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In his poem Toward a Portrait of the Undocumented, Javier O. Huerta writes, ñThe economy is a puppeteer / manipulating my feet. / (WhoÍs in control when you dance?) / Pregnant with illegals, the Camaro / labors up the road; soon I will be born.î Sharing similar experiences with the more than 11 million undocumented people who live in United States, Javier O. Huerta struggles with his own sense of loss, caught between his life here and his past in Mexico. ñSoy nadiense,î he writes in another poemI am from nowhere. Fluent in English and Spanish, Huerta writes poems in both languages, and occasionally combines the two in the same poem. In this, his first full-length collection of poetry,...
This creative combination of poetry, fiction and non-fiction focusing on grocery storesin a mix of English and Spanishcreates an epic story of immigration.
La fortuna que como narrador alcanzó Cervantes con el Quijote no sirvió para abrirle las puertas del teatro de su época, coto vedado para quien no estuviera dispuesto a secundar las huellas de Lope de Vega. No habiéndoles podido estrenar, un año antes de su muerte publica Cervantes, junto a ocho comedias, los ocho entremeses que se recogen en el presente volumen y que constituyen una cuna del teatro cómico universal. En ellos despliega el autor toda su capacidad irónica y crítica a fin de censurar, entre burlas y veras, algunos de los principales vicios de su tiempo y de cualquier tiempo: la incultura, la corrupción, el poder del dinero, la hipocresía social, todo un vasto retablo de la necedad humana.
U.S. Latinx Literature in Spanish remains an understudied field despite its large and vibrant corpus. This is partly due to the erroneous impression that this literature is only written in English, and partly due to traditional educational programs focusing on English texts to include non-Spanish speakers and non-Latinx students. This has created a vacuum in research about Latinx literary production in Spanish, leaving the contemporary field wide open for exploration. This volume fills this space by bringing contemporary U.S. Latinx literature in Spanish to the forefront of the field. The essays focus on literary production post-1960 and examine texts by authors from different backgrounds writing from the U.S., providing readers with an opportunity to explore new texts in Spanish within U.S. Latinx literature, and a departure point for starting a meaningful critical discourse about what it means to write and publish in Spanish in the U.S. Through exploring literary production in a language that is both emotionally and politically charged for authors, the academia, and the U.S., this book challenges and enhances our understanding of the term ‘Americas’.
From East L.A. to the barrios of New York City and the Cuban neighborhoods of Miami, Latino literature, or literature written by Hispanic peoples of the United States, is the written word of North America's vibrant Latino communities. Emerging from the fusion of Spanish, North American, and African cultures, it has always been part of the American mosaic. Written for students and general readers, this encyclopedia surveys the vast landscape of Latino literature from the colonial era to the present. Aiming to be as broad and inclusive as possible, the encyclopedia covers all of native North American Latino literature as well as that created by authors originating in virtually every country of...
A pesar de la repercusión que tuvo Francisco Villaespesa durante la ebullición modernista y años posteriores, así como de la relevancia que alcanzó en tierras latinoamericanas, no parece que haya servido para que el nombre de Villaespesa sea lo suficientemente recordado. Confiamos en que estudiar la recepción crítica de su obra literaria hasta el presente, nos lleve a conocer no sólo la aceptación que tuvo en su día sino de qué manera ha evolucionado la consideración de Villaespesa a lo largo del siglo XX, hasta nuestros días. Pese a que Francisco Villaespesa es un autor destacado del modernismo español, su obra no ha sido debidamente estudiada. El análisis de la recepción crítica de la obra de Villaespesa nos ayudará a dilucidar cuáles han sido las causas que motivaron en algunos momentos el olvido de este escritor, y cuáles han sido las claves de la recuperación de su figura que se inicia en los años setenta y culmina con los estudios producidos ya en el nuevo milenio.
This is the first book on staging and stage décor to focus specifically on early modern Spanish theater, from the 16th to the early 20th centuries. The introduction provides an overview of Spanish theater design from the 16th century, with particular attention to the corral theater and Lope de Vega. The scope of the book is vast. Some of the articles deal with early modern stagings, while others deal with contemporary productions. The collection contains articles by an international array of specialists on topics such as scenography and costuming, lighting, and performance space. It also broaches little-studied areas such as the use of alternative performance spaces, most notably prisons. The book provides in-depth analyses of particular archetypes - the melancholiac, the queen, the astrologer - and how they were, and are, staged. The focus on performance and performance space, costuming, set design, lighting, and audience seating make this a truly unique volume. This book is designed for students of Spanish literature and theater, researchers interested in theater history and early modern Spain, as well as theater professionals.
Broadening the conversation begun in Making Publics in Early Modern Europe (2009), this book examines how the spatial dynamics of public making changed the shape of early modern society. The publics visited in this volume are voluntary groupings of diverse individuals that could coalesce through the performative uptake of shared cultural forms and practices. The contributors argue that such forms of association were social productions of space as well as collective identities. Chapters explore a range of cultural activities such as theatre performances; travel and migration; practices of persuasion; the embodied experiences of lived space; and the central importance of media and material thi...