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Geography studies the relationship of humans and the natural environment, and these 40 essays examine those geographical events that have most profoundly shaped global society in the opening decades of the 21st century. Explore how these events have transformed how people interact with the environment, from political and economic issues such as elections, market practices, and war, to cultural and social issues such as racism and gender stereotyping at work. Landscapes, regions, cities, nature, society, development – our entire existence – is tied up with space and geography, and thus geography is well-placed to provide important insights and perspectives on the complex events and issues...
Geography studies the relationship of humans and the natural environment, and these 40 essays examine those geographical events that have most profoundly shaped global society in the opening decades of the 21st century. Explore how these events have transformed how people interact with the environment, from political and economic issues such as elections, market practices, and war, to cultural and social issues such as racism and gender stereotyping at work. Landscapes, regions, cities, nature, society, development – our entire existence – is tied up with space and geography, and thus geography is well-placed to provide important insights and perspectives on the complex events and issues...
Simply stated, geography studies the locations of things and the explanations that underlie spatial distributions. Profound forces at work throughout the world have made geographical knowledge increasingly important for understanding numerous human dilemmas and our capacities to address them. With more than 1,200 entries, the Encyclopedia of Geography reflects how the growth of geography has propelled a demand for intermediaries between the abstract language of academia and the ordinary language of everyday life. The six volumes of this encyclopedia encapsulate a diverse array of topics to offer a comprehensive and useful summary of the state of the discipline in the early 21st century. Key ...
This book offers a comprehensive overview of recent research on the internet, emphasizing its spatial dimensions, geospatial applications, and the numerous social and geographic implications such as the digital divide and the mobile internet. Written by leading scholars in the field, the book sheds light on the origins and the multiple facets of the internet. It addresses the various definitions of cyberspace and the rise of the World Wide Web, draws upon media theory, as well as explores the physical infrastructure such as the global skein of fibre optics networks and broadband connectivity. Several economic dimensions, such as e-commerce, e-tailing, e-finance, e-government, and e-tourism, are also explored. Apart from its most common uses such as Google Earth, social media like Twitter, and neogeography, this volume also presents the internet’s novel uses for ethnographic research and the study of digital diasporas. Illustrated with numerous graphics, maps, and charts, the book will best serve as supplementary reading for academics, students, researchers, and as a professional handbook for policy makers involved in communications, media, retailing, and economic development.
The handbook seeks to illuminate the key concepts in the study of development-environment through showcasing some of the Majoritarian (formerly "Developing") world’s scholars in order to explore theoretical connections through critical/radical theory, “small” theory, various conceptual frameworks, and non-Western and subaltern viewpoints. The volume examines the themes around the study of the relationship between economic and social development and the environment. Part 1 covers theoretical and conceptual approaches to the study of development and environment by examining the diverse ways in which people perceive, understand, and act upon the world around them. Cross-scalar topics such...
In South Africa, it is thirty years since apartheid was overthrown. The country now teeters on being a ‘failed state.’ But South African history cannot be explained in isolation from developments in the rest of the world. Nor can it be understood in terms of change from a regime where race seemed all-determining, to one where race is supposed to be a matter of indifference. Rather, this book argues that the key to understanding South Africa lies in the logics of capitalist development. These explain why capitalist domination has taken racial forms, and why global conditions have been so important.
Schulden prägen das Leben vieler Millionen Menschen in den USA. Felix Krämer macht sich auf die Suche nach ihren Geschichten von 1865 bis in die Gegenwart. Dabei wird deutlich, dass insbesondere Schwarze Amerikaner:innen, aber auch Frauen, Arbeiter:innen oder Migrant:innen immer wieder höheren Kreditrisiken oder untragbaren Konditionen ausgesetzt waren. Solche Unterschiede werden mit dem Begriff der »Schuldendifferenz« adressiert. Das Buch zeigt dies an verschiedenen Verschuldungsformen wie dem System des Sharecropping nach Ende der Sklaverei, an Bildern von Loan Sharks oder an Immobilienschulden und zeichnet nach, wie Studienverschuldung und Kreditkartenpraktiken den Neoliberalismus in die Alltagserfahrungen der Menschen brachten. Mit seinem Fokus auf Prekarisierung durch Verschuldung legt das Buch eine Produktionslinie des »wealth gap« in den USA frei und füllt so eine Leerstelle in der neuen Kapitalismusgeschichte.
Sixty-four international academics, attorneys, government specialists, and consultants contribute to this two-volume reference text, providing an objective overview of current scholarship on affirmative action and its impact on such areas as law, ethics, political science, economics, history, philosophy, and sociology in the U.S. and abroad. Included are a timeline of major events in the development of affirmative action in the U.S., from 1865 to the present, and the full texts of Gratz v. Bollinger and Grutter v. Bollinger--two landmark Supreme Court decisions of June 2003. For high school and college students; professionals in fields dealing with race, equality, and affirmative action; and general readers. Annotation : 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
We need a new theory of money. The still-dominant theory of money as taught in intro textbooks is 100+ years old, and for almost that long we have known that it’s totally wrong. The best alternative are "heterodox" accounts developed in the 90s and 00s. These are indeed better overall descriptions of money, but they remain incomplete and inadequate: they rely too much on why the orthodoxy is wrong, thereby incorrectly assuming there is only one alternative (so-called heterodoxy). Money has no value develops a new (more subtle, more sophisticated) theory of money. It takes more seriously than any other work to date, the depth and seriousness of the fundamental claim that all money is credit...
This book offers a comprehensive overview of recent research on the internet, emphasizing its spatial dimensions, geospatial applications, and the numerous social and geographic implications such as the digital divide and the mobile internet. Written by leading scholars in the field, the book sheds light on the origins and the multiple facets of the internet. It addresses the various definitions of cyberspace and the rise of the World Wide Web, draws upon media theory, as well as explores the physical infrastructure such as the global skein of fibre optics networks and broadband connectivity. Several economic dimensions, such as e-commerce, e-tailing, e-finance, e-government, and e-tourism, are also explored. Apart from its most common uses such as Google Earth, social media like Twitter, and neogeography, this volume also presents the internet’s novel uses for ethnographic research and the study of digital diasporas. Illustrated with numerous graphics, maps, and charts, the book will best serve as supplementary reading for academics, students, researchers, and as a professional handbook for policy makers involved in communications, media, retailing, and economic development.