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A proteção do consumidor, face ao caráter enganoso e agressivo que a publicidade pode assumir, encontra-se atualmente prevista na Diretiva 2005/29/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 11 de maio de 2005, relativa às práticas comerciais desleais, que veio regular as relações entre consumidores e empresas neste domínio, privilegiando a proteção dos seus interesses económicos. Esta Diretiva institui um quadro jurídico que prevê e sanciona um conjunto de proibições - práticas comerciais desleais - definindo critérios para essa aferição e estabelecendo um nível de harmonização plena. A Diretiva 2005/29/CE tem ainda aplicação ao setor digital, onde se incluem novos formatos da comunicação comercial, como seja a publicidade através dos influenciadores digitais. As alterações introduzidas pela Diretiva 2019/2161 procuram dar resposta a algumas das preocupações identificadas na sua aplicação, em especial no setor digital.
This is a wide-ranging and persuasive book written by an undisputed expert. Beginning with a broad history of the Universe, Earth, Life, and Man, it considers the origins and rise of science and technology, before moving on to discuss the present state of the world and its/our possible futures. Humans on Earth then addresses the main challenges for social and economic development in the 21st century in the context of global change. It presents a detailed but non-technical analysis of questions relating to climate change, our dependence on fossil fuels, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, desertification, and air, water, soil, and ocean pollution, as well as problems related to overpopulatio...
O suicídio é uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo. A OMS tem-se preocupado em prevenir este fenómeno que é hoje um problema global. Portugal acompanha o panorama internacional neste contexto, com uma taxa que ronda os 10 suicídios por 100 000 habitantes, valor que está abaixo da média europeia. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é o de procurar identificar a realidade nacional neste domínio em termos de distribuição geográfica ao longo da extensão da costa marítima portuguesa, analisando, especificamente, a situação do Domínio Público Marítimo, comparando os resultados com o restante território. São analisados dados do INE por concelho (entre 2000 e 2014) e da...
Being a first of its kind, this volume comprises a multi-disciplinary exploration of Mozambique’s contemporary and historical dynamics, bringing together scholars from across the globe. Focusing on the country’s vibrant cultural, political, economic and social world – including the transition from the colonial to the postcolonial era – the book argues that Mozambique is a country still emergent, still unfolding, still on the move. Drawing on the disciplines of history, literature studies, anthropology, political science, economy and art history, the book serves not only as a generous introduction to Mozambique but also as a case study of a southern African country. Contributors are: Signe Arnfred, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen, José Luís Cabaço, Ana Bénard da Costa, Anna Maria Gentili, Ana Margarida Fonseca, Randi Kaarhus, Sheila Pereira Khan, Maria Paula Meneses, Lia Quartapelle, Amy Schwartzott, Leonor Simas-Almeida, Anne Sletsjøe, Sandra Sousa, Linda van de Kamp.
A Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, fundada em 2001, é uma revista de periodicidade anual, cujos artigos são sujeitos a avaliação prévia por parte de uma comissão de arbitragem externa. Publica textos de natureza histórica (desde a Antiguidade à Época Contemporânea), noticiário de atividades científicas e recensões críticas de livros. Aceita artigos de investigadores integrados e de colaboradores do Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura da FCT, bem como de quaisquer outros historiadores externos à instituição, estimulando especialmente a participação de todos aqueles que, de qualquer modo, mantêm colaboração ou desenvolvem atividades em rede com o ...
Toxicological Risk Assessment and Multisystem Health Impacts From Exposure highlights the emerging problems of human and environmental health attributable to cumulative and multiple sources of long-term exposure to environmental toxicants. The book describes the cellular, biological, immunological, endocrinologic, genetic, and epigenetic effects of long-term exposure. It examines how the combined exposure to nanomaterials, metals, pharmaceuticals, multifrequency radiation, dietary mycotoxins, and pesticides accelerates ecotoxicity in humans, animals, plants, and the larger environment. The book goes on to also offer insights into mixture risk assessments, protocols for evaluating the risks, ...
This book contains the summaries of the "Innovation in Pharmacy: Advances and Perspectives" that took place in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2018. The early science of chemistry and microbiology were the source of most drugs until the revolution of genetic engineering in the mid 1970s. Then biotechnology made available novel protein agents such as interferons, blood factors and monoclonal antibodies that have changed the modern pharmacy. Over the past year, a new pharmacy of oligonucleotides has emerged from the science of gene expression such as RNA splicing and RNA interference. The ability to design therapeutic agents from genomic sequences will transform treatment for many diseases. The...
This book provides a holistic perspective on coastal dunes, highlighting new insights into present-day challenges to show that narratives, along with numbers, graphics, and computer models, have a role to play in climate change science, policymaking, and citizenship awareness. Adopting a cross-disciplinary approach, this book combines fiction, history, and science, to discuss past, present, and future ways of living in coastal areas. Dunes are hybrid environments, a combination of natural elements and human agency; they tell stories of values, traditional wisdom, institutions, empires, technology, vulnerabilities, coastal management, adaptation, and sustainability. Drawing on the past, Joana...
As the first book of its kind, Nancy Lee Harper’s Portuguese Piano Music: An Introduction and Annotated Bibliography fills the gap in the historical record of Portuguese piano music from its start in the 18th century to the present. While although Spanish piano music is well documented owing to the reputation of such composers as Isaac Albéniz, Enrique Granados, and Manuel de Falla, our knowledge of compositions in the tradition of Portuguese piano music has not fared as well, barring the work of Carlos Seixas (1704–1742). This obscurity, however, reflects poorly on the history of early piano music in light of the many compositions written for fortepiano on behalf of the Portuguese cour...