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Joyous in the exploration of reading's impossibilities and the mystery of being exposed, there, before the unknown. ~Christopher Fynsk, Director of the Centre for Modern Thought, University of Aberdeen and Dean of Media & Communication, European Graduate School[Given, If, Then] attempts to conceive a possibility of reading, through a set of readings: reading being understood as the relation to an Other that occurs prior to any semantic or formal identification, and, therefore, prior to any attempt at assimilating, or appropriating, what is being read to the one who reads. As such, it is an encounter with an indeterminable Other, an Other who is other than other - an unconditional relation, a...
Poetry from Beyond the Grave is the first English publication of a large selection of poems by the Brazilian medium and Spiritist leader Francisco Cândido “Chico” Xavier. These poems, originally collected in the volume Parnaso de Além-Túmulo, were dictated to Xavier by a variety of spirits of Brazilian poets from the afterlife, as journeying souls or as witnesses of the spiritual city Nosso Lar, “our house.” Poetry from Beyond the Grave is a veritable collection of haunted writing, in which poets present their posthumous work as if they were alive. The brilliant translation by Vitor Pequeno is supplemented by an extensive afterword by Jeremy Fernando, who traces what it means to speak through the other.
"An erudite conversation with the European tradition combines in these poems with often comic interactions between the poetic persona and his neighbours, family, friends, and his dog. Yet they are painfully agnostic about their own range of reference and whether it reaches beyond the confines of the individual soul. This drama is conveyed in clipped lines, equivocal transitions and picaresque narrative that work to mute and dissimulate the joy and despair of self-transcendence. Like the work of another European melancholic of recent memory they have theJesuitstrain injected the wrong way, andthe result is a beautiful, humorous, and strangely topical book." ---John RichardTangney, assistant p...
A comprehensive resource that provides the basic concepts of electric power systems, microeconomics, and optimization techniques Electricity Markets: Theories and Applications offers students and practitioners a clear understanding of the fundamental concepts of the economic theories, particularly microeconomic theories, as well as information on some advanced optimization methods of electricity markets. The authors—noted experts in the field—cover the basic drivers for the transformation of the electricity industry in both the United States and around the world and discuss the fundamentals of power system operation, electricity market design and structures, and electricity market operat...
This book is an attempt to defend the undefendable: the suicide bomber as a figure of thinking, a figure that foregrounds the singularity of each event; and it is this un-understandability-which is part of understanding itself-that the suicide bomber never lets us forget. For, the suicide bomber is the poet par excellence, reminding us of the possibility of an event; not because of the effects of her actions, but due to the gift of her life, and more importantly the unknowability that is her death. And like with poetry, all analysis only makes it worse. In this manner, (s)he remains an unending question for us; a question that even questions itself as a question. And if one maintains the question, one is always already other to everything, other even to one's self. In this way, the gap between the self and the other is maintained such that this space is never taken hostage. For, the moment this space of negotiation is gone, we are in the realm of terror.
In her lecture entitled 'Cosmopolitics: Learning to Think with Sciences, Peoples, Natures', Isabelle Stengers issues a challenge for us to rethink our relationality with the world: to move from an anthropocentric conception - one of her main critiques is the casting of Nature as a "loving mother," as if we are its offspring - to a response to, "with," the unknowability that is Nature; in its, and our, multiplicities. This book offers a reading of the notion of the mother; and, in particular, why Science relies on it. Rifting off, and with, Stengers' notion that the familial, familiar - that naming - is an attempt to tame Nature, this reading opens the possibility that Science's reliance on t...
Writing Art is an attempt to respond to the possibilities of art, the potentialities in art, to the possible event that art is. Keeping in mind that events are always already potentially beyond us, are quite possibly unknown, unknowable. In this book, Jeremy Fernando meditates on art through a response to specifics works, to the specificity of the craft, tekhnē, of each work; offering a reading of specific works of photography (Photovoice sg), poetry (Tammy Ho Lai-Ming), installation art (Charles Lim), film (Tan Chui Mui), conceptual art (ZXEROKOOL), and charcoal drawings (Yanyun Chen). Through writing. For, to write is always also to scribble, to scratch, tear, quite possibly open — and perhaps more importantly, to open the possibility of a relation with another, to the unknowability that is the other. At the risk that this writing causes one to writhe, to be torn, to cry out; even if the very one is himself.
Jeremy Fernando's prose - or perhaps we should say, poetry - builds effortlessly on the traces of deconstructive thought, feminist insights, and transgressive English literature. Being itself only hesitantly devoted to the conventions of academic writing, Fernando manages to show that faith and loyalty, but also doubt and disloyalty, are always co-operative in what is often too hastily expressed with the simple phrase "I love you." In doing so, Fernando's writing captures the essentially beautiful aspect of the hopeful awaiting and the necessary blindness that love, as well as such a writing, engenders, as it seeks to open up to the mysteries of human existence and even of existence as such. This work then, like his others, contains wonderful admissions of affection to the work of Derrida, Cixous, Agamben, Barthes, Bataille, and various identifiable and unidentifiable others, strung together in what finally constitutes a riveting read.
“Different under God is the first substantial, comprehensive and scientific analysis of Christianity in Singapore, covering religious, social and political attitudes. This survey by Terence Chong and Hui Yew-Foong will be enthusiastically welcomed by todays sociologists and historians in the future. An important and timely contribution to the sociology of religion and to the study of Singapore.” —Bryan S. Turner, Presidential Professor of Sociology, the Graduate Centre, the City, University of New York, USA “This is a landmark study of Christianity in Singapore that is sorely needed today, not only to confirm many scholarly guesses, but also to dispel public stereotypes of Christians...