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Pop-feminist Narratives
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Pop-feminist Narratives

This volume explores the recent phenomenon of 'pop-feminism' and pop-feminist writing across North America, Britain, and Germany and examines what feminist politics look like in the twenty-first century.

Batman Unmasked
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 368

Batman Unmasked

Over the sixty years of his existence, Batman has encountered an impressive array of cultural icons and has gradually become one himself. This acclaimed book examines what Batman means and has meant to the various audiences, groups and communities who have tried to control and interpret him over the decades. Brooker reveals the struggles over Batman's meaning by shining a light on the cultural issues of the day that impacted on the development of the character. They include: patriotic propaganda of the Second World War; the accusation that Batman was corrupting the youth of America by appearing to promote a homosexual lifestyle to the fans of his comics; Batman becoming a camp, pop culture icon through the ABC TV series of the sixties; fans' interpretation of Batman in response to the comics and the Warner Bros. franchise of films.

Multispecies Futures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 238

Multispecies Futures

In light of the dramatic growth and rapid institutionalization of human-animal studies in recent years, it is somewhat surprising that only a small number of publications have proposed practical and theoretical approaches to teaching in this inter- and transdisciplinary field. Featuring eleven original pedagogical interventions from the social sciences and the humanities as well as an epilogue from ecofeminist critic Greta Gaard, the present volume addresses this gap and responds to the demand by both educators and students for pedagogies appropriate for dealing with environmental crises. The theoretical and practical contributions collected here describe new ways of teaching human-animal st...

Into the Groove
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 282

Into the Groove

A new and wide-ranging view of the confluence, since the 1990s, of the fields of contemporary literature and popular music in Germany.

Mad Mädchen
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 270

Mad Mädchen

The last two decades have been transformational, often discordant ones for German feminism, as a new cohort of activists has come of age and challenged many of the movement’s strategic and philosophical orthodoxies. Mad Mädchen offers an incisive analysis of these trans-generational debates, identifying the mother-daughter themes and other tropes that have defined their representation in German literature, film, and media. Author Margaret McCarthy investigates female subjectivity as it processes political discourse to define itself through both differences and affinities among women. Ultimately, such a model suggests new ways of re-imagining feminist solidarity across generational, ethnic, and racial lines.

Max Schmeling and the Making of a National Hero in Twentieth-Century Germany
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 336

Max Schmeling and the Making of a National Hero in Twentieth-Century Germany

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-09-19
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book presents the first in-depth study of the German boxer Max Schmeling (1905-2005) as a national hero and representative figure in Germany between the 1920s and the present day. It explores the complex relationship between sport, culture, politics and national identity and draws on a century of journalism, film, visual art, life writing and fiction. Detailed chapters analyse Schmeling’s emergence as an icon in the Weimar Republic, his association with America, his celebrity status in the Third Reich, and his rivalry with Joe Louis as a focus for an extraordinary propaganda and ideological contest. The book also examines how Schmeling’s post-war success in business associated him with the culture of the ‘zero hour’ nation in the era of ‘economic miracle’, and how he was later claimed as ‘good German’ and moral example for a post-war generation of Germans determined to ‘come to terms’ with the past. This book will appeal to readers with an interest in the history and representation of sport and boxing, in sports discourse and political culture, and in questions of national identity in modern German history.

Readings in the Anthropocene
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 453

Readings in the Anthropocene

Readings in the Anthropocene brings together scholars from German Studies and beyond to interpret the German tradition of the last two hundred years from a perspective that is mindful of the challenge posed by the concept of the Anthropocene. This new age of man, unofficially pronounced in 2000, holds that humans are becoming a geological force in shaping the Earth's future. Among the biggest challenges facing our future are climate change, accelerated species loss, and a radical transformation of land use. What are the historical, philosophical, cultural, literary, and artistic responses to this new concept? The essays in this volume bring German culture to bear on what it means to live in the Anthropocene from a historical, ethical, and aesthetic perspective.

НМК DU 3. [нім.]
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 202

НМК DU 3. [нім.]

“DU-3” є третьою частиною серії навчально-методичних комплексів “DU-3” і призначається для українських студентів-германістів, які навчаються у вищих мовних навчальних закладах на 3-му курсі. “DU-3” складається з підручника і CD з аудіотекстами. Його метою є формування й удосконалення у майбутніх учителів і викладачів німецької мови професійно орієнтованої міжкультурної комунікат...

Soundtrack des Lebens
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 199

Soundtrack des Lebens

Welche Bedeutung hat Musik in verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten und welche Rolle spielt sie im Lebenswerk eines Einzelnen? Wo thematisieren Filme und Filmmusik den «Soundtrack des Lebens»? Der vierte Band der Reihe nimmt unterschiedliche Aspekte der Bedeutung von Musik und Leben aus musikpädagogischer, film- und musikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive in den Blick. Es geht dabei zum einen um die machtvolle Bedeutung von Musik in bestimmten Lebenssituationen am Beispiel biografischer Spielfilme über Musikerpersönlichkeiten, in denen die Musik des Films die Lebensgeschichte der Hauptfigur begleitet und um sogenannte Coming-Of-Age-Filme, deren Soundtrack das Lebensgefühl ihrer Protagonisten widerspiegelt. Zudem andere stehen Lebensläufe ausgewählter Musikerpersönlichkeiten im Fokus der Untersuchungen. Dabei geht es u.a. um die Aufarbeitung «vergessener» filmmusikalischer Biografien (wie im Fall von André Asriel), um die auf den ersten Blick nicht offensichtliche filmmusikalische Karriere (im Fall von George Martin) oder um die besondere Beziehung von Regisseuren wie Hitchcock oder Bergman zur Musik.

Berlin bei Nacht
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 193

Berlin bei Nacht

Durch den Kiez schleicht Nacht für Nacht ein weißer Fuchs. Ein Flaneur spaziert mit einem Müllbeutel in der Hand durch Mitte. Ein Nachtschwärmer sucht vergeblich nach den altvertrauten Orten. Jemand nimmt ein nächtliches Bad in der Spree. Ein anderer wirft einen Blick aus dem Fenster auf das Treiben in der Kastanienallee. In Friedrichshain heißt es: Schlange stehen, um ins Berghain zu gehen. Am Türsteher vorbei. Am Spreeufer setzt die Party-Taliban ihre Waffe ein: dröhnende Musik. Zwei D-Janes flirten mit dem Publikum. Flüchtige Glücksmomente. Tanzflächenglück. Eine Freundschaft schließen, die es ans Tageslicht schafft. Beim Spätkauf die Nacht ausklingen lassen. Und mit den Fr...