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During recent years, literary texts in electronic and networked media have been a focal point of literary scholarship, using varying terminology. In this book, the contributions of internationally renowned scholars and authors from Germany, USA, France, Finland, Spain and Switzerland review the ruptures and upheavals of literary communication within this context. The articles in the book focus on questions such as: In which literary projects can we discover a new quality of literariness? What are the terminological and methodological means to examine these literatures? How can we productively link the logics of the play of literary texts and their reception in the reading process? What is the relationship of literary writing and programming? With contributions by Jean-Pierre Balpe, Susanne Berkenheger, Friedrich W. Block, Philippe Bootz, Laura Borràs Castanyer, Markku Eskelinen, Frank Furtwängler, Peter Gendolla, Loss Pequeño Glazier, Fotis Jannidis, Thomas Kamphusmann, Mela Kocher, Marie-Laure Ryan, Jörgen Schäfer, Roberto Simanowski and Noah Wardrip-Fruin.
Nadie se atreve ya a negar que Internet está modificando nuestras vidas, pero no únicamente a gran escala, sino en los pequeños quehaceres diarios: la manera de consumir, de relacionarnos, de informarnos, de crear, de aprender, incluso de amar... Como en el resto de áreas del conocimiento y de la cultura, la literatura también ha encontrado su espacio propio en la red, y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) han introducido nuevos cambios en la manera como ésta se crea, se estudia, se enseña y se recibe en nuestros días. La elección de un título como Textualidades electrónicas tiene su origen en la singular alianza surgida entre las palabras y las máquinas y la potente capacidad generativa de posibilidades que nace de la combinación de conceptos tan problemáticos y sólo aparentemente antagónicos. En definitiva, los autores muestran algunos de los escenarios por donde transitan las posibilidades textuales que son objeto de investigación y análisis en este grupo de investigación.
Featuring essays by an international array of literature scholars, this volume examines the challenges and opportunities of teaching literature at Open and Virtual Universities in a wide range of national, cultural and linguistic contexts. It presents cutting-edge explorations of seminal issues, including: literature pedagogy and curriculum building; canon and theory debates; the uses of hypertext and other digital tools for literary instruction; the writing and evaluation of educational material; and the teaching of digital literature. These issues are addressed from various critical and theoretical viewpoints, which reflect the contributors' long educational and administrative involvement ...
Analyses with rare impartiality what sets the Catalans apart from Spain, and how the separatist debate is playing out.
«Aquest és el tercer lliurament de La Catalana de Lletres, una iniciativa de Catalunya Cultura que volia obrir l'emissora al treball del poetes que lluiten per tal de fer sentir la seva veu. Un any més, la resposta aconseguida ha estat la millor alegria rebuda, la constatació d'un projecte que ha arrelat força i que demostra la gran quantitat de poetes que hi ha a casa nostra i la voluntat engrescadora i encomanadissa que demostren a l'hora de participar en iniciatives noves i motivadores.»
Volume 2 of A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula brings to an end this collective work that aims at surveying the network of interliterary relations in the Iberian Peninsula. No attempt at such a comparative history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula has been made until now. In this volume, the focus is placed on images (Section 1), genres (Section 2), forms of mediation (Section 3), and cultural studies and literary repertoires (Section 4). To these four sections an epilogue is added, in which specialists in literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as in the (sub)disciplines of comparative history and comparative literary history, search for links between Volumes 1 and 2 from the point of view of general contributions to the field of Iberian comparative studies, and assess the entire project that now reaches completion with contributions from almost one hundred scholars.
El present volum vol oferir una aproximació al pensament literari, a la poètica, de vint-i-vuit autors i autores del segle XX. Una aproximació contextualitzada en el marc del pensament literari coetani o immediatament anterior, tant a nivell català com d'altres literatures, amb l'objectiu darrer de construir una panoràmica de les idees literàries catalanes al llarg de tot un segle.