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In this report, we describe efforts to achieve faster integration of refugees and foreign-born residents in the labour market in the Nordic region. The examples presented in the report have been selected by our group of Nordic experts. In selecting examples, they have focused on the integration initiatives deemed to have the greatest likelihood of being implemented in their neighbouring countries. This selection is based on the knowledge gained from research and the recommendations made by our Nordic co-operation partners. In this report we have also sought to give a brief description of current research and knowledge regarding effective measures and the possible challenges facing refugees in the labour markets in the Nordic Region. For more information visit
Examining the ways in which the media represents language-related issues and how it shapes and constructs what people think language is, this book offers a multilingual survey of the construction of language in and by the media. Tackling the big issues of identity, gender, youth, citizenship, politics and ideology across a range of mediums including television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet, Language in the Media brings together an international team of experts to examine how the media gives language distinctive forms and values. This is an essential text for students and researchers of sociolinguistics or language and communication. At a time when trust in the mainstream media is at an all-time low and world leaders are using new media to deride so called 'fake news', this classic text offers insight and critical analysis into the key issues surrounding the relationship between language, the media and its audience.
Valmis uhraamaan kaiken. Tositarina langenneesta suomalaisesta huumepoliisista. Suomen suurimmassa poliisin tekemässä rikosvyyhdissä pääsyytetyn, Helsingin huumepoliisin entisen päällikön Jari Aarnion lisäksi vain yksi muista poliiseista tuomittiin: Mikael ”Mibi” Runeberg. Suomeen oli 90-luvulla alkanut virrata valtavia määriä synteettisiä huumeita, ja niihin liittyvä rikollisuus räjähti käsiin. Tilanne oli tulosorientoituneelle nuorelle poliisille kuin paratiisi: vaarallisia keikkoja, kovaksikeitettyjä rikollisia, salaisia tiedusteluoperaatioita. Entinen huumepoliisi Mikael Runeberg avaa uransa kovimmat tapaukset ja huumepoliisin arjen. Hän kertoo oman versionsa siitä, kuinka hän päätyi vuonna 2010 Suomen kovimman huumepoliisipomon, Jari Aarnion, alaiseksi. Se päätös koitui hänelle kohtalokkaaksi. Jeanette Björkqvist on palkittu journalisti, joka on työskennellyt pitkään uutistoimittajana ja nyttemmin tehnyt pitkiä ja tutkivia juttuja muun muassa LongPlaylle, Ylelle ja Hufvudstadsbladetille. Hänen esikoisteoksensa Kovat kadut – Ammattirikollisten jäljillä (yhdessä Kenneth Erikssonin kanssa) ilmestyi syksyllä 2020
Nigel Wallis leads you through all the best activities; unwind in the summer with the many parks, gardens and terrace cafés or try a spot of ice-swimming, cross-country skiing or beach hopping around the archipelago. Whenever you go, you will not fail to be captivated by Helsinki, with this guide being the perfect companion.
Finland's Holocaust considers antisemitism and the figure of the Holocaust in today's Finland. Taking up a range of issues - from cultural history, folklore, and sports, to the interpretation of military and national history - this collection examines how the writing of history has engaged and evaded the figure of the Holocaust.
The terms ‘Nordic’ and ‘Scandinavian’ are widely used to refer to the politics, society and culture of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. But why have people felt the need to frame things as Nordic and why has the adjective Nordic become so prominent? This book adopts a rhetorical approach, analysing the speech acts which have shaped the meanings of the term. What do the different terms Nordic and Scandinavian have in common, and how have the uses of these terms changed in different historical periods? What accounts for the apparent upsurge in uses of the rhetoric of Nordicness in the 2010s? Drawing on eight case studies of the uses of Nordic and Scandinavian from the nine...
I den här rapporten beskriver vi insatser för att uppnå snabbare integration av flyktingar och utrikesfödda på arbetsmarknaden i Norden. De exempel som presenteras i rapporten har valts ut av projektets nordiska expertgrupp. I valet av exempel har expertgruppens medlemmar fokuserat på de integrationsinsatser som bedöms ha störst möjlighet att implementeras i grannländerna. Urvalet bygger på kunskap från forskning och rekommendationer från våra nordiska samarbetspartners. I rapporten har vi även strävat efter att kortfattat redogöra för aktuell forskning och kunskap om effektiva åtgärder samt de utmaningar som flyktingar kan möta på arbetsmarknaderna i Norden. Läs mer på
Kirja on osa romani-trilogiaa. Tämä ensimmäinen osa (ilmestyi suomeksi 2012) käsittelee Itä-Euroopan romanien tuloa Suomeen ja tutkii EU:n vapaan liikkuvuuden direktiivin ja ihmisoikeuksien toteutumista romanien lähtö- ja tulomaissa. Romanipolitiikan vaikutuksia arvioidaan kansainvälisen ja kansallisen politiikan tasolla sekä suhteessa katutyötä tekevien romanien arkielämään ja maahanmuuton vaikuttimiin. Toinen osa (2020) keskittyy helsinkiläiseen solidaariseen aktivismiin; kolmas osa tulee antamaan äänen muuttajille itselleen. The book is part of the Roma Trilogy. This first volume (published in Finnish in 2012) considers the arrival of Eastern European Roma in Finland and examines the realisation of the EU’s free movement directive and human rights in countries of departure and arrival. The effects of Roma policies are evaluated on the level of international and national policies, as well as in relation to the everyday lives of Roma street workers and the motives behind migration. The second volume (2020) focuses on solidarity activism in Helsinki; the third volume will give voice to the migrants themselves.
The performance of heritage takes place in prestigious institutions such as museums and archives, in officially sanctioned spaces such as jubilees and public monuments, but also in more mundane, ephemeral and banal cultural practices, such as naming of phenomena, viewing exhibitions or walking in the countryside. This volume examines the performance of Nordic heritage and the shaping of the very idea of Norden in diverse contexts in North America, the Baltic and the Nordic countries and examines the importance of these places as sites for creating and preserving cultural heritage. Offering rich perspectives on a part of Europe which has not been the centre of discussion in the Anglophone world, this volume will be of value to a wide readership, including cultural historians, museum practitioners, policy-makers and scholars of heritage, ethnology and folkloristics.