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For a two-semester or a three-quarter calculus-based Introduction to the Mathematics of Statistics course. This classic, calculus-based introduction to the theory - and application - of statistics provides an unusually comprehensive depth and breadth of coverage and reflects the state-of-the-art in statistical thinking, the teaching of statistics, and current practices - including the use of the computer. *NEW - Places greater emphasis on the use of computers in performing statistical calculations. *NEW - Includes new exercises - many of which require the use of a computer. *NEW - Expands coverage of Analysis of Variance to include the two-way analysis-of-variance model with interaction and a discussion of multiple comparisons. *NEW - Adds appendices which summarize the properties of the special probability distributions and density functions that appear in the text. *Places greater emphasis on the use of computers in performing statistical calculations. *Comprehensive coverage of statistical theories. *Features more than 1,100 problems and exercises - divided into theory and applications.
The papers in this volume are the refereed papers presented at AI-2016, the Thirty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, held in Cambridge in December 2016 in both the technical and the application streams. They present new and innovative developments and applications, divided into technical stream sections on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Sentiment Analysis and Recommendation, Machine Learning, AI Techniques, and Natural Language Processing, followed by application stream sections on AI for Medicine and Disability, Legal Liability and Finance, Telecoms and eLearning, and Genetic Algorithms in Action. The volume also includes the text of short papers presented as posters at the conference. This is the thirty-third volume in the Research and Development in Intelligent Systems series, which also incorporates the twenty-fourth volume in the Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems series. These series are essential reading for those who wish to keep up to date with developments in this important field.
In Czechoslovakia, in the 1960s, artists began to realize that the aesthetics of social realism contrasted with the realities of daily life; a movement of film arose in response to the politics and history of the nation. This work collects candid interviews with the creators of the Czech New Wave film movement (1960-2000). Their work put Czech film on the map of world cinema, generating two Oscars for Best Foreign Film, but the official critique marked them as decadent, pessimistic, and reactionary. The work contains sixteen uncensored interviews with filmmakers such as Jan Nemec, Jiri Menzel, Saša Gedeon, and Jan Sverak, who describe the struggle to realize their visions in a constantly sh...
The standard view of the form-meaning interfaces, as embraced by the great majority of contemporary grammatical frameworks, consists in the assumption that meaning can be associated with grammatical form in a one-to-one correspondence. Under this view, composition is quite straightforward, involving concatenation of form, paired with functional application in meaning. In this book, we discuss linguistic phenomena across several grammatical sub-modules (morphology, syntax, semantics) that apparently pose a problem to the standard view, mapping out the potential for deviation from the ideal of one-to-one correspondences, and develop formal accounts of the range of phenomena. We argue that a co...
Comprehensive and attractive, the "Nelles Guides" provide interesting and reliable information on travel destinations from Mexico to Munich. Quality writing, often by native writers, covers information on history, culture, accommodations, restaurants, sights to see and places to shop, as well as special features and festivals.
Děj románu začíná nezvyklou prosbou: vdovec a čerstvý důchodce inženýr Ivan Toman nedokáže odmítnout příteli malou a zároveň podivnou službu – počkat před vězením na ženu, která si tu odpykávala několikaletý trest, a odvést ji na určené místo, kde má bydlet. Jen zdánlivě jde o jeden z dobrých skutků, ke kterým se někdy až lehkovážně zavazujeme. Jenže, co mělo platit, už neplatí, jako mnohdy v životě je všechno jinak, s klíči, které máme, se už nikam nedostaneme. Marcela Křížová je však nejen velmi atraktivní, ale i nadprůměrně inteligentní žena s vysokoškolským vzděláním. Je tak podruhé v životě ve svízelné situaci, protože nyní nemá kam jít. Také Toman je postaven před volbu a tak z jednoho přenocování u něho se stává nocí několik. Jeho soukromí a poklidný život je spíš už jen minulostí. Zároveň je osudy této nevšedně krásné ženy fascinován, utvářejí se mezi nimi bližší vztahy, začínají si důvěřovat a navzájem se svěřovat.
Kristýna Kučerová je vzorná studentka z prominentní učitelské rodiny. O prázdninách nastupuje na brigádu v lese, kterou jí domluvila kamarádka. V krajině pod Sněžkou Kristýna objevuje úplně nový svět, než na jaký byla dosud zvyklá. Navzdory tomu (nebo právě proto) jí Krakonošovo království rychle přiroste k srdci. Zvlášť poté, co se seznámí s mladým traktoristou Romanem Krausem, jehož svět začíná v rodné vsi pod Rýchorami a končí na polesí, kde pracuje. Jen rodiče nesdílí Kristýnino nadšení…