interreligious and intercultural encounters is explored. The volume breaks new ground in how dance as ephemeral performative art, embodied thought and gendered discourse can transform studies of religion.
The author approaches the phenomenon 'religious experience' through a qualitative study in which young, urban people from Europe and the USA are empirically examined. It becomes clear that individuals themselves are constructive agents of experience and theology. Religious experience manifests itself as a transformative perspective of hope in the lives of young people. The study ends with a plea for a theology from below, based on liberation theology and feminist theories, in which contextual perspectives are central to practical theological theorising.
»Mission in crisis« – this diagnosis makes immediate sense in view of the rapid decline of European Christian churches. However, there is a great deal of controversy as to what exactly this crisis consists of, what its actual causes are and what dynamics the crisis discourse itself exhibits. The contributions in this volume were held on an international conference that took place from November 25–27, 2022 at the University of Zurich. They pursue these questions from a mission-theological perspective and seek to open up new perspectives for the future of the church in both secular and plural societies. With contributions from: Heike Breitenstein, John G. Flett, Ralph Kunz, Sabrina Müll...
The growing pluralization of religion and culture in Europe means that we encounter an increasing number of Buddhist immigrants as well as ‘Western’ converts. Against this background, in June 2018, the Academy of World Religions and the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Hamburg (Germany), invited scholars of Theravāda, East Asian and Tibetan Buddhism. The questions discussed referred to: - Does Buddhism matter today? What can it contribute? - Must Buddhism adapt to the modern world? How can Buddhism adapt to a non-Asia context? - When Buddhism travels, what must be preserved if Buddhism is to remain Buddhism? The contributions in this volume show not only that Buddhism matters in the West but that it already has its strong impact on our societies. Therefore, universities in Europe should include Buddhist theories and techniques in their curricula.
Die evangelischen Kirchen sind seit langem in eine Krise hineingeschlittert, gegen die sie nur mit Mühe geeignete Rezepte finden. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen Verwerfungen und Chancen der kirchlichen Diagnostik und des anstehenden Reformprozesses. Das betrifft Kirchenmitgliedschaftsuntersuchungen, Digitalisierung, Kritik der öffentlichen Theologie. Im zweiten Teil werden neue Perspektiven eröffnet, die sich aus der Orientierung an einer Theologie der Kultur ergeben. Einzeldarstellungen gelten Bildtheorie, Museumsführung, Fotografie sowie der Rolle theologischer Intellektueller.
Die Pluralisierung des Religiösen, die ein besonders prägnantes Kennzeichen gegenwärtig stattfindender gesellschaftlicher Wandlungsprozesse ist, stellt eine enorme Herausforderung für viele Akteure in Kirche, Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik dar. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, den Begriff der religiösen Pluralisierung zu schärfen, indem er am Beispiel konkreter religiöser Phänomene und Praktiken entfaltet wird. Der Band umfasst Beiträge zu zwölf Themenfeldern, die für die praktisch-theologischen Diskurse in Südafrika und in Deutschland prägend und gegenwärtig von hoher Relevanz sind (Armut und Reichtum, Bildung, Schwellenriten und Passagen, Gesundheit, Religiöse Verge...
Practical theology has outgrown its traditional pastoral paradigm. The articles in this handbook recognize that faith, spirituality, and lived religion, within and beyond institutional communities, refer to realms of cultures, ritual practices, and symbolic orders, whose boundaries are not clearly defined and whose contents are shifting. The International Handbook of Practical Theology offers insightful transcultural conceptions of religion and religious matters gathered from various cultures and traditions of faith. The first section presents ‘concepts of religion’. Chapters have to do with considerations of the conceptualizing of religion in the fields of ‘anthropology’, ‘communi...
This publication assumes that the modern context of plurality requires universities and higher education to support studying plural religious traditions in depth, giving due consideration to plural religious and secular perspectives, and providing opportunities for interaction between them. There are various ways to realise these aims. Success may be supported (or hindered) by various structures and concepts prevalent in universities or by different schools of thought on the nature of religions, on their relation to each other, and on their place in society. Religions and theologies can be studied in parallel, in cooperation, in dialogue, or through integrative approaches. The differing theoretical positions and contextual conditions (institutional, social, political) within which (inter)religious learning takes place are an important focus of this publication, both for the possibilities they open up and the limitations they pose. This publication builds on the presentations and discussions of scholars participating at a conference at the University of Hamburg in December 2018, with some additional contributions from others in the field who were unable to attend in person.
Christ:insein als Lebensform ist seit je her in unterschiedlichen Gestalten beobachtbar und an verschiedenen Orten erfahrbar. Es zeigt sich in der Gegenwart in seiner Konkretisierung als Lebensgestaltungsoption und zugleich als ein Suchfeld gegenwärtiger Praktischer Theologie. Die Beiträge des Bandes nehmen die Suchbewegung nach tragfähigen Gestalten und möglichen Orten des Christ:inseins aus ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf und führen die von Christian Grethlein seit 2018 in seinen Ausführungen zum »Christsein als Lebensform« elaborierten Überlegungen kreativ und explorativ fort. Dabei erweitern sie das Suchfeld in konstruktiv-kritischer Weise, indem sie differenziert auf di...