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Nutrition and You, MyPlate Edition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 726

Nutrition and You, MyPlate Edition

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. With a new Consumerism chapter, enhanced art and photos, and timely updates, this Second Edition of Nutrition and You personalizes nutrition–helping you make healthy nutrition choices and encouraging you to become an informed consumer of nutrition information. Throughout, each vitamin and mineral are introduced in self-contained spreads, called Visual Summary Tables, that help you learn to identify the key aspects of each nutrient at a glance. You’re encouraged to relate the science of nutrition to your own dietary habits, helping you...

Nutrition and You
  • Language: en

Nutrition and You

Nutrition and You incorporates a personalized approach to readers' nutritional concerns and interests in a readable, engaging, and motivating style. The photos, illustrations, and text present each vitamin and mineral in self-contained spreads, called Visual Summary Tables, that appeal to readers' propensity for visual learning. This format enables readers to identify the key aspects of each nutrient at a glance and in a consistent and easy-to-study format. What Is Nutrition? Tools for Healthy Eating, How The Body Uses the Food and Nutrients You Eat, Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber, Lipids: Fats, Oils, Phospholipids, and Sterols, Proteins and Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals and Water, Alcohol, Weight Management and Disordered Eating, Nutrition and Fitness, Food Safety and Technology, Eating throughout the Lifecycle: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Infants, Eating throughout the Lifecycle: Toddlers through Later Years, Hunger at Home and Abroad For all readers interested in a personal approach to nutrition.

  • Language: en


Bring nutrition into focus with an innovative approach. Nutrition: From Science to You, Second Edition provides the tools you need to understand the science of nutrition and successfully apply it in your personal life and future career. This text personalizes nutritional information to engage you in the subject matter, while retaining the scientific rigor needed for academic success. Innovative pedagogical features aid study and review, illustrate key concepts, hone necessary academic skills, promote improved personal nutrition, highlight the importance of nutrition in overall health, and explore the insights of nutrition scientists and other professionals in the field of nutrition. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience--for you and your students. Here's how: Clarify Tough Topics: Focus Figures, and Visual Chapter Summaries all work together to bring clarity to concepts that are hard to understand. Boost Critical Thinking: Health Connection features, Examining the Evidence features, and Nutrition in Practice case studies encourage students to think critically about nutrition.

Nutrition & You
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 720

Nutrition & You

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-01-18
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  • Publisher: Pearson

For introductory Nutrition courses for Non-Majors. Give students the tools to separate nutrition fact from fiction Nutrition & You provides students with a personalized approach to understanding nutrition, teaching them to become informed consumers of nutrition information. Joan Salge Blake is known for her engaging writing style, where she addresses students directly, uses clear visuals to explain concepts, and captivates students with humor. Blake encourages students to think critically and relate the science of nutrition to their own dietary habits, enabling them to separate fact from fiction and to distinguish high-quality nutrient sources from those of lesser quality. The 5th Edition in...

Nutrition & You
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 723

Nutrition & You

ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase. Used or rental books If you rent or purchase a used book with an acc...

Prevention The Plant-Based Plan
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 226

Prevention The Plant-Based Plan

The editors at Prevention showcase the power of plants with 100 nutritious and tasty plant-based recipes for quick and easy everyday meals with many natural health benefits. It can be impossible to keep all the dietary buzzwords straight, so where does "plant-based" eating fit in? In Prevention The Plant-Based Plan, the brand's trusted health experts offer a definitive approach to plant-based eating plus 100 satisfying and delicious recipes for wholesome meals. This essential cookbook provides: A primer to understand how to incorporate plant-based recipes into your meal planning and lower the ratio of animal products to plants on your plate The option of three eating plans that allows reader...

  • Language: en


NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringNutrition does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringNutrition search for ISBN-10: 0134043227 /ISBN-13: 9780134043227 . That package includes ISBN-10: 0134039424/ /ISBN-13: 9780134039428 and ISBN-10: 0133997456/ISBN-13: 9780133997453. For introductory nutrition courses. A clear and personal approach to nutrition Teaching 21 chapters in a 16 week course can be a challenge. Do you often find that you can't cover the last few chapters of your text? With Blake, Nutrition: From Science to You, Brief Edition, you now have the perfect table of contents that meets your course goal...

The Urgency of Awareness
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 138

The Urgency of Awareness

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-03-25
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This is the book that will help you understand and navigate our increasingly diverse world. Instead of recognizing and celebrating our differences, we often feel separated from one another. We have not learned to bridge the understanding of how our unique individual experiences cause us to see the world through differing lenses. Illustrated with powerful life stories from the late Allison Boisvert, Jodi Pfarr's The Urgency of Awareness offers readers keys to increase understanding and improve individual interactions, policies, and practices in our organizations. Ultimately, these powerful yet easily digestible chapters will encourage healthier engagement between people with differing identities, from individual to community level. Discussion questions throughout the book invite readers to consider how the lens of societal experiences affect interactions. These prompts could be utilized in varied settings such as family discussions, book groups, or staff meetings. The Urgency of Awareness equips readers to embrace a broader understanding of the diversity in our world to support healthy human interactions at every level of life.

Nutrition and You
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 624

Nutrition and You

ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase. Used or rental books If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code. Access codes Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase. --

Nutrition and You
  • Language: en

Nutrition and You

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-01-12
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  • Publisher: Unknown
